Battered Women and Martial Arts

  • Thread starter Thread starter TKDman
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The men who batter their "loved" women are bullies, plain and simple. Bullies pick on those unable or unwilling to defend themselves - victims. Martial arts can provide self-confidance and useful skills that women can use to counteract the victim mentality. The look on a man's face when a punch expected to connect is blocked and "responded to" (whether with actual contact or not) is unforgetable. Once they realize that their "patsy" has changed the rules, it's amazing how quickly they are willing to change their tune.
My girlfreinds sister managed to get herself in a fight with her ex-husband just before they were divorced. She punched him in the face and he went balistic. He puched her with his right and broke his hand; then, he hit her with the left and broke that hand; not to be a quitter, he then kicked her and broke his foot. She didn't lay another hand on him and he walked away with three serious injuries, all be it self inflicted. The point to my story is that an unconditioned assailant is just that... UNCONDITIONED! and in a frenzy can be just as dangerous to himself as to his to his victom. OJ Simpson managed to cut his hand right down to the bone during his attack on his wife and pal. The jury didn't hear that evidence, I believe.
To suggest to a smaller person or female that they are powerless to physicaly aid an attacker on his way to self negation is, frankly, ignorant and irresponsible. However if you believe you can kick your way through the eight considerations of combat (kenpo term) I can see how you could come to that conclusion. Have a nice day Mr. TKD guy:) :soapbox:
Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
However if you believe you can kick your way through the eight considerations of combat (kenpo term) I can see how you could come to that conclusion. Have a nice day Mr. TKD guy:) :soapbox:

Just couldn't resist a chance to blame this on TKD, eh? Sheesh :rolleyes:
Battered women are battered, in part, because of the attitude placing women as second-class...I was glad to see that this appears to be an isolated case...
Originally posted by rmcrobertson
Battered women are battered, in part, because of the attitude placing women as second-class...I was glad to see that this appears to be an isolated case...
I have to disagree. Battered women are battered because the are foolish enough to believe that they are second class citizens so they allow it to happen. My thoughts on the whole issue are:
1. Women are not the same as men, however women can be just as deadly as men.
2. Everyone should study martial arts, no matter what your home situation is. There are too many benefits to be reaped. However, you should understand that MA do not make you superhuman.
3. Some people here need to get their panties out of a wad because someone implied that men can beat up women. Its a proven fact that generaaly this is the case. There are exceptions, but to not recognize them as exceptions is just plain dumb.

Sorry if that wasn't pc enough for you but its how I feel, and more importantly, its the truth. Oh, and one more thing, anyone who thinks hollywierd would ever give an accurate portrayel of MA is kidding themselves.
Not to detract from the thread about that lousy movie, or Add to or remove the sexism from the post...


EVERY CONFLICT, Whether Armed, unarmed, etc... IS DIFFERENT.

MEN, AS WELL AS WOMEN, are battered EVERY DAY, Society just doesn't tell you about the men as often... And I am even willing to concede that the ratio is higher for battered women then men, but lets not ignore the fact it happens.

Guy X, mught be able to beat up woman B, who cant stop Guy X but she could take Guy C, who could beat up Guy Q who could take woman W... who might not be able to take anyone... But who's to say. Certainly no one here.

Oh... er... I digress...

Every Situation is Different. Period.
uhm.. genneraly domestic abuse has more to do with psychological factors than physical ones.. just because a woman beats up a man in a domestic situation doesn't mean that man couldn't take her out if he had the motivation, the same applies to the reverse situation.. I thought you were talking about physical assaults in genneral.. If you are talking about domestic affairs, than anything that could make the abused attempt to deffend themselves would also bring about a posative psychological change that would probably lead to the situation being resolved in some way because that person is pulling away from a victem's mentality.

FST if everyone is concentrating on escape, doesn't that alter the situation in such a way that escape becomes unrealisticly easyer? I mean if I want to pull away rather than go at it, than I'm not going to press in as hard. Simularly if you are doing scenario work and you go at it with a competative mentality rather than an escape/predator mentality it seems that you are changing the situation away from a simulation..
Originally posted by Technopunk
MEN, AS WELL AS WOMEN, are battered EVERY DAY, Society just doesn't tell you about the men as often... And I am even willing to concede that the ratio is higher for battered women then men, but lets not ignore the fact it happens.

I've seen that happen first hand actually, in the case of one of my roommates. He was never hurt seriously, but it was a pretty messed up situation. (Not to mention demeaning.)
If you'll look on this thread, you'll see the remark, "Because chicks dig assassins." While meant ironically, I assume, that's exactly the problem.

And by the way, women are far more likely than men--about 9 to 1--to be the victims of domestic violence. This silly claim that it's a problem everybody has is just one of the strategies by which men try to make women's discussions of reality go away.

The martial arts in the US are sexist as hell....that's the reality. Ask around. It makes it difficult for women to train, I hear.
Just a sidebar...the otherday in class, out of the 5 individuals who out ranked me, 4 were female. During the sparing part, they gave as good as they got too.

Just a side bar...:asian:
Sorry TKDMan, but I know some Kenpobabes that would knock the stuffin out of your egg mcmuffin, if you know what I mean. I am not saying that women are physically stronger than men, in general, but well trained are just as deadly. Isn't that what separates regular people from martial arts people, the knowledge of the fighting arts??? Skill given to anyone, man or woman can be very dangerous. Just because a guy may be stronger that does not guarentee his victory over a woman. In Kenpo we have the Dragon over the Tiger, it represents knowledge over get me??? That is why we Kenpoists teach vital strikes, because EVERYONE is vulnerable in certain areas, i.e eyes, throat, nose, hinge of the jaw, groin, etc.etc. Oh yeah by the way most girls are generally faster than guys because they weigh less than most guys. Note I said most not all. This is very important when talking about "men" or "woman" , you can't generalize your statements by saying all, have you met all the women in the world...I doubt it. Look at female body builders, I bet a lot of them can lift more than a lot of guys out there. Just goes to show you that you can't say ALL guys are stronger than ALL women, it just doesn't really apply. Don't let your machismo go to your head, some girl might come over and knock it out of you.


lol who's seen that movie 'enough'?

that movie was pretty unrealistic. It delt with serious issues, but the circumstances where so unbeleavable that it was almost rediculus.

Perhaps TKDman would have had a better point if he was talking about martial arts in the movies.........

after seeing the movie i got the same feeling, perhaps a little different.........the movie made it out that if you train in self defence, you become some kind of super fighter.

its like the whole karate kid thing...."wax my car and paint my fence, then you will be a good fighter"

lol in the movie j-lo had only one month to train to kill here husband. They show some clips of here training, then without any fight experience breaks into here ex-husbands house, rigs it for a fight memorizes where all of the furnature was placed, found all the weapons in the house (lol of cource missing the fire pokers, which she thows him into...wich he of course forgets to pick up, even though he has no problem using a lamp, and is losing badly) she did that in one day.

lol there is so much wrong with the movie i could go on and on.

The movie CAN give ANYONE the wrong impression of martial arts.(that is if they have no knowledge of martial arts....)

even though there should have been no way for j-lo to survive that movie she did. That does not mean that other women are in the exact same boat as a character in a movie.

Anyone can learn how to defend themselves, but that takes time.
Of cource if a woman is getting beat by her husband im sure she would have to take self defence classes in secret(or not be living with her husband), i dout 'he' would approve of 'her' learning how to kick his ***.

basicaly it is like this, the movie sucked. But it was JUST A MOVIE!
Originally posted by Kingston
lol who's seen that movie 'enough'?

that movie was pretty unrealistic. It delt with serious issues, but the circumstances where so unbeleavable that it was almost rediculus.

Perhaps TKDman would have had a better point if he was talking about martial arts in the movies.........

after seeing the movie i got the same feeling, perhaps a little different.........the movie made it out that if you train in self defence, you become some kind of super fighter.

its like the whole karate kid thing...."wax my car and paint my fence, then you will be a good fighter"

lol in the movie j-lo had only one month to train to kill here husband. They show some clips of here training, then without any fight experience breaks into here ex-husbands house, rigs it for a fight memorizes where all of the furnature was placed, found all the weapons in the house (lol of cource missing the fire pokers, which she thows him into...wich he of course forgets to pick up, even though he has no problem using a lamp, and is losing badly) she did that in one day.

lol there is so much wrong with the movie i could go on and on.

The movie CAN give ANYONE the wrong impression of martial arts.(that is if they have no knowledge of martial arts....)

even though there should have been no way for j-lo to survive that movie she did. That does not mean that other women are in the exact same boat as a character in a movie.

Anyone can learn how to defend themselves, but that takes time.
Of cource if a woman is getting beat by her husband im sure she would have to take self defence classes in secret(or not be living with her husband), i dout 'he' would approve of 'her' learning how to kick his ***.

basicaly it is like this, the movie sucked. But it was JUST A MOVIE!
A J-Lo movie sucking? No way!
Originally posted by rmcrobertson
This silly claim that it's a problem everybody has is just one of the strategies by which men try to make women's discussions of reality go away.

I'd like to see you tell a group of Battered Men that its not a problem for them, only for the women since it happens more often to women. Or tell male Rape Victims that they werent really raped because its just a strategy to make the rape of women not real since its statisticaly less likey to happen to a man.

I personaly take offense to your claim that its not a problem for men, having been severly beaten by a female roommate with a telephone over an argument that started because of my breakfast choice at one time and NOT fighting back for fear that if I accidentaly injured her BLEEDING HEARTS like you who don't feel that a MAN could have that problem would throw ME in jail for fighting back.

And as far as my Quote "Because Chicks Dig Assassins" it was a Trivia Catagory on "WIN BEN STIEN'S MONEY" making fun of John Hinkley for thinking That shooting Regan would make Jodie Foster love him. I laugh every time I think of how STUPID that is. Im laughing NOW. But I use it along the same lines because of the stupid misconception about my art that its all about "Assassination" When people start up about why I study something that is "Only for Killing" that's my reply to them. Its not being Sexist... Its Mocking.
Rmcrobertson, you need to chill out. After going through this thread again I see you coming off as a bit of a fanatic. Your last statement was indeed very insulting. You are guilty of exactly what you accuse other men of doing.

"This silly claim that it's a problem everybody has is just one of the strategies by which men try to make women's discussions of reality go away."

And you are using a similar strategy to make men's discussions of reality go away by saying it's silly. Whenever ANYONE is abused it's a horrible thing, it's not silly for men or women.

And another thing, Martial Artist made a mistake and he apologised for his typo. Your response to him was that his apology was no good and that the rest of his post makes it clear that his apology is no good. The rest of his post did no such thing! Like I said, you need to chill out.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Originally posted by Technopunk

And as far as my Quote "Because Chicks Dig Assassins" it was a Trivia Catagory on "WIN BEN STIEN'S MONEY" making fun of John Hinkley for thinking That shooting Regan would make Jodie Foster love him. I laugh every time I think of how STUPID that is. Im laughing NOW.

:rofl: Me too. :rofl:
Originally posted by Touch'O'Death

To suggest to a smaller person or female that they are powerless to physicaly aid an attacker on his way to self negation is, frankly, ignorant and irresponsible. However if you believe you can kick your way through the eight considerations of combat (kenpo term) I can see how you could come to that conclusion. Have a nice day Mr. TKD guy:) :soapbox:

Ouch son, "Ignorant" and "irresponsible" are big and often mis-used words! Are you sure you used them correctly?

Read into the topic more before you start flinging mud big guy. Maybe you should reflect upon your black belt!
Originally posted by TKDman
Well I just got done watching Enough, and I thought it was a unrealistic joke of a movie. Not to be sexist or anything, but I truly do not think that a smaller person could take down a larger attacker whether they be male or female. In extreme cases a small man may be able to defeat a larger attacker, but most of the time the bigger person wins. I know what your saying, "Its not the size of the dog in the fight, its the size of the fight in the dog".

This movie was about a battered woman that took up some training and killed her husband in hand to hand combat. (About as funny as J.I. Jane) Sadly many women believe this could happen so they take up martial arts and believe they can become Super Women. I believe this is a waste of time for the woman, she needs counsiling and a handgun, not some MA training no matter what type it is. I agree with the man on

What do you think about this situation?
Sorry if I come across as rude. You have got to be kidding me! now in extreme cases I agree. A little kid won't beat a grown man. But just because one is small does not mean they can't beat a bigger person. As a bigger person (6'3" 225) It doesn't mean I can automatically take smaller people. For crying out loud there is much more in a fight than someone's size.