Another McDojo. Lethalo, the world's deadliest martial art!

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4 ONLINE COURSES?! So all us train for no reason? All them hours of hard work just smashed by the lethal art of lethalo? Cmmon
Originally posted by OULobo
Hey guys this is my first posting here, but I have to chime in on this one. I train in the area where this "Nightbreed" guy is and I have trained with some of the more hard core guys in this area, but i have never heard of this system, this guy or this school.

I'm not surprised. What system are you training in, incidentally?

I currently train a "kali" (I notice I have to use the term carfully here) system called Marcial Tirada. It's a family system with mixed components that is originally from the Pangasinan area of the Philippines. I have also put in some significant time in Bando, Aiki, Silat (Mande Muda and Maninkabau) and BJJ. I have been lurking for the past week or so and thought I would make my debut considering my part of the woods was mentioned.
Yeah, we were traveling from Montreal to Terre Haute and we stayed the night thereabouts. We looked for a hotel in Erie, PA but it was booked solid (lake vacationers). Then we hit a motorcycle convention of some sort. We finally stopped a little south of Cleveland.

Please do post something about the system of Kali you study in the FMA-General forum! I doubt it'll start a 'kali' semantic debate--there are other threads for that.
Originally posted by akja
Over the years a lot of people, including Americans have actually trained in Asia although some do lie without a doubt.

But to hopefully open some eyes, heres a link to someone who is still fairly young, very high ranked under my Hanshi and is well established in several arts and is helping me out with some things. Click on the video clip and turn on your speakers.:D

I know, because I've done it myself. I trained in Korea when I was in my pre-teen years, and later when I was in the military.

One thing though... Most people who usually train there don't claim 10th dans there or when they come back, and advertise here and there.

It's just way too easy to trace
Originally posted by tonbo
Did I mention that I actually trained Navy SEALS?

Well, I did.

I think that, generally, the Navy Dolphins listened a little better, but the Seals were pretty tough. Especially the Elephant Seals. Those noses are deadly.


I'd watch out for those narwals...
Originally posted by MartialArtist
I know, because I've done it myself. I trained in Korea when I was in my pre-teen years, and later when I was in the military.

One thing though... Most people who usually train there don't claim 10th dans there or when they come back, and advertise here and there.

It's just way too easy to trace

You know I see the same things you see. And all goes as planned I too (HOPEFULLY) will be able to go and train in Asia and Brazil.
Its too bad that people have to do what they do to make a buck! Its sad that this is what the arts, well, some of them anyway, have come to. THe real sad thing, is that there are people out there that will buy this crap, and think that they are actually learning something useful. I'd hate to be that person, when they are on the street and they get into a fight and get their a** kicked. Maybe then they will wake up and realize that they wasted all that money.

Originally posted by rmcrobertson
Boys and Girls, does Rich Parsons ever have a point. Detroit becomes the Hellmouth (att'n Buffy fans), and this guy brags about all the good training...a real martial artist would've been, say, teaching reading or running a boxing program...

Reminds me of the classic headline from "National Lampoon:" JAPAN SINKS; LOCAL COUPLE'S VACATION RUINED, as well as the leftist slogan of the 1970s, about middle-class tourism in the so-called Third World: VACATION IN OTHER PEOPLE'S MISERY.

Nice one, Mr. Parsons. I hadn't noticed.

Robert :asian:

Thank You :D for your comment

I hope I have not hurt the poor feelings of all those locals gangs that did the deeds to makes the statistics :(

Peace :asian:
Originally posted by tonbo
Did I mention that I actually trained Navy SEALS?

Well, I did.

I think that, generally, the Navy Dolphins listened a little better, but the Seals were pretty tough. Especially the Elephant Seals. Those noses are deadly.



The Dolphins have bigger brains and use more of it then the average mammal. Just ask a dolphin a question and they will laugh at you and smile and then go swimming.

Heck I wish I was that smart :) :asian:
In my conversations with SEALs, Rangers and others about their hand to hand training, the most common response I've gotten was 'I train at (insert local dojo/dojang).'
The answer I usually get is "I'm an expert in ching-ching-pow!" :D
Um, how many "number 1 in the world , new secret, deadliest, easy to learn, I trained organizations that don't exist" arts can there be? So far, we have seen two in this thread alone.
Originally posted by akja
You know I see the same things you see. And all goes as planned I too (HOPEFULLY) will be able to go and train in Asia and Brazil.
Never trained in Brazil, or been there for that matter.

I have however been to Chile to watch some demonstrations which isn't the same I know.
Maybe we should organize a series of matches--you know, "The Obviously Lousy Martial Arts Thunderdome," (OLMAT), kind of like Celebrity Deathmatch.

Here's my first card:

Tae-Bo vs. CardioLethalo
Chi Kung vs. Ashida Kim
Choki Motubo vs. Count Dante
Gymkata vs. Jean-Claude van Damme
I'd watch out for those narwals...

I have some blade work on my MA resume. If those suckers even *try* to attack me on land, they are mine. In the water, well, I would be pretty much resorting to "harpoon-fu".

The Dolphins have bigger brains and use more of it then the average mammal. Jsut ask a dolphin a question and they will laugh at you and smile and then go swimming.

I fully agree. Those guys are pretty darn intelligent. I mean, you haven't seen *them* arguing over who's style is better, or who's belt color means they are the coolest, have you?

Oh. Yeah. I forgot. No opposable thumbs. Can't tie a belt.

Well, you know what I mean.

:D :asian:

Originally posted by jwreck
The answer I usually get is "I'm an expert in ching-ching-pow!" :D

I've had people say that to me also. I say to them, "Do you have your gun with you right now?" The response is the same...No...well, what good is it going to do you if you don't have it with you.

Originally posted by rmcrobertson
Maybe we should organize a series of matches--you know, "The Obviously Lousy Martial Arts Thunderdome," (OLMAT), kind of like Celebrity Deathmatch.

Here's my first card:

Tae-Bo vs. CardioLethalo
Chi Kung vs. Ashida Kim
Choki Motubo vs. Count Dante
Gymkata vs. Jean-Claude van Damme

Gymkata:rofl: I forgot about that one!
What a corny movie. I bet Van Dammit would get his *** kicked!
Originally posted by MJS
I've had people say that to me also. I say to them, "Do you have your gun with you right now?" The response is the same...No...well, what good is it going to do you if you don't have it with you.

well, since we're talking about military personnel, whose job is to engage in armed combat, ... the point is that they spend more time in realistic training, as in training with firearms, because that's their job. Not squaring off with some bozo to witness the awesome power of his new ma style...
Originally posted by MJS
I've had people say that to me also. I say to them, "Do you have your gun with you right now?" The response is the same...No...well, what good is it going to do you if you don't have it with you.


Gotta be careful here. In some states they'll say yes! Of course if that is the case, it may not even get that far, you might already be leakin like a sieve. A ton of parinoid people carry guns legal or not, and these are the same people that start the fights.:2pistols: My ninja style never got to the catch bullets with my teeth stage of training. :ninja:
Originally posted by jwreck
well, since we're talking about military personnel, whose job is to engage in armed combat, ... the point is that they spend more time in realistic training, as in training with firearms, because that's their job. Not squaring off with some bozo to witness the awesome power of his new ma style...
Compared with SWAT teams, the military including the elite (Rangers, Recon, SEALs, SF, Airborne Rangers, etc.) don't do as much training with firearms. SWAT, they practice firearm tactics almost every single day. The elite forces do a lot of other training. If there was a hostage situation, I would rather have the FBI SWAT deal with it than even the counter-terrorist group Delta Force... Well, jurisdiction rules play a huge role but... Military CT groups train in other aspects as well. However, if I wanted to capture an airfield, I would choose the Rangers over SWAT anyday. If someone needs to relay information and get in and get out, then there are other groups that specialize in it such as the Marine Recon and the Rangers and SEALs get some training in it too. Each elite military force go over the same basics, but each have their own unique attributes. However, just tactically speaking as in raiding and such, SWAT teams score higher than everyone else. Of course, this is VERY general. Most of the records for sniping and range shooting are held by military personnel.

There was a TV program that I've seen, where they had the best groups of each competing against each other. SWAT won, but only because the whole competition was on their own turf. A very limited but entertaining competition nonetheless.

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