Top 5 Deadliest Martial Arts in the World

I'm never 100% sure what your intention is when posting videos with no context… are you saying you believe or agree with the video's assessment? Is it because you don't agree with it, and are presenting it as something funny (as the two ratings attached so far seem to feel)? Do you expect a debate on the merits of the choices, against other beliefs on the forum? Do you just really like the soundtrack?

My point is, a clip by itself, without any context, in the most generic area of the forum (General Martial Arts Talk) doesn't really let us know where you expect this conversation to go… perhaps you could accompany any future ones with some comments so we know where you stand on it as well?

That said… it's idiocy. There are 5 arts chosen (Shotokan, JKD, Sanshou, Krav Maga, Kyokushinkai), however none of them are even "deadly" in the first place, let alone "the deadliest"… Krav Maga would be the closest, with it's military context and background. The video clips chosen to represent the arts themselves is terrible… the Shotokan one includes a number of clips from tournaments that may or may nor feature Shotokan itself… the JKD one was just clips of Bruce Lee from his movies (not JKD itself), Sanshou was more about it being a Chinese MMA than anything unique to the methods found there, the Krav clips included clips of Aikido and Quantum Jiujitsu (as well as other non-Krav Maga clips), and the Kyokushin clips included Savate… so even the clips chosen were inaccurate in pretty much all cases.

By far the biggest issue, of course, is that there is no criteria applied, no way of discerning how such a list was put together… and that each of the arts are notably non-lethal in pretty much all aspects of the arts themselves (with the exception of Krav Maga when dealing with firearms… but even then, it's more focused on defence against, rather than lethal response). I mean… this is a list of the "deadliest" martial arts… and none of them are lethal in form or intent. But some are…

Hyoho Niten Ichi Ryu was founded by Musashi Miyamoto… and is based on his experience killing many people he met over his duelling career…

Bokuden Ryu, Kashima Shinryu, and many others attributed to Tsukahara Bokuden would also qualify… as Bokuden was said to have engaged (successfully) in some 20 duels, and nearly 40 battles… with (according to the Bokuden Ryu) at least 200 confirmed enemies killed by his sword.

Many of the FMA systems have their origins in actual, bloody use of knives and blades…

The AMOK system of knife work has it's source in the violent streets of South Africa…

Many of the various HEMA systems teach outright lethal usage of various weapons in a number of contexts…

Morishige Ryu, Yo Ryu etc are systems of firearm usage...

If you haven't noted the common thread here, by and large, if an art is unarmed, it is not "deadly", let alone "deadliest"… for that, you really do need to look to the weaponry systems.

Why do I post these videos? Because I can. What is my intention for posting them? For the heck of it.

Great video. My favorite part is when the reporter declares, "yesterday I was a complete novice. Today, I'm a shodan ho!" May be funnier to Americans than Brits or Aussies.

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