Any SKK combo's on youtube?

Very nice. It is the beginning of my technique Circling Hook and the ending to a cross side club "armbar takedown".

Yeah its a fave of mine.

it also bears a strong similarity to one of the SL-4 AOD drills
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anybody doing these video's with an older camera? If so how are you converting? Assuming you're converting....

I use my DV camcorder most often, but sometimes I have footage from other sources and I use a digital converter box. I have a pyro-DV, which is mediocre, but Canopus makes a really nice one. If you need help, I can convert the video for you if you send a copy on VHS.
I use my DV camcorder most often, but sometimes I have footage from other sources and I use a digital converter box. I have a pyro-DV, which is mediocre, but Canopus makes a really nice one. If you need help, I can convert the video for you if you send a copy on VHS.
Could you translate that into English, German, Greek or Latin? I can't read the lingo you wrote. :lol:
Could you translate that into English, German, Greek or Latin? I can't read the lingo you wrote. :lol:

Do-over. Let's see if I can translate this from geek into English.

I use my DV-camcorder. Digital Video, uses tiny little tapes, connects to my computer by a cord called 'firewire' or IEE1394 or something like that if you are an engineer. Works just like a regular camcorder, but plays nice with computers. You can pick one up for about 175 bucks at best buy if you shop carefully.

If you have older tapes that need to be converted to a computer friendly format, an 'analog to digital converter' or 'black box thing that you can plug stuff into with the cords like you use to hook up your VCR (thing under the TV that blinks 12:00:uhyeah:)' that hooks up with your computer to make the conversion. They are kind of expensive, so unless you want to convert a bunch of old video (not a bad idea since tape can degrade over time) they might not be a good investment. Pyro-DV is one brand name (not so great, but mine works) and Canopus is another (much nicer, but more expensive) but a bunch of different ones can be found that could do the job.

If you used a Hi-8 camcorder (medium small tapes, says 'Hi-8' on them) you might be able to use a digital 8mm camcorder to make the conversion. They can be found on eBay pretty cheap.

Otherwise, if you can copy the video to a VHS tape (the kind people put in their VCR to watch that movie they rented from Blockbuster - kind of like an 8-track but bigger:whip1:) I'd be happy to convert it for you.

Sorry to derail the thread.
Now you're talkin'! :lol:

Thanks, Matt, and my bad, all. It's just that the world speeds up--and slows down--as each decade rolls over on the odometer. :yoda:

No problem. Glad you took the post in the spirit intended. PM or email me if you want to get anything converted. I'll put it online for you if you like, or send it back on a disc.
No problem. Glad you took the post in the spirit intended. PM or email me if you want to get anything converted. I'll put it online for you if you like, or send it back on a disc.
Appreciate it and agreed. Will take the details to a PM when and if I get that far. :asian: Oh, and I especially liked the 8 Track reference. Nice to be part of a thread where people actually read each other's posts ;)
If you have DVR (ReplayTV, Tivo, etc) ...

I have connected my VCR, old Hi8 camera, DVD player, even my XBOX to the DVR input, recorded the footage; then transfer the recording from the DVR to my PC. TAA DAA it digitizes anything
If you have DVR (ReplayTV, Tivo, etc) ...

I have connected my VCR, old Hi8 camera, DVD player, even my XBOX to the DVR input, recorded the footage; then transfer the recording from the DVR to my PC. TAA DAA it digitizes anything
Don't have Tivo, never heard of DVR, XBOX I've heard about from the teens I spend all day with (video game or something, right?), and TAA sounds like something to do with air traffic control...especially after Reagan's strike busting move. Guys, thanks for the suggestions, but I am techno DUMB. :lol: ;)
Don't have Tivo, never heard of DVR, XBOX I've heard about from the teens I spend all day with (video game or something, right?), and TAA sounds like something to do with air traffic control...especially after Reagan's strike busting move. Guys, thanks for the suggestions, but I am techno DUMB. :lol: ;)

Back to plan A.. have matt do it
Don't have Tivo, never heard of DVR, XBOX I've heard about from the teens I spend all day with (video game or something, right?), and TAA sounds like something to do with air traffic control...especially after Reagan's strike busting move. Guys, thanks for the suggestions, but I am techno DUMB. :lol: ;)

Tivo is a brand of DVR (Digital Video Recorder). Mine is from Panasonic, and is superior in every way except market share :/

"TAA DAA!" is what magicians say when they finish a trick LOL
Tivo is a brand of DVR (Digital Video Recorder). Mine is from Panasonic, and is superior in every way except market share :/

"TAA DAA!" is what magicians say when they finish a trick LOL

Very cool ... I have Panasonic as well. Mine does VHS (Play/Rec), DVD (Play/Rec) and DVR ... all in one unit.
Very cool ... I have Panasonic as well. Mine does VHS (Play/Rec), DVD (Play/Rec) and DVR ... all in one unit.

wow, sweet!

mine is just DVR (RepalyTV 5400). I found some software that lets my PC read files off its hard drive, so it is my all-purpose digitizer :)
If someone could post a video of combo # 55 that would be great. On Master Jim Brassards website ( he does a tip on combo 2. The way he teaches it is pretty interesting. It lookes like part of the technique five swords in American Kenpo system. He states that it is similar to combination 55 in the shaolin system. So if someone could post a video of 55 I would appreciate it.

well my 3 are up. uncut and unrehearsed. I only wish that i had done them all one more time at full speed.. oh well my nature to teach came through.. and yes that was a new hopeful student calling in the background. haaha,, this is a great tool, I was able to see some of my structure mistakes and now I can correct them.

Hi Master Dwire, i just noticed that in 36 i have a budha palm strike wear youo have a reverse knife. i will try it with the knife to see how it feels

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some animal kempo's. Urehearsed and not as refined as it could be...but here it is. I forgot to do a second snake so my apologies for that.

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anyone else planning on posting some animal / kempo's/ non combination techniques of skk?


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