Bin Laden is dead

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Rep. Peter King on O'reilly said that we got the codename from waterboarding Khalid. If that is the case, should Obama have used that intel. to go after the house in Pakistan?

And it doesn't worry you that someone in a position of trust as presumably this man is, can't keep his country's security secrets?
And it doesn't worry you that someone in a position of trust as presumably this man is, can't keep his country's security secrets?

If he is even in the know...

Then again, a blow hard like that can light a brush fire...
You folks really think that the US gov. is now using the "Comic Book Villians" play book and outing all their info?
You folks really think that the US gov. is now using the "Comic Book Villians" play book and outing all their info?

Sometimes a small unimportant politician gets hold of some info and has to make it public to show what a big person they really are even if they have to make the info up!
Rep. Peter King on O'reilly said that we got the codename from waterboarding Khalid. If that is the case, should Obama have used that intel. to go after the house in Pakistan?

Well, he's yet another liar about the intel obtained from KSM. Deuce Martinez was the principle interrogator of this man, and frowned on torture.

We covered all of this two years ago, here. And the year before that. And the year before that.

Waterboarding doesn't work. Kind words, figs and tea do. So simple. Here's an interview with Deuce Martinez.
Sometimes a small unimportant politician gets hold of some info and has to make it public to show what a big person they really are even if they have to make the info up!

LOL, what some people think can pass for 'the truth' does sometimes astonish me.
I mean, you ever played that game when you whisper something in a person's ear and by the time it makes the round it more often than not doesn't resemble the original word anymore?
It's a small jump for a well trained conclusion to go from 'gained from interrogation' to 'we used water boarding'....

And even if it was true, I'd be damned (and ashamed) if I were to repeat that on record, on air...
Tez, Facism is the name Mussolini gave to his brand of socialism, and it was embraced by the international socialists to distinguish themselves from the national socialists like Mussolini and Hitler. So, really, I, of all people am not a fan of Fascism or any other type of socialism. I am an American conservative who votes republican, which means I believe in individual rights, limited government, a government hedged in by substantial checks and balances, and I believe in free market capitalism. So, you would be more accurate if you said that, for example, Obama is closer to fascism than say Rush Limbaugh is. Nationalizing healthcare, student loans, the car companies are all more fascist/socialist than not doing those things.

If you are going to accuse me of something try to be a little more accurate. Thanks. Glad you're back, by the way.:angel:
LOL, what some people think can pass for 'the truth' does sometimes astonish me.
I mean, you ever played that game when you whisper something in a person's ear and by the time it makes the round it more often than not doesn't resemble the original word anymore?
It's a small jump for a well trained conclusion to go from 'gained from interrogation' to 'we used water boarding'....

And even if it was true, I'd be damned (and ashamed) if I were to repeat that on record, on air...

Yep. Military joke from First World War.

Officer at the front sends the message to HQ by messengers, it starts as 'send reinforcements we are going to advance' by the time it reaches HQ it's 'send three and fourpence we are going to a dance'.

Torture, waterboarding etc is not only unacceptable it's useless for gaining reliable info but people who are happy with torture ( unless it's them on the receiving end) need to justify their beliefs and seek to shout down those who know it's immoral and doesn't work!

Allowing torture 'by law' can be a thin end of the wedge, you can have a government bring in more and more stringent liberty reducing laws for the 'people's safety' and before you know it, well Nazi Germany comes to mind. It's like the old science story/experiment of when you put a frog into hot water he will jump out but if you place him in cold water and gradually heat it to boiling he dies because he hasn't realised what was happening. We always need to be on our guard that our governments aren't putting us into cold water with a heater underneath!
Tez, Facism is the name Mussolini gave to his brand of socialism, and it was embraced by the international socialists to distinguish themselves from the national socialists like Mussolini and Hitler. So, really, I, of all people am not a fan of Fascism or any other type of socialism. I am an American conservative who votes republican, which means I believe in individual rights, limited government, a government hedged in by substantial checks and balances, and I believe in free market capitalism. So, you would be more accurate if you said that, for example, Obama is closer to fascism than say Rush Limbaugh is. Nationalizing healthcare, student loans, the car companies are all more fascist/socialist than not doing those things.

If you are going to accuse me of something try to be a little more accurate. Thanks. Glad you're back, by the way.:angel:

Don't start all that again, your views on 'socialism' are off kilter. It was all this right wing hate the left nonsense that made me stay away mostly. It spoils the site if you can't have a discussion without everything being the fault of socialists who you deem are everybody who isn't you with your views. For crying out loud you thought 'True Blue to the right of Genghis Khan' Maggie Thatcher was a socialist! The constant repetition of something doesn't make it true.
I don't remember saying thatcher was a socialist, besides, you said I supported fascism, simply setting the record straight.
and I believe in free market capitalism.

It's the lack of regulation of free market capitalism that is leading this country into fascism:

a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
: a tendency toward

Which is neither right, nor left, for the last time, and has-in its incarnations so far-had elements of both.

Very soon Chevron, GM, GE and others will buy our debt from China, and we'll be under a fascist regime.
I don't remember saying thatcher was a socialist, besides, you said I supported fascism, simply setting the record straight.

No I said you were in love with it. What you write is a love letter to fascism, look at the torture issue, you think it's fine to torture people. Your country could be in danger of becoming a fascist state if you don't keep a close watch on your rights which you seem keen to give away such as the right not to be tortured, rights concerning being held prisoner without a trial etc. These things grow and can encompass everyone, before you know it the laws that were meant to protect you from terrorists mean you are the one being woken at four in the morning by the police to be taken for interrogation.

and many many posts ago you said our Maggie was a socialist, I remember because it still makes me laugh.
Actually, I don't support torture, I do support waterboarding specific radical islamic terrorists if it is possible the information could save lives or perhaps, lead us to killing Bin Laden. I would not water board american citizens, american criminals or legitimate prisoners of war. I would not even water board the average run of the mill murdering terrorist. We waterboarded 3 guys, all high ranking leaders, they were not physically harmed and were fine after the water boarding. It gave us bin laden and stopped other innocent people from being killed. Hardly a supporting of torture. However, by not waterboarding these guys, one could say you are able to live with the innocents not being saved because that would be the actual result. It would keep you concience clear though.

the definition is off Elder, do I need to bring out my economists again?
HOw we killed bin laden from Human Events:

from the article:

U.S. intelligence first learned of the “trusted courier” who led us to bin Laden in 2003. Guantanamo Bay inmates provided key information under the influence of both regular and “enhanced” interrogation.

In other words, the information that led to bin Laden’s death was developed in direct contradiction to the way liberals think terrorist detainees should have been treated all along.
Actually, I don't support torture, I do support waterboarding specific radical islamic terrorists if it is possible the information could save lives or perhaps, lead us to killing Bin Laden. I would not water board american citizens, american criminals or legitimate prisoners of war. I would not even water board the average run of the mill murdering terrorist. We waterboarded 3 guys, all high ranking leaders, they were not physically harmed and were fine after the water boarding. It gave us bin laden and stopped other innocent people from being killed. Hardly a supporting of torture. However, by not waterboarding these guys, one could say you are able to live with the innocents not being saved because that would be the actual result. It would keep you concience clear though.

the definition is off Elder, do I need to bring out my economists again?


Considering that we have lost a considerable amount of protection thanks to 'The Patriot Act' in terms of our civil liberties and protection from undue intrusion of government into our lives, it does not take much to fall on the side of 'questionable' in terms of perceived ideals against the nation and land you in hot water.

being against torture, but for water boarding....that's like being a little pregnant, or a little dead...
the definition is off Elder, do I need to bring out my economists again?

Something's off, alright. :rolleyes:

BTW, like how you conveniently ignored that I've presented reliable, first-hand evidence that intel was obtained from KSM using tea and dates....:lfao:
Yeah, if you read the book, "Courting Disaster," the author discusses that once they had waterboarded Khalid Sheik Mohammed, and he reached his level of resistance, he started singing like a bird. He started giving lectures to C.I.A. personel on the complete structure of al queda. It took the waterboarding to get to the tea and bicuits point. Before that, he didn't say anything. Apparently, I think this was from the author or from an interview I heard with the andrew sullivan, the attorney who prosecuted the blind Sheik, not the guy who attacks Palin all the time, he said that these guys are only required to resist to the point where they believe they have done their utmost in resisting. Once that point is reached, they can spill their gut. They believe that at that point, even if they do tell their secrets, it won't matter because allah is going to give them victory anyway.

So, they broke him with the water boarding, and then he was able to go on and have tea and dates, some torture.
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