Bin Laden's Death... The Other Viewpoints


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
While Americans were celebrating Osama Bin Laden's death, forming cheering crowds near the White House and Manhattan's Ground Zero, supporters of jihad both on the ground and on-line had a very different take on the terror leader's death.
An official of Hamas, the Palestinian militant group that runs Gaza, condemned the killing, telling reporters that Bin Laden was "an Arab holy warrior." The Pakistani Taliban threatened retaliation against the U.S. and Pakistani officials.
As Sahab, Al Qaeda's media arm, did not immediately release a statement following President Obama's announcement of Bin Laden's death, leaving regulars on a popular pro-jihadi web forum called Ana Muslim (I Am Muslim) unsure whether to believe Bin Laden was gone.
Some Ana Muslim's readers didn't want to accept the initial reports of his death because of the source, warning others not to trust the "reports of the Western media," and counseling that supporters of jihad should wait for a statement from the mujahideen.

But others were already looking ahead, to jihad after the death of its best known leader.

"Another lion will take Osama's place," wrote one poster, reassuring his comrades. "We are all Osama."

In Kandahar, Afghanistan, the birthplace of the Taliban, a Reuters reporter talked to a man who said that Bin Laden's death had only made him stronger.

"Now he is the number one martyr for Al Qaeda," said the man. "Now he will become a fire that Muslims will follow for generations."

Now the question remains of not IF but when and where?
We can be vigilant, watchful and probably have MORE security imposed upon us and thus my concern that security measures will be tightened down even more so.
I plan to eventually travel across country and hope I can do so without undue impediment. But I would not be surprised to see check points scattered throughout the major cities. Will I need to obtain travel papers and such?

One wonders.
then i guess we will have to keep killling the mother****ers, or they can grow up and realize that they will never be allowed to take over the world
:nods for both Caver and TF:

I'm not so sure about the killing part, John but I'm not blind to the necessity of showing 'the sword' when 'the pen' just will not do.

As I have said on previous occasions in various contexts, who knows what wonders have passed out of the world for lack of the strength to preserve them.

What Caver is saying bears thinking on. If you lose what you are fighting in the name of, by the measures you take to carry out the fight, what have you won?
If you lose what you are fighting in the name of, by the measures you take to carry out the fight, what have you won?

the right to keep breathing

to quote Mr Spock:
it is easier for you as civilized men to act like barbarians than it was for them, as barbarians to act like civilized men

the point is, we can get all medievel on them, and go back to knitting class after

they never will. they do not have it in them to act civilized, so either they grow up, or we kill them, or they kill us.
the right to keep breathing

to quote Mr Spock:
it is easier for you as civilized men to act like barbarians than it was for them, as barbarians to act like civilized men

the point is, we can get all medievel on them, and go back to knitting class after

they never will. they do not have it in them to act civilized, so either they grow up, or we kill them, or they kill us.

But it does have a lot to do with the definition of civilized and WHO'S definition it is.
They see us as infidels because we do not follow their God/laws/et al. Their leaders have a wholly separate agenda that doesn't even involve religion.
If I recall... Osama was simply mad at the U.S. after we withdrew aid once the Soviets were kicked out of Afghanistan he twisted his anger and resentment to a religious cause. Others picked up on it and fueled the fire by joining him for whatever their reasons are. So as mentioned the beat will go on.
But I doubt that we will completely eliminate terrorism altogether because it comes in so many faces.
It may turn to a fact that if America is ever invaded that we (everyday average citizens) will be called insurgents and terrorists when we fight back against the invaders.
Thing is that with Osama's death it opens another can of worms and I fear it will make things pretty dark here for a while.
no matter what happens, we will never cut off people's heads for praying to a different GOD

thats why we are better
If you keep killing the leaders, eventually you're going to see a degradation in their capabilities. It stands to reason that if they were the most qualified to run the organization they already would have been. We're not going to get every single one of the "Death to America" crowd, but maybe we can whittle them down until all that remains are the ones who burn their lips when blowing up a bus.
Unfortunately, terrorism by radicals is like the mythical Hydra. You cut off one head and two more grow. That is not to say that you shouldn't cut of a head here and there but, like Heracles, you need to cauterise the wound. How you do that is the question. The weakness of the Hydra was that only one of its heads was immortal. What remains to be seen is .... was Bin Laden's the immortal head?

Either way, even if Al-qaeda dies with Bin Laden, the success of 9/11 and other atrocities has forever changed the modus operandi of the radical organisations. The world is not the same now as it was 15 years ago and we must adapt to the new realities. :asian:
totally agree.

bin laden was just a man with money and contacts and foot soldiers

bush cut off his money, and destroyed his networks and killed his foot soldiers

he was really just a figure head at this point, and the next guy will step up, and we will kill him, and so on and so on

but we can never go back to a pre-911 mind set

the airports will have to remain a pain in the ***.

saying otherwise is naive in the extreem
but we can never go back to a pre-911 mind set

the airports will have to remain a pain in the ***.

saying otherwise is naive in the extreem

What about train stations? Bus stations? Malls? Reservoirs? Food distribution centers? Water treatment plants? Bridges and tunnels? Ports and container shipping centers?

All soft targets. All extremely vulnerable, and damaging if attacked.

The threat will never be over. Do we lock down our country into a police state to avoid the danger? Forever?
What about train stations? Bus stations? Malls? Reservoirs? Food distribution centers? Water treatment plants? Bridges and tunnels? Ports and container shipping centers?

All soft targets. All extremely vulnerable, and damaging if attacked.

The threat will never be over. Do we lock down our country into a police state to avoid the danger? Forever?

To quote the wartime posters 'Keep calm and carry on'.

If you don't the terrorists have won, we've been under threat of bombings, shootings and general mayhem since 1969. We've got through the Germans bombing us too by not running around like headless chickens. You have to say to yourselves, we won't change the way we live, we will carry on as normal, we will be more observant and we will keep an eye out but whatever happens our way of life will not change, we will not be scared in to locking ourselves into the countrywide equivilant of a panic room. Take precautions of course but don't go overboard.
To quote the wartime posters 'Keep calm and carry on'.

If you don't the terrorists have won, we've been under threat of bombings, shootings and general mayhem since 1969. We've got through the Germans bombing us too by not running around like headless chickens. You have to say to yourselves, we won't change the way we live, we will carry on as normal, we will be more observant and we will keep an eye out but whatever happens our way of life will not change, we will not be scared in to locking ourselves into the countrywide equivilant of a panic room. Take precautions of course but don't go overboard.
A great lesson to learn from the English... who HAVE suffered greatly during WWII and since then. :asian:
You know what, there is most likely no surprise that I do not like Obama, but damn this is ridiculous, I just started reading now about how there are groups all pissed off that they used the codename GERONIMO for Osama in the raid, and announced "Geronimo EKIL" when he was dead. People are in an uproar...
wtf people
its a military action its not some politically correct teaparty for the an old ladies church group.
This has become nonsense. It needs to be let go and we need to move, way to much energy is being spent on reporting about this, and reporting about all the intricacies of the details, before during and after.
I am kind of disgusted at all the groupd throwing fits, bitching, complaining, demanding more...
the ****ing guy is dead, we killed him. stop giving him the airtime and the fame and m ove on to the next matter at hand already.
I am so sick of the nonsense its not even funny.
You know what, there is most likely no surprise that I do not like Obama, but damn this is ridiculous, I just started reading now about how there are groups all pissed off that they used the codename GERONIMO for Osama in the raid, and announced "Geronimo EKIL" when he was dead. People are in an uproar...
wtf people
its a military action its not some politically correct teaparty for the an old ladies church group.
This has become nonsense. It needs to be let go and we need to move, way to much energy is being spent on reporting about this, and reporting about all the intricacies of the details, before during and after.
I am kind of disgusted at all the groupd throwing fits, bitching, complaining, demanding more...
the ****ing guy is dead, we killed him. stop giving him the airtime and the fame and m ove on to the next matter at hand already.
I am so sick of the nonsense its not even funny.

Yep, I've said it before and I'll say it again... the PC nonsense of this planet has gone ABOVE and BEYOND common sense. Hell, I can be offended that you're offended by these people who are offended.

but I'm not... I'm on your side of the fence... and damned glad to be there.

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