At what age do you do your best teaching?

It gets really hard when you have a mixed bag of students. Pushing each group gets tough. There are times when one group or the other will get the short straw. Sometimes that means the group not really wanting the full extent of learning will get pushed beyond their comfort zone. Sometimes that is a profoundly good thing for the person and they find another gear. Sometimes, if done too often, it may push someone from the other group away. It is just a reality in the process.
It is imperative for an instructor to learn how to realize who is who and work the ones who want more accordingly.

(EDIT: I clicked POST before I added any content.)

Agreed. This is where some schools do well to add "advanced" classes, and other segmentation. A class that allows for folks who want to train hard and fast, a class for deep dives into technique, etc. The trick is knowing which segments to serve.
Very weirdly. :p But i was going for the, there are different types and there are people with the information that would more or less show you how to do something than actually teach you how to do it if that makes any sense.
If by "show you how" you simply mean demonstrate, I see the distinction, though I'd argue a demonstration doesn't really show how to do something, but rather simply shows that something being done. If by "show you how" you mean with some explanation of the principles so you can learn to do that thing, then that's a component of teaching.
I hate that, if you spar with different martial arts you get more experience than if you spar with your own, its like only sparring with the same 5 people just applied to styles. Hell even if you mix say traditional boxing with only punches vs kick boxers a boxer can adapt to work against kicks eventually even if they don't add kicks to their teaching.

It needs to become more common to do inter style sparring.
That depends on the aim of the practitioners in question. If someone wants to study Gobble-ryu (descended from Chinese Turkey-style, obviously) and really just likes the movements and wants to be able to compete in Gobble-ryu tournaments, there's no reason they necessarily want to spar with folks outside their style. If they want to develop their Gobble-ryu to be more flexible, and test for weaknesses that Gobble-ryu doesn't exploit, then they need to spar against other styles.
I started teaching 35 years old i was a orange Belt up to know soon i will be an assistant instructor and its fun and great the instructor will choose you if you know how teach don't matter what age if you know how to teach then your part of the special winning attitude Team called Swat once you get your 1st or 2nd brown your a assistant instructor then instructor
I started teaching 35 years old i was a orange Belt up to know soon i will be an assistant instructor and its fun and great the instructor will choose you if you know how teach don't matter what age if you know how to teach then your part of the special winning attitude Team called Swat once you get your 1st or 2nd brown your a assistant instructor then instructor
Actually no that's not true for kenpo. Brown belts are not considered assistant instructors. The official term as outlined in ed parkers books is that first Dan black belt is called an assistant instructor. Then senior instructor or something like that I can't remember and third Dan is head instructor
I started teaching 35 years old i was a orange Belt up to know soon i will be an assistant instructor and its fun and great the instructor will choose you if you know how teach don't matter what age if you know how to teach then your part of the special winning attitude Team called Swat once you get your 1st or 2nd brown your a assistant instructor then instructor

In my first school. We had few belts and it took at least 7 years for a black belt. The black belt taught the class , but Senior students who were not black belts were encouraged to help newer students. For example sometimes senior students would lead the class doing a form.
In the past I found that I learn a lot when I tried to teach a student.

IMO English may not be kempomaster805 first language.
It is hard to express your meaning when you write in a different language.
English is my language and sometimes, I don't express my meaning well.

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