Another McDojo. Lethalo, the world's deadliest martial art!

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You're absolutely right. My point wasn't that they spend their time training with firearms over martial arts, my point was that of the two, they spend much more time with a rifle in their hands than practicing hand to hand. Blame it on Hollywood I guess, but people have this idea that SF guys are all martial artists. The truth of the matter is that most of those guys have a very limited understanding of the MA. (I am speaking mostly about Army Special Forces and Rangers, as that's whom I've had the most experience with). The truth of the matter is those guys don't have time to train effectively in MA. They're constantly running around the world doing relevant training to their mission.
Originally posted by OULobo
Gotta be careful here. In some states they'll say yes! Of course if that is the case, it may not even get that far, you might already be leakin like a sieve. A ton of parinoid people carry guns legal or not, and these are the same people that start the fights.:2pistols: My ninja style never got to the catch bullets with my teeth stage of training. :ninja: [/QU

Very true! And like a knife disarm, where you always run the risk of getting cut, with a gun you can get shot. However, I'm not going ot stand there while he reaches to get the gun. That would be like waiting until the punch is almost connected with your face before you block. I would definately do my best to attempt a disarm. I also look at it like this. If the guy is going to pull a knife or gun and use it on me, then he better plan on killing me with it, otherwise he'll wish that he had!

The last MAJOR case where hand-to-hand combat was used was with the South Korean Marines during Vietnam. First it was a battle with firearms, but then they ran out of ammo and had to engage in hand-to-hand combat.
Originally posted by MJS
Originally posted by OULobo
Gotta be careful here. In some states they'll say yes! Of course if that is the case, it may not even get that far, you might already be leakin like a sieve. A ton of parinoid people carry guns legal or not, and these are the same people that start the fights.:2pistols: My ninja style never got to the catch bullets with my teeth stage of training. :ninja: [/QU

Very true! And like a knife disarm, where you always run the risk of getting cut, with a gun you can get shot. However, I'm not going ot stand there while he reaches to get the gun. That would be like waiting until the punch is almost connected with your face before you block. I would definately do my best to attempt a disarm. I also look at it like this. If the guy is going to pull a knife or gun and use it on me, then he better plan on killing me with it, otherwise he'll wish that he had!


I agree. I think I would try to stuff the draw or redirect the barrel. I read a thread on this site about active gun jamming techniques, and while I think some of them would work, I think it would be to chaotic to try these. Anything is better than taking a round in the back while running from the guy. Still I think people underestimate the shock effect of getting cut or shot. When the body gets heavily injured in a short period of time it has a tendancy to change your thinking for you.

It reminds me of when a beginner who has never taken a good ringer shot to the head in a full contact match gets his first and they have that epiphany that makes them try to reevaluate the situation on a new level if they can fast enough.

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