Yeah, if you read the book, "Courting Disaster," the author discusses that once they had waterboarded Khalid Sheik Mohammed, and he reached his level of resistance, he started singing like a bird. He started giving lectures to C.I.A. personel on the complete structure of al queda. It took the waterboarding to get to the tea and bicuits point. Before that, he didn't say anything. Apparently, I think this was from the author or from an interview I heard with the andrew sullivan, the attorney who prosecuted the blind Sheik, not the guy who attacks Palin all the time, he said that these guys are only required to resist to the point where they believe they have done their utmost in resisting. Once that point is reached, they can spill their gut. They believe that at that point, even if they do tell their secrets, it won't matter because allah is going to give them victory anyway.
So, they broke him with the water boarding, and then he was able to go on and have tea and dates, some torture.