Battered Women and Martial Arts

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This post is reply to the first one. No matter whether your small or big, it DOESNT matter. Ive seen it, trust me...The biggest difference Ive seen is 9" and 60lbs, where the small guy messed up the big guy really bad. As for women, ever fought a woman? The scratching and kicking and punching. Women dont crack like potato chips, if they keep going at you, you'll be crying.
On the whole, abuse by women against men simply isn't the problem. You can look it up, but whatever seems best.

As for chilling out...odd how that never gets asked of the guys--and it is guys, ya know--who seem to need to start in on the topic of how women shouldn't train, can't defend themselves, etc...

One of my suppositions is that the way we talk reveals as much as what we think we are saying. Another is that these days, there's a general fascination with attacking other people's emotions, their supposed neuroses, rather than dealing with the issues at hand.

For example, I might write that men who constantly need to question the value of women martial artists seem insecure in their masculinity.
Originally posted by KenpoDragon
Sorry TKDMan, but I know some Kenpobabes that would knock the stuffin out of your egg mcmuffin, if you know what I mean. I am not saying that women are physically stronger than men, in general, but well trained are just as deadly. Isn't that what separates regular people from martial arts people, the knowledge of the fighting arts??? Skill given to anyone, man or woman can be very dangerous. Just because a guy may be stronger that does not guarentee his victory over a woman. In Kenpo we have the Dragon over the Tiger, it represents knowledge over get me??? That is why we Kenpoists teach vital strikes, because EVERYONE is vulnerable in certain areas, i.e eyes, throat, nose, hinge of the jaw, groin, etc.etc. Oh yeah by the way most girls are generally faster than guys because they weigh less than most guys. Note I said most not all. This is very important when talking about "men" or "woman" , you can't generalize your statements by saying all, have you met all the women in the world...I doubt it. Look at female body builders, I bet a lot of them can lift more than a lot of guys out there. Just goes to show you that you can't say ALL guys are stronger than ALL women, it just doesn't really apply. Don't let your machismo go to your head, some girl might come over and knock it out of you.


Bodybuilders are nowhere near as strong as powerlifters. But yeah, women powerlifters can lift more than most of us. That's not the point really.

Point is with women is ego, and it just doesn't apply to females, but everyone. Just that women tend to get a bit more touchy on the subject because society usually portrays them as the victim. If I was a woman, I would probably be fed up too.

But again, women are built differently from men. A lot of men's hips don't allow some men to be able to do the splits. A typical man's excuse? It hurts my testicles.
Size DOES matter in the martial arts!!!

How? It can many times determine the way you move, your advantages and disadvantages. Sorry, in terms of physics and biomechanics, a tall, lanky guy won't be as agile as a 5' guy considering they had the same training, skills, body development and composition, etc. A tall, lanky guy like someone who's 6'8", 160 pounds wouldn't usually choose freestyle wrestling.

Size or lacking size (excluding extreme cases) does not make you a better or worse fighter. It just means that it can determine the way you fight. Overpowering the opponent aggressively with just sheer force wouldn't be the greatest idea for a woman or anyone going against a 300 pound man, but rather the use of speed, skills, technique, and awareness.
Originally posted by MartialArtist
Size DOES matter in the martial arts!!!

How? It can many times determine the way you move, your advantages and disadvantages. Sorry, in terms of physics and biomechanics, a tall, lanky guy won't be as agile as a 5' guy considering they had the same training, skills, body development and composition, etc. A tall, lanky guy like someone who's 6'8", 160 pounds wouldn't usually choose freestyle wrestling.

Size or lacking size (excluding extreme cases) does not make you a better or worse fighter. It just means that it can determine the way you fight. Overpowering the opponent aggressively with just sheer force wouldn't be the greatest idea for a woman or anyone going against a 300 pound man, but rather the use of speed, skills, technique, and awareness.

Yes I agree, my point was that just beccause you are bigger does not mean you will win the fight.
Originally posted by SRyuFighter
Yes I agree, my point was that just beccause you are bigger does not mean you will win the fight.
I agree with you.

Size mainly means it might determine the way you fight.
What battered women need is a comprehensive program to rebuild their lives. Martial art is just one component of the program. Most women in such situation should not be focusing on going head to head with their abussers. There are organizations, both public and private, in every city, that dedicate to help these women. The last thing they need is to think about fighting with the abusser. These organizations are well equipped to get these women AWAY from their abussive partners and relocate to safer place. They need the distance, time, safety to regain themselves. Martial art is definitely a positive contributor, but not the first thing they should be focusing on. They need professional assistance.
Originally posted by rmcrobertson
On the whole, abuse by women against men simply isn't the problem.

Back the Truck up a second:


Abuse by men against women... IS A PROBLEM
Abuse by women against men... IS A PROBLEM
Abuse by Men against Men... IS A PROBLEM
Abuse by parents against Children... IS A PROBLEM
Abuse against Animals... IS A PROBLEM

Don't dismiss ANY type of abuse becuase the statistics are lower...

AND... If you read my posts, NONE of them said anything about women being inferior, or that they shouldn't train... etc... I stated that making a blanket statement that women dont have the ability to beat up men was wrong because every person in every situation is different.

I simply pointed out that Men are often victims as well...

Originally posted by rmcrobertson
You can look it up, but whatever seems best.

Ok, I did.


"Every year, 1,510,455 women and 834,732 men are victims of physical violence by an intimate"

Are the Numbers higher for women? YES. BUT 834,732 men is a pretty signifigant statistical number, especialy if you condiser that men are LESS likely to report the violence than women.

Source: National Institute of Justice, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Prevalence, Incidence and Consequences of Violence Against Women: Findings From the National Violence Against Women Survey Exhibits 7,8, p. 7
(Tjaden, P. G., & Thoennes, N. )U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice & Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Research in Brief series, November, 1998. NCJ 172837

Enjoy some light reading about this non-existant problem.
no but it gives you an advantage.. If you have equal skill to a 5'11'' 170 pound guy like me than you are probably going to win in a fight.
The posts, I think, pretty clearly showed what people thought.

Clearly, too, violence against anyone "is a problem." However, truisms do not change the basic facts: the overwhelming number of assaults are by men, against women. The way men in the martial arts think, and act, very often makes training harder for women and girls.

Statistics are funny things. Since there's no breakdown here, it's hard to tell--but it looks like this is reported domestic assaults consideration, for example, of the rape statistics.

In the context of the last few years' attacks on women's rights( AKA the, "post-feminist period"), it's not surprising to find a problem with men's fascination with solving their problems through violence de-gendered, and translated into a "human," problem instead.

Anyway, thanks for the discussion.
Originally posted by sweeper
no but it gives you an advantage.. If you have equal skill to a 5'11'' 170 pound guy like me than you are probably going to win in a fight.
There is no such thing as equal skill. There's comparable skill, but never equal skill.

Then there are the other attributes that you have to worry about. Speed, agility, power, flexibility, strength. Too many factors, none will be equal.

Hypothetically, and I do mean hypotheticall if all the physical AND mental attributes were the same, then the bigger person will win because they can exert as much force with less effort, while the other person has to exert more force.
Originally posted by MartialArtist
Hypothetically, and I do mean hypotheticall if all the physical AND mental attributes were the same, then the bigger person will win because they can exert as much force with less effort, while the other person has to exert more force.

True, if you eliminate random chance as well.
Originally posted by Zepp
True, if you eliminate random chance as well.
which in a street fight, can determine who gets to walk home
This movie was about a battered woman that took up some training and killed her husband in hand to hand combat. (About as funny as J.I. Jane) Sadly many women believe this could happen so they take up martial arts and believe they can become Super Women. I believe this is a waste of time for the woman, she needs counsiling and a handgun, not some MA training no matter what type it is.

handgun is the best weapon for women. they do not stand a chance against a well trained male fighter.

a knife is good to carry as well,

empty handed a woman will always be at a disadvantage over a male it is sad when you have SOB taking advantage of this and when they start hitting abusing their wives, this is where it becomes a police matter.

i believe more power to women but that lies in a gun or a knife or some kind of weapon, they will always be at a disadvantage against a male.

After some thought on this subject I think that Battered women should first get away from their abuser. In my book that has to take first priority. Secondly if they want to learn a martial art to try to defend themselves so that he does not kill her. Then I say More power to ya! The movie Enough just makes it seem like if your getting beat by your husband then all you have to do is take kickboxing for a few weeks and you'll kick his ***. It's simply not the case. We all know that it takes a long time to be good in a Martial Art. Another thing (having just gotten done with domestic violence in my Psychology class) is that these women actually love htese men and are afraid of them. Their first thought is not to kill them. They blame themselves, that is why these relationships last so long in the first place.
Thanks for listening.
"empty handed a woman will always be at a disadvantage over a male it is sad when you have SOB taking advantage of this"

Sigh. Same old same old.