Wing Chun vs MMA

---Well LFJ, this reply of yours pretty much shows that about half the time you don't know what the h3ll you're talking about! ;)

Of course it doesn't. It's a Northern style. You're missing the point and demonstrating that you have no idea how to analyze similarities between TCMAs.

---That's rich! :p G...E...S...T...A...L....T Dude, clearly you are the one that continues to miss the point and have no idea to how to analyze physical structure. I talked about the total package. Not one isolated technique from a Northern style that shares no similarities in legends and history or background with Wing Chun. But you clearly don't get that for some reason.

You used to complain to Alan Orr that his stuff doesn't "look like Wing Chun". Then you started his online program and learned how it functions, and now you agree with him.

----You have no idea what you are talking about.

You told me I need to get out more. I've spent all but a few years of my adult life in China pursuing TCMAs, learning and researching them from North to South. I haven't even been back stateside for a visit in about half a decade. I still need to get out more? Have you ever been out of the country, your state, your backyard?

---Well, if you are such a world traveler then, you really need to open your eyes and open your mind. Otherwise it sounds like you've been wasting a lot of time.

What I have found is that all the Wing Chun "hands" have equivalents up North, in single systems, and each action of the Wing Chun forms could be given applications from a northern perspective, because there are similarities in human movement and fighting instincts.

---Total Package. Gestalt. Why is that so hard to get? I don't deny that individual things from Wing Chun can be found in other styles. Human movement is human movement. Heck, I see more similarities between Maul Mornies Kuntau/Silat and Wing Chun than I do between most Northern Kung Fu styles and Wing Chun. But Silat does not also share such things as locale, very similar legends and history, and a lot of people through the years saying there may be a connection between Wing Chun and White Crane. And, in anticipation of the reply I know is coming.....if you haven't heard anyone other than me and Hendrik Santo talk about a possible connection between Wing Chun and White Crane, then you obviously haven't been paying attention! Hence my comment that you need to get out more!! And it sounds like you have "been out".....but maybe not paying attention?????

. I think to be a serious researcher of TCMAs, you have to have learned at least one northern and one southern style.

---To be ANY kind of researcher you have to keep an open mind and be willing to look at what is right in front of you. So I think we can discount you as a "serious researcher." ;)

No, dude. I said it's "similar" to how it is done in the BJ form. Every lineage does it by placing the back of the wrist into the sternum to create a solid triangle connected to the body. I was struck by this exact concept in a northern style because it is rather unique.

---Well there you go! You are world traveler and a serious researcher yet you think "every lineage does it by placing the back of the wrist into the sternum"! No lineage that I have learned taught it that way! I was taught distinctly NOT to rest the wrist against the chest. The wrist is bent and placed near the sternum simply to make it easier to bring the elbow close to the centerline.

Now, this is quite a unique concept I haven't seen in other styles. Does White Crane do it? If not, it seems to have fewer similarities than a completely unrelated style from the North which also contains equivalents to each Wing Chun "hand", as I listed on a previous page. I don't think White Crane even contains all of those.

---Ok. So where's the video so people can compare and decide for themselves?
I'm not sure Keith, but looking at that picture Guy posted I'd say that your concept of looking at the whole package, or gestalt doesn't seem to have gotten through. Or for that matter the idea expressed in the Judkins article on Hakka boxing which implies a crane connection there too.

Clearly true Steve! Thanks for saying so. I realize in these forums that everyone could be agreeing with what I am saying to LFJ and Guy but if no one speaks up, they think they are presenting such wonderful arguments with their 2 on 1 strategy. That's what gets frustrating and why I find myself being repeatedly drawn back into their BS. But I will try to resist better in the future! ;)
Given that neither you nor KPM will talk in any sensible way about what system similarity is, beyond KPM saying that the arm motions look a bit similar (which is trivial), and then shouting about a whole picture he has entirely failed to demonstrate, I don't really want to go into the way that the Hakka arts and wing chun are different in any detail, since I will only be educating someone that is not honest in their attempts to discuss anything. Put something forward and be honest and I will discuss. I am/was involved in SPM and I am involved in VT. I love both of these systems. I do not wish to cause damage to either of them by giving someone only interested in trolling for info anything real or potentially damaging.

This really doesn't even deserve a reply. And I am doing so against my better judgment, which I really need to correct going forward. But this statement is so......I can't even write it for fear of being banned. Guy, you are so full of it, and can't even see it! You twist and turn and make statements that have no foundation simply to incite and inflame. I gave you a summary of the Wing Chun/White Crane connection theory that went well beyond "trivial arm motions." You have called me dishonest, a coward, a troll, and a liar on these boards multiple times now. You are welcome to disagree with the connections I and others see. I didn't make this up. I simply summarized what people have been seeing for awhile now. You are welcome to formulate your own theory and present your logic and evidence. But it is poor form to launch an attack on someone else's ideas and try to totally discount them when everything I've said is pretty self-evident. What I have presented are historical facts. Whether you think these historical facts are enough to connect Wing Chun and White Crane is up to you. You are welcome to believe that they are not. But again, you can't simply dismiss them. And there is no need to be nasty about the whole thing.
G...E...S...T...A...L....T Dude, clearly you are the one that continues to miss the point and have no idea to how to analyze physical structure. I talked about the total package. Not one isolated technique from a Northern style that shares no similarities in legends and history or background with Wing Chun.

Anything you can point to in White Crane and Wing Chun I can point to its equivalent in Songshan. White Crane is also said to be related to northern styles, with actual historical evidence, and Wing Chun is always called a "Shaolin" style. So, they do share similar legends and history. What exactly do you think is missing from the "gestalt"? Please be specific.

---Well there you go! You are world traveler and a serious researcher yet you think "every lineage does it by placing the back of the wrist into the sternum"! No lineage that I have learned taught it that way! I was taught distinctly NOT to rest the wrist against the chest. The wrist is bent and placed near the sternum simply to make it easier to bring the elbow close to the centerline.

We can look at the BJ form of each lineage and see them doing it. If they don't understand why, that's another issue. And AFAIK, it's not in White Crane.

---Ok. So where's the video so people can compare and decide for themselves?

That's not how it's done. You won't see similarities just by watching Youtube. I didn't see visual similarities between two versions of the same form separated and isolated for 300+ years until I learned them in detail. Then things became clear. You need to learn the function to understand how they work in free fighting. You are stuck at a superficial level. You can't learn kung fu on Youtube.
I talked about the total package. Not one isolated technique from a Northern style that shares no similarities in legends and history or background with Wing Chun.

The 'total package' of white crane is not similar to wing chun. So what is your argument again?
Silat does not also share such things as locale, very similar legends and history, and a lot of people through the years saying there may be a connection between Wing Chun and White Crane.

All nonsense which Judkins demolishes. Similarity in nonsense legends is irrelevant. All of these styles emerged as styles late 19th C to early 20th C. They all tagged on mythology that was popular at the time and all copied each other in doing so. Similarity of origin legend lifted from same trashy novel is not relevant.
I realize in these forums that everyone could be agreeing with what I am saying to LFJ and Guy but if no one speaks up, they think they are presenting such wonderful arguments with their 2 on 1 strategy.

You think you have the silent majority on your side but they just won't speak up? :(

I don't know Guy from beyond the forum. We don't PM each other to plan our tag-team strategy together. lol It just happens to be that neither of us agree you have presented any solid evidence for your theory. Could be because you haven't.

The reason our arguments seem tough on you is because you learn kung fu online and know very little about TCMAs in general, technically and historically.
Many of us others are just bored of this now I believe.

After all discussing the history in aspect of what must be true is probably no longer of value to anyone. Reason being that it is starting to become more and more certain we will never figure out the actual truth to it.
The reason our arguments seem tough on you is because you learn kung fu online and know very little about TCMAs in general, technically and historically.

You don't know me or anything about me. But Ok. That clinches it. If you are going to start making it personal, I'm done trying to have any kind of effective conversation with both you and Guy.
I gave you a summary of the Wing Chun/White Crane connection theory that went well beyond "trivial arm motions.

Nope, you didn't. You invoked similar legend which is easily explained. And you pointed to similar hand motions in a poorly performed form. Whenever I have tried to get you to expand further by talking about how the hand motions are similar and in what way white crane and wing chun resemble each other, you fail to respond because you haven't a clue how white crane actually works in practice. You don't understand white crane concepts, movement, tactics or anything else about it. And so we are left with similar looking hand motions. Which are also in any number of Northern or other styles.

Better get googling again.

You have called me dishonest, a coward, a troll, and a liar on these boards multiple times now.

If you don't like it then don't continue to do it.

I simply summarized what people have been seeing for awhile now.

Argument from consensus is a fallacy. Argument from authority is a fallacy. Make your own argument. I'm happy to talk white crane or Hakka arts but I'm not going to feed you the info because you aren't an honest person.

You are welcome to formulate your own theory and present your logic and evidence.

Wrong way around at this point.

Whether you think these historical facts are enough to connect Wing Chun and White Crane is up to you. You are welcome to believe that they are not. But again, you can't simply dismiss them.

I just did dismiss them
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Wow- these threads lately-is Mark Twain relevant?

Mark Twain — 'Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.'

.... I don't really want to go into the way that the Hakka arts and wing chun are different in any detail, since I will only be educating someone that is not honest in their attempts to discuss anything ...Put something forward and be honest and I will discuss.

Hmmm... in other words, "Geezer, you lying b*stard!". Finally I know how the President feels! :D

I have to hand it to you Guy. You figured me out. Mendacity is my middle name. ...Or perhaps ...I'm not being honest again :p.

OK seriously now, I don't know what the distant roots of WC are, and we actually agree that WC as a distinct entity didn't emerge until the time of Leung Jan. I say we bury the hatchet and move on. This topic is a dead horse. :)
"Yongchun Quan was derived from Southern White Crane during the Qing Qian Long period. There is a saying that Yongchun Quan was started by the lady Yan, Yong-Chun who learned Southern White Crane techniques from the Buddhist nun Wumei in the mountains of Yunnan Province. Wumei's original name was Lu, Si-Niang. Later, Yong-Chun brought the techniques back to Canton, where they became the Yongchun Fist."

Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming, "The Essense of Shaolin White Crane", YMAA Publication Center, 1996.

Now this doesn't prove anything.....other than the fact that this is not something I made up, that it goes back a few years, and that even people from outside Wing Chun circles have this theory. For anyone that has actually paid attention...this is a fairly accepted and widespread idea. Majority consensus doesn't prove anything either....other than you are a closed-minded fool to not honestly look at what is out there rather than just dismissing it out of hand. Enough said on this topic.
I don't know, I think we could squeeze another dozen or so pages out if we put our minds to it.

.....Sure, since nothing said for pages has anything to do with the OP anyway. And honestly, the OP was a dumb topic (another TMA vs. MMA thread? Really?!) ...except for everybody's witty comments. At first, anyway.

So now I'm off to start a new thread. So we can all go on that and insult each other. Like watching a train wreck. It will be fun. Now for my new mystery slogan: LFJ, the Hanzou of WC! If you like it click agree. If not, take it out on KPM.

Honestly guys, I'm just here to hang out, talk about WC, and have fun. If you are trying to do much more than that, I'd say consider where you are. It's a stinkin' internet forum for Gawd'sake! (...a good one, but c'mon!). :)
"Yongchun Quan was derived from Southern White Crane during the Qing Qian Long period. There is a saying that Yongchun Quan was started by the lady Yan, Yong-Chun who learned Southern White Crane techniques from the Buddhist nun Wumei in the mountains of Yunnan Province. Wumei's original name was Lu, Si-Niang. Later, Yong-Chun brought the techniques back to Canton, where they became the Yongchun Fist."

Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming, "The Essense of Shaolin White Crane", YMAA Publication Center, 1996.

Now this doesn't prove anything.....other than the fact that this is not something I made up, that it goes back a few years, and that even people from outside Wing Chun circles have this theory.

It proves that white crane also has silly made up stores, just like wing chun. This is fiction and it is pretty blatant. Chinese people take this kind of thing in a different way to Western people.

For anyone that has actually paid attention...this is a fairly accepted and widespread idea. Majority consensus doesn't prove anything either....other than you are a closed-minded fool to not honestly look at what is out there rather than just dismissing it out of hand. Enough said on this topic.

Nobody is dismissing anything out of hand, don't lie
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Honestly guys, I'm just here to hang out, talk about WC, and have fun. If you are trying to do much more than that, I'd say consider where you are. It's a stinkin' internet forum for Gawd'sake! (...a good one, but c'mon!). :)

Me too. Unfortunately talking about wing chun is something that doesn't happen here very often.
Nobody is dismissing anything out of hand, don't lie

I can't believe you just called me a liar....again! For what...the 4th time??

I wrote just upthread:

Whether you think these historical facts are enough to connect Wing Chun and White Crane is up to you. You are welcome to believe that they are not. But again, you can't simply dismiss them.

And your reply was:

I just did dismiss them

Why is it that this guy can call me a troll, a liar, dishonest, and a coward and nothing happens? He can write inflammatory comments that are simply meant to incite and nothing happens? But when I tell him he is full of Sh1t and an a55hole I get a warning from the moderators????