Bin Laden is dead

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why no picures?

why dispose of the body at sea?

i am not buying it
We had one of the photos on our TV news. Sure looked like the bastard to me! Great choice to get rid of him at sea so there is no place for his misguided followers to find a focus. :asian:

No wonder he was irritated about the 'silly distractions', knowing what was
at stake.

Yes, I know - the Seal Teams and our intelligence/military teams deserve _every_
bit of respect and thanks from a grateful people. They did this astonishing task.

Anyway - this made me smile on a very serious day. If our soldiers executed their mission expertly, so did the Pres and administration planners. Not one drop of leak on Sunday, when the operation planning was rolling. Not a single leak, not a whisper, in Washington! - since last August, when the possibility of a serious opportunity to get binLaden emerged.

His mission was mind-numbingly intense: decide. Pres. evaluated the intelligence, then gave the 'go'. If his judgment was lousy, if he had read it wrong... well, you can write that scene. dead and wounded US warriors, international catastrophe, foreign policy implosion, Carter to the 1,000th power and a massive chorus of FAIL, plus a blot he would never ever remove from his presidency. oh, and guaranteed 2012 loss.

And if he gave a No and we missed this chance and someone leaked ? (and you know someone would have). what would your favorite bloggers call the pres. who failed to even try?

our soldiers/intelligence corp exemplified courage and exceptional expertise. plus unwavering commitment despite no guarantee of outcome.
Like him or no, so did the President.
with respect, A
And if he gave a No and we missed this chance and someone leaked ? (and you know someone would have). what would your favorite bloggers call the pres. who failed to even try?
Bush? :D
Obama didnt do ****, Jeff, except carry on what Bush started.

But, as it always is, the guy in the big chair gets the blame or the credit, weather they deserve it or not
Maybe he asked Oprah if he should do the mission or not, or perhaps relaxing out on the links he was able to give the go order. Or, as he was playing basketball, he gathers all the guys up and asks them "let's say I have a friend, and it's not me, but this friend of mine has a shot to give the go order to kill Osama Bin Laden, what would you guys do?" Do you think it happened like that?
Kind of a funny story...
I walked into my usual morning convenience store, and my buddy who works there, (From Nepal), says, "Hey, my friend...Obama is dead!!
I said something along the lines of, "Your effing kidding me!!" He showed me the paper and I had to explain to him, the difference.
Guess ya had to be there...
that's what the president does - he decides. and then gives an order other people must obey, to put that decision into action.

George Bush gets ridiculed for his style of speaking but he was spot on.
the president is the decider. thats why he gets the big office and all those people to give him information, advice, options, contingencies.

some of GWB's decisions have been almost irrevocable: once made (Iraq, Afghanistan 2.0, bail-outs) they have such momentum they are virtually unstopable and nearly unchangeable. Obama has learned this unforgiving lesson.

this decision was the most clearly lethal of any Obama has made so far: if YES, extreme risk of catastrophic failure - not due to our teams but because of the uncontrolable context (aka Obama's judgment is fatally flawed, not up to the job, etc.) ; if NO, extreme risk of administration failure when people learned he let chance go by, (aka Obama is a chicken-****/weak/wimp/embarasment). Both failures equal presidential humiliation and loss in 2012.

I have respect for people who make decisions under inconceivable pressure. even presidents i disagree with.
respectfully, A
Obama didnt do ****, Jeff, except carry on what Bush started.

But, as it always is, the guy in the big chair gets the blame or the credit, weather they deserve it or not
With that brilliant logic we can all rest knowing Bush didn't do a ****ing thing either.
I'm glad President Obama committed to keeping our troops in theatre.

I'm glad the SEALs had a successful op. I think I need to borrow Archangel's wording of grimly satisfied.

I'm disgusted that UBL took a coward's way out.

Counterterrorism chief John Brennan told reporters that while bin Laden had vowed to go down fighting, in his last moments alive the master terrorist hid behind a woman.
The woman who bin Laden tried to use as a human shield was killed in the U.S. raid, Brennan said. Whether she shielded him willingly is not known.

Brennan said the woman was one of bin Laden's wives, but defense officials said it wasn't clear whether the woman was a bin Laden wife.

But its not over. More are leaving for Afghanistan in just a few days.
Other opportunities had occured in the past. The guy in the hot seat said 'no' those times. The reasons, we will never fully know. Not certain, too much risk to our troops or civilians, and so on.

This time, it was 'yes'. The pressure of being in that seat, ages those who sit in it. I watched as Bush Sr, Clinton, Dubya and Obama all aged 10 years within months of taking office. I watched them get 'younger' after leaving office.

We can hate the politics, we can dislike the people, but that seat, out of all of them, is the hottest in the country.

Right now, everyone in the world wants to know "Howd they do it?"

I don't believe a word of what's coming out now. The head is gone. Everyone in the command structure of Al Quida just got a promotion. The job of our troops, and our allies troops now, is to implement a "rapid promote from within" policy for them.

Because we want to minimize their bringing in 'outside talent'.
how much you wanna bet someone tossed a slice or two of bacon into that shroud before they dumped it over the side?
Official FBI notice.


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Other opportunities had occured in the past. The guy in the hot seat said 'no' those times. The reasons, we will never fully know. Not certain, too much risk to our troops or civilians, and so on.

This time, it was 'yes'. The pressure of being in that seat, ages those who sit in it. I watched as Bush Sr, Clinton, Dubya and Obama all aged 10 years within months of taking office. I watched them get 'younger' after leaving office.

We can hate the politics, we can dislike the people, but that seat, out of all of them, is the hottest in the country.

Right now, everyone in the world wants to know "Howd they do it?"

I don't believe a word of what's coming out now. The head is gone. Everyone in the command structure of Al Quida just got a promotion. The job of our troops, and our allies troops now, is to implement a "rapid promote from within" policy for them.

Because we want to minimize their bringing in 'outside talent'.
Indeed... there's going to be a lot of made up stuff going around and it'll be hard to sort fact from fancy. I'll just accept the fact that he's dead and we're going to need to be careful in the coming months for possible increased attacks or attempts.
The rumor about a nuclear bomb being hidden in Europe somewhere ... :idunno: scare-tactic? It would seem to me more logical to plant one in an American city rather than an European... if there was/is one and if it's set off then it'll bring the Euros into the fray and honestly I don't think those terrorists are THAT stupid.
Everything is I suppose at a wait and see. To now focus on taking advantage of this success and breaking up the Al Queda network before it solidifies around the new head man... something akin to Iolaus burning the stumps after Heracles cut off one of the heads. We can learn a lot from Greek mythology I think.
They gave lots of reasons for disposing of him at sea: all good. No accusations of desecrating the body, no burial "Shrine" for the martyr, buried before sunset, in keeping with Islamic law-this last will be questioned by some Islamic scholars, because it was at sea-on the other hand, I'd like to have seen him dessicated, ground up and used as filler in the porcelain for urinals at the new bldg. at ground zero, but that's me.........

And I imagine the most sanitary of pictures will be forthcoming, along with testimony on the DNA evidence (DHS kept his sister's brain!!)

See why I like this guy?
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