I'm unable to infer from your post what you really mean. Honestly, it's a very young post, and doesn't have the world experience a more savvy post might have. Expecting it to speak for itself is a lot to ask. If you could give your post a little help, I'm sure it would appreciate the assist.
When you say you "cannot" elaborate, do you mean you choose not to, or that you are unable to?
Sorry, I thought that you might be a smarmy know-it-all or something. Below, I have quoted a few lines from the OP and the first post in this thread.
A final thought for those who are training for self-defence –
1.How much does your martial arts training prepare you for an assault?
2.If you were faced with a potential threat tomorrow, similar to those mentioned above, would you change you training approach today?
Those are good questions, because if you MA cannot save your life from a violent man, then you need to reconsider things. That is how I conduct myself in my MA thought-life. Since I became old an withered: I can't practice TKD, Judo, Wrestling, MMA, or anything else.
I am a tater tot in ways, so I adjusted to using a walking staff, and if needed, a knife. I carry on a 10 speed bicycle, a staff, and that is my transport for now.
So, I must be proficient in ways with that staff, which is more like an aluminum baton.
I just went to a site, and found an old police manual PDF for batons, and I will look at it. It will give me some ideas, I know that it will. If I cannot stop a deadly assault with that walking stick, then it is useless. I am deluding myself, if I think that just having it, and waving it, will mean anything.
My point is, test your theory, to see if it works. A young man is well served by learning MMA, Ju Jitsu, etcetera; but not me, I am to stiff and I am tired.
An attacker is a dangerous thing, so always treat them as dangerous; so when you train, find a school that will teach you how to deck them.
Here is a for instance, without going to school for wrestling; I can tell you that it can be used to break a neck, or a someone's head. You can just grab them around the neck, and use a piledriver on them.
I saw the piledriver on pro wrestling, and they do it for entertainment; but think about it, you could kill somebody with it. It is how you think about things, and if you think that you can be a tough fighter, then you can be. But, it takes years of training, it is not all talk, and theory; and that is the tough part. Pick the school and train hard and smart.