I don't know this guy, but that's good information, I should know that, but never think this deep. When I said I put my feet on the chair to do weighted pushups, It's really not like incline press. I use my dumbbell to put space between my body and the ground because I need space for the weighted jackets. The jacket will rest on the ground if I don't have the dumbbells when I lower my body in every pushup. This is a video I did a long time ago with only one jacket of about 45lbs.
Notice the chair mostly compensate for the extra height of the dumbbell I hold onto.
I since add a second jacket and split 40lbs on the big jacket and 20lbs in the smaller thinner jacket and I wear the thinner first and the thick one on top. The video was make almost 2 years ago at the very beginning of the shutdown.
At home, I don't have a way to do decline press. I do body weight dip. I am 175lbs, so it's not exactly light weight
. I could wear the 20lbs jacket, but I have to watch out my elbow. I can feel my elbow is at the limit. I used to be able to hang a 45lbs plate 10 years ago to do the dip. I just do 3 sets of 15 body weight dip now a days.
There are definitely limits on working out at home, It's not about buying equipment, it's about not making the family room looking like a gym. The looks for the house is important too. I am thinking about adding a third car garage and use it as a gym. Then I can get a cage with a bench. Now, if I want to exercise the lower pecks, I have to use this kind of twist bars:
I have 30lbs, 40lbs and 50lbs bars already. I stopped doing this a few months ago as I got lazy. But after watching your video, That's about the only way to work the lower pecks.
I do pulldown with a lot of elastic bands, those elastic bands are very good, it gets very strong towards the end of the stretch. I just loop them around the chinup bar and pull down sitting on a low stepping stool. That seems to work the pecks also.
As I get older, my left shoulder started to make popping sound when I push the shoulder/deltoid. I used to do 10reps 25lbs dumbbell lateral raise, but I have to lower the weight as it pops on every move and discomfort later on. I have to lower to 17.5lbs each hand and just do 15 to 20 reps sets. This is part of the reason to use two weight jacket, I have to lift the jacket overhead to wear and I have to lift the jacket with one hand and use the other hand to move everything in place. My best military press is 50lbs each hand for 10 reps, I cannot lift and hold 60lbs jacket with one hand over my head. So I have to split into 40:20.
I use elastic bands to do incline press, but again, the left shoulder start popping so I have to keep the resistance down.
Since I added the stick fight, my weekly exercise is getting very long, a little over 7 hours a week, which is almost like 1 1/2hrs a day 5 days a week. It takes too much time to drive to the gym for weights and MA at home. Not only that, I talk a lot in the gym also. I went to a gym that was formerly Gold's Gym which is a heavy duty gym, people are serious people, lots of muscles and push heavy weights. Like you almost can count on people pushing 225lbs bench as starter. I want to go to those gym to keep myself humble, not going to those yuppie gym where benching 135lbs is good already. But you'd be surprised those musclemen also exercise their jaw muscle a lot too. We talk, we laugh!!! I usually spent 1hr working out, then 1/2hr doing jaw exercise!!! I cannot afford this after adding the stick fight regiment. I am stuck at home doing everything for now.
Too bad we all have to get old. Just less than 10 years ago, I could do 5 to 6reps 225lbs bench, before I quit last year, I could only do 185lbs.
You ever try close hands pushups? That is the index fingers and thumbs of both hands touching each other and do pushups. This concentrates the stress on triceps, not the chest. That's part of my triceps exercise. I do 3 sets of 20 every Friday. then I do 30lbs dumbbell kick back also. ( sad I used to do 35lbs easily, but too much stress on the elbows now).