Bin Laden is dead

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With that brilliant logic we can all rest knowing Bush didn't do a ****ing thing either.

Thanks Touch of spared me from having to make the same absolutely correct observation.Not to mention that Dubya was sending our troops of war to the wrong country on top of that. But can we put factional divisiveness aside on this occassion to just bask and glory and give thanks to God that that horrible freakin beast is now gone from us? And if he isn't decorating the bottom of the urinals in NYC's Ground Zero as elder999 wished (I'm with you there,brother) I hope he's being sodomized (unlike as the Koranic 70 virgins,or whatever number it is.W/o disrespect,I don't recall the exact number) by the scorching denizens of the netherworld.
Thanks Touch of spared me from having to make the same absolutely correct observation.Not to mention that Dubya was sending our troops of war to the wrong country on top of that. But can we put factional divisiveness aside on this occassion to just bask and glory and give thanks to God that that horrible freakin beast is now gone from us? And if he isn't decorating the bottom of the urinals in NYC's Ground Zero as elder999 wished (I'm with you there,brother) I hope he's being sodomized (unlike as the Koranic 70 virgins,or whatever number it is.W/o disrespect,I don't recall the exact number) by the scorching denizens of the netherworld.
There is an old joke about a misprint in the Koran, Osama Wakes up, sees George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and 68 other people holding weapons, and suddenly realizes that its 70 Virginians he will be presented with in the Kingdom of Heaven.:angel:
The thing you guys who say Obama did nothing have to understand:

He could very easily have said "You know, we just don't have the Authority to carry our Conflict into Pakistan without the approval of their government, so we are going to let him go for now" and he didn't. He had the balls to give the order to go into a "Friendly" nation and do what needed to be done.

As much as I disagree with most of what he does, I tip my hat to that decision.
There is an old joke about a misprint in the Koran, Osama Wakes up, sees George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and 68 other people holding weapons, and suddenly realizes that its 70 Virginians he will be presented with in the Kingdom of Heaven.:angel:

I've heard once that the word for virgin is near identical to the word for a special type of fig that was a delicacy back in the day the koran was written.

Just imagine getting in heaven with a boner and the expectation of a bed full of hot, willing women... and then the servant hands you a plate of figs and says 'here, enjoy'...

how much you wanna bet someone tossed a slice or two of bacon into that shroud before they dumped it over the side?

Depends. If they filmed it with the purpose of having the option of releasing the entire handling of the body, I'm pretty sure it will be clean.

Of course it is not impossible someone did it, but if noone is to know it, then why bother? It won't matter to him since he is already dead. And if he is a martyr (which is what he believed) he will go to paradise no matter the desecration. If he isn't a martyr he will pretty much be suffering eternally and likewise, the desecration will not matter.

Now, in case they did something, I would expect somethign more subtle, like using bacon grease instead of hair gel (not that they would use gel but you get my drift).
I hope they didn't desecrate the body, there is a satisfaction in doing the right thing, of being morally right. We can say then to all who threaten us 'See, you can act like barbarians, you can commit inhumane acts but we will do what is right and just. We don't make empty threats, we act with right on our side. We aren't criminals like you'
If the body has been treated according to Islamic custom it means we haven't descended to their level and that will rile them a lot. It will say alot about us too.
I hope they didn't desecrate the body, there is a satisfaction in doing the right thing, of being morally right. We can say then to all who threaten us 'See, you can act like barbarians, you can commit inhumane acts but we will do what is right and just. We don't make empty threats, we act with right on our side. We aren't criminals like you'
If the body has been treated according to Islamic custom it means we haven't descended to their level and that will rile them a lot. It will say alot about us too.

Who says there's even a body? maybe we captured him, and now, to the world, he's dead.
I was going to post much the same thing myself, Tez.
Who says there's even a body? maybe we captured him, and now, to the world, he's dead.

I considered it for a moment, but I don't think it is likely.
Too many people would know to keep it secret, and if it would leak out, the consequences would not be good.
I considered it for a moment, but I don't think it is likely.
Too many people would know to keep it secret, and if it would leak out, the consequences would not be good.

No worse than when al Qaeda releases his "to be played in the event of my reported death" tape. People keep secrets, in spite of what you've said-sometimes lots of them.
Who says there's even a body? maybe we captured him, and now, to the world, he's dead.

Makes no difference. The point is that how we act and behave is important, we know we are in the right and we have to behave morally. It's not about being weak or even forgiving but behaving with gravitas. President Obama behaved well, no punching the air shouting 'gotcha' and boasting about killing Bin Laden. Sounds old fashioned but behaving honourably even towards these people (or especially towards these people) will mean we are the better people. That's important to many of us, we need to know that we acting honourably, that we are morally right, that our troops are dying for a reason, not for nothing. We need to separate ourselves from Bin Laden and his terrorists, we must not act in the same way. There was an interview on tv yesterday with a lady who had lost her husband in the Twin Towers, she was an inspiration, dignified and sombre. she was satisfied with the death of Bin Laden but not gloating. She knew more deaths wouldn't bring back her husband but knew too that it was right that Bin Laden should die. What shone from her was strength and honour.
No worse than when al Qaeda releases his "to be played in the event of my reported death" tape. People keep secrets, in spite of what you've said-sometimes lots of them.

I'm sure the made for TV movie will straighten out all of the details for us.
Obama gets credit for giving the go order but almost everthing else goes back to George Bush and not to Obama. Had Obama been in office on 9/11, it would have been treated as a law enforcement issue. All these guys would have been Mirandized and then Lawyered up. There would have been no secret prisons in Europe, and there would be no Gitmo. there would not have been Harsh interrogation techniques, including the apparent most important one, waterboarding. There would have been no invasion of afghanistan, which would mean that the raid if it happened at alll, would have been a lot more difficult and dangerous. How do we know these things, because Obama said all these things in the senate in Illiinois, in the senate in washington D.C. and as he was running for president.

Really, he doesn't get credit for leaving almost all of bush's policies in place because leaving something in place, especially really difficult things that Bush paid a huge political price to put in place, is easier than setting it up under the pressure of political opposition.

We had the intel. because of bush, we had the assets in place, because of bush, all obama had to do was greenlight the operation. Everyone says he took a really big risk, not really. If it had fallen apart, the media would have covered for him in a way that they never would have for Bush. The only people who would have suffered would have been the soldiers and support personel involved in the operation. So please, it wasn't that big of a risk for Obama.
Obama gets credit for giving the go order but almost everthing else goes back to George Bush and not to Obama. Had Obama been in office on 9/11, it would have been treated as a law enforcement issue. All these guys would have been Mirandized and then Lawyered up. There would have been no secret prisons in Europe, and there would be no Gitmo. there would not have been Harsh interrogation techniques, including the apparent most important one, waterboarding. There would have been no invasion of afghanistan, which would mean that the raid if it happened at alll, would have been a lot more difficult and dangerous. How do we know these things, because Obama said all these things in the senate in Illiinois, in the senate in washington D.C. and as he was running for president.

Really, he doesn't get credit for leaving almost all of bush's policies in place because leaving something in place, especially really difficult things that Bush paid a huge political price to put in place, is easier than setting it up under the pressure of political opposition.

We had the intel. because of bush, we had the assets in place, because of bush, all obama had to do was greenlight the operation. Everyone says he took a really big risk, not really. If it had fallen apart, the media would have covered for him in a way that they never would have for Bush. The only people who would have suffered would have been the soldiers and support personel involved in the operation. So please, it wasn't that big of a risk for Obama.

It was a risk to send in a team instead of dropping a JDAM, which was the first option. Given all the other comparisons to Carter, a repeat of the Iran Hostage Rescue would have been very risky indeed. And if the data retrieved from bin Laden's computers leads to other high-value targets, it will have been a risk that paid huge rewards.

Look I don't like the guy's politics either, but come on dude. This was a good decision. Concede that he can make one from time to time.
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Obama gets credit for giving the go order but almost everthing else goes back to George Bush and not to Obama. Had Obama been in office on 9/11, it would have been treated as a law enforcement issue. All these guys would have been Mirandized and then Lawyered up. There would have been no secret prisons in Europe, and there would be no Gitmo. there would not have been Harsh interrogation techniques, including the apparent most important one, waterboarding. There would have been no invasion of afghanistan, which would mean that the raid if it happened at alll, would have been a lot more difficult and dangerous. How do we know these things, because Obama said all these things in the senate in Illiinois, in the senate in washington D.C. and as he was running for president.

Really, he doesn't get credit for leaving almost all of bush's policies in place because leaving something in place, especially really difficult things that Bush paid a huge political price to put in place, is easier than setting it up under the pressure of political opposition.

We had the intel. because of bush, we had the assets in place, because of bush, all obama had to do was greenlight the operation. Everyone says he took a really big risk, not really. If it had fallen apart, the media would have covered for him in a way that they never would have for Bush. The only people who would have suffered would have been the soldiers and support personel involved in the operation. So please, it wasn't that big of a risk for Obama.

What guys?

There should be no secret prisons in Europe and dear lord there should have been no invasion of Afghanistan especially as it seems Bin Laden and cronies have been living in Pakistan for the past 5/6 years.

You may wish to spread the credit for the intel a little further than Bush, your country hasn't got the only intel officers seeking info.

Let's face it though, Obama could fix every single problem in the world and you'd still carp because you are in love with fascism :)
Obama gets credit for giving the go order but almost everthing else goes back to George Bush and not to Obama. Had Obama been in office on 9/11, it would have been treated as a law enforcement issue. All these guys would have been Mirandized and then Lawyered up. There would have been no secret prisons in Europe, and there would be no Gitmo. there would not have been Harsh interrogation techniques, including the apparent most important one, waterboarding. There would have been no invasion of afghanistan, which would mean that the raid if it happened at alll, would have been a lot more difficult and dangerous. How do we know these things, because Obama said all these things in the senate in Illiinois, in the senate in washington D.C. and as he was running for president.

Really, he doesn't get credit for leaving almost all of bush's policies in place because leaving something in place, especially really difficult things that Bush paid a huge political price to put in place, is easier than setting it up under the pressure of political opposition.

We had the intel. because of bush, we had the assets in place, because of bush, all obama had to do was greenlight the operation. Everyone says he took a really big risk, not really. If it had fallen apart, the media would have covered for him in a way that they never would have for Bush. The only people who would have suffered would have been the soldiers and support personel involved in the operation. So please, it wasn't that big of a risk for Obama.

You just ca't give the guy credit where credit is due can you? He made it a priority to get bin Laden where Bush did not. So let's talk about your boy Bush and his thoughts on Bin Laden;

In March 2002, just six months after 9/11, President Bush said of bin Laden, "I truly am not that concerned about him.... You know, I just don't spend that much time on him, to be honest with you."

In July 2006, we learned that the Bush administration closed the unit that had been hunting bin Laden.

In September 2006, President Bush told Fred Banes, that an "emphasis on bin Laden doesn't fit with the administration's strategy for combating terrorism."

Then there is the fiasco o letting Osama bin Laden escape from the Toro Boro area because the Bush admiistration would not authorize the man power to get him.

Compare this to then canidate Obama's words;
"We will kill bin Laden. We will crush al Qaeda. That has to be our biggest national security priority."

Yeah, sounds like Bush made it a priority, huh? You are trying to preach revisionist history now. The fact is Obama did what he said he was gonna do in regards to Osama bin Laden. Give him credit for it. When you can't even do that because of your political leanings, it says a lot.
This argument is completely pointless, guys.

[slight sarcasm]If Jesus Christ were himself a Democrat the GOP, Teabaggers and other RWRs (Right Wing Republicans) would all be seeking to make Judaism the state religion. [/slight sarcasm]

All that harping about finding and killing the enemy. Now he is and ... well, we all knew this would be the reaction, right?

I have no desire to argue with people who let others think for them; who spout party ******** because they swallow divisiveness for the sake of superiority complex hook, line and sinker.

Ignore feature. It's a wonderful thing.
Team Six: From CheneyÂ’s Secret Assassination Squad to ObamaÂ’s Super-Awesome Cleanup Crew
8:23 AM 05/03/2011 Daily Caller Excerpt:
As if it werenÂ’t ironic enough that the Nobel Peace Prize-winning, staunchly anti-war President Obama is taking personal credit for killing Osama Bin Laden, he actually sent the Naval Special Warfare Development Group, AKA DevGru, AKA Team Six to do it.
Want to know more about Team Six?
there should have been no invasion of Afghanistan especially as it seems Bin Laden and cronies have been living in Pakistan for the past 5/6 years.

My memory is a bit hazy on this subject, but IIRC, At the time of the invasion, OBL was in Afghanistan, courtesy of his friend Mullah Omar who told the US to get bent when they asked to hand him over. And at that point OBL had already already pointed his finger at the WTC and yelled 'PWNED!'

The invasion of Afghanistan was warranted imo.
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