Originally posted by rmcrobertson
On the whole, abuse by women against men simply isn't the problem.
Back the Truck up a second:
Abuse by men against women... IS A PROBLEM
Abuse by women against men... IS A PROBLEM
Abuse by Men against Men... IS A PROBLEM
Abuse by parents against Children... IS A PROBLEM
Abuse against Animals... IS A PROBLEM
Don't dismiss ANY type of abuse becuase the statistics are lower...
AND... If you read my posts, NONE of them said anything about women being inferior, or that they shouldn't train... etc... I stated that making a blanket statement that women dont have the ability to beat up men was wrong because every person in every situation is different.
I simply pointed out that Men are often victims as well...
Originally posted by rmcrobertson
You can look it up, but whatever seems best.
Ok, I did.
"Every year, 1,510,455 women and 834,732 men are victims of physical violence by an intimate"
Are the Numbers higher for women? YES. BUT 834,732 men is a pretty signifigant statistical number, especialy if you condiser that men are LESS likely to report the violence than women.
Source: National Institute of Justice, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Prevalence, Incidence and Consequences of Violence Against Women: Findings From the National Violence Against Women Survey Exhibits 7,8, p. 7
(Tjaden, P. G., & Thoennes, N. )U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice & Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Research in Brief series, November, 1998. NCJ 172837
Enjoy some light reading about this non-existant problem.