Bin Laden is dead

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Yeah, if you read the book, "Courting Disaster," the author discusses that once they had waterboarded Khalid Sheik Mohammed, and he reached his level of resistance, he started singing like a bird. He started giving lectures to C.I.A. personel on the complete structure of al queda. It

The author, Marc Thiessen, was George W. Bush's speechwriter. :rolleyes:
Who had real access to the C.I.A. interogators who were involved with interrogating the three terrorists.
Who had real access to the C.I.A. interogators who were involved with interrogating the three terrorists.

Actually, no. What he had was locked room access to their notes for a speech he was preparing for Bush to justify "harsh-interrogation techniques." On the other hand, the primary interrogator of KSM has publicly and repeatedly stated that he didn't need "harsh interrogation techniques." More to the point, there's a great deal of evidence that the "harsh interrogation techniques" were used elsewhere, on more than just "the three terrorists."
the prosecuter of the blind sheik was andrew McCarthy, not andrew sullivan, I always get their names mixed up. McCarthy is one of the guys who is really against civillian trials, having conducted the one against the blind sheik.
the prosecuter of the blind sheik was andrew McCarthy, not andrew sullivan, I always get their names mixed up. McCarthy is one of the guys who is really against civillian trials, having conducted the one against the blind sheik.

Racist. :lfao:
Either you are against torture or you are for it. Either we as a country do torture or we don't. If even one person is tortured then we are now in the wrong and committed a crime. One for which we have prosecuted both our own citizens and other countries citizens for doing the EXACT SAME THING. Given that tons of intilegence experts, including those that teach our own troops to resist torture, say torture is not effective as an itilegence gathering tool, perhaps it is time to let go of the myth torture is anything othe than a crime. By the way, if you look at how they found bin Laden, you wil see that torture was not used. Yes, information was gained from prisoners in Guantonomo, but it was not given under torture. More BS from the blow hards that can't give credit where credit is due.
According to a U.S. official, the U.S. first learned of the nickname in 2003. The information came out of the CIA's interrogation program, though officials insist it did not come from waterboarding.
The following year, a detainee said bin Laden trusted the courier to carry his messages. The claim was run by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, key architect of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, and he downplayed the courier's importance, claiming he was retired and out of the business. Another detainee also claimed not to know him.
However, the strength of the denials was seen as a red flag by the CIA since other detainees were consistently claiming the courier had a close relationship with bin Laden.
Sigh, you don't get Ethics do you?

Nor do you understand the best way to gather reliable intel.

Ha, British....ethics...ha ha!!! Bloody Sunday mean anything to you? The Guildford four mean anything to you? I know of too many women beaten by British paras in the North, some even pregnent for you to preach ethics. Oh, I'm sorry, the Brits don't do anythng like that, do they Irene?
Which is neither right, nor left, for the last time, and has-in its incarnations so far-had elements of both.
Please make Irene aware of this. Irene is upset that there are right wingers and conservatives on this forum, but she doesn't mind the leftys. Me thinks she slants to the left!
I have a rep., Peter king, on the Homeland security committe who says he was waterboarded, and you have nameless obamaites who are against gitmo and waterboarding and military tribunals who say he wasn't. Who is telling the truth?
Yeah, if you read the book, "Courting Disaster," the author discusses that once they had waterboarded Khalid Sheik Mohammed, and he reached his level of resistance, he started singing like a bird. He started giving lectures to C.I.A. personel on the complete structure of al queda. It took the waterboarding to get to the tea and bicuits point. Before that, he didn't say anything. Apparently, I think this was from the author or from an interview I heard with the andrew sullivan, the attorney who prosecuted the blind Sheik, not the guy who attacks Palin all the time, he said that these guys are only required to resist to the point where they believe they have done their utmost in resisting. Once that point is reached, they can spill their gut. They believe that at that point, even if they do tell their secrets, it won't matter because allah is going to give them victory anyway.

So, they broke him with the water boarding, and then he was able to go on and have tea and dates, some torture.

You're speaking to an extremely ideological crowd Bill! The former head of the bi Laden unit, michael Schuer also advocated waterboarding, but because Jeff doesn't agree with him, so he just dismisses him as crazy.
If you mention anyone, ANYONE with any credibility who advocates waterboarding, they'l be lambasted as partisan or crazy.
You're speaking to an extremely ideological crowd Bill! The former head of the bi Laden unit, michael Schuer also advocated waterboarding, but because Jeff doesn't agree with him, so he just dismisses him as crazy.
If you mention anyone, ANYONE with any credibility who advocates waterboarding, they'l be lambasted as partisan or crazy.

Odd. In that same thread, I mentioned that I'd met Mr. Schuer, called him brilliant, but crazy, and proved him to be a liar. To which you acceded, and called him a sad man

Odd, that you call that "dismissal." :rolleyes:
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Keep the personal shots out, or you're going to see a growing number of locked threads, and a series of moratoriums on topics issued.
Odd. In that same thread, I mentioned that I'd met Mr. Schuer, called him brilliant, but crazy, and proved him to be a liar. To which you acceded, and called him a sad man

Odd, that you call that "dismissal." :rolleyes:
I did indeed, and I had to go back to that threadm in order to remember Michael Schuer's name. I just think that sometimes you discredit some in order to just prove an ideological point. Panetta was in an interview with Brian Willians today and admitted that advanced interrogation techniques including waterboarding gave the uS valuable intel which ultimately lead to the death of Bin Laden. I'm sure you're going to try to discredit him.
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