Ceicei said:
I don't think Mr. Tatum offers his videos to be accompanied with a belt nor does he, after students only view/use them, issue belts. My understanding is he makes these videos to be used as a visual reference source. But then again, I haven't seen Mr. Tatum's promotional ads so I don't know for sure about his videos.
- Ceicei
I've been in kenpo for most of my life. I still cannot remember details about which tech comes where in a given form (I can cram it in, learn an entire form in a night and remember it for as long as I'm training it...give me 1 month off, and everything slides right off the teflon brain). I'm ordering Mr. Tatums SD tech series, as well as the forms. Not to learn from for the first time, but for memory joggers. One of the problems of training in multiple kenpo offshoots is that you learn several ways of doing the same technique. I.E., is Rolling Talon from Kenpo, TAI, Lima Lama, Elua Lima, etc. Five swords, seven sowrds, ... about a dozen different interps of thundering hammers, each with something different & cool about it. When someone says, "show thundering hammers"...brain goes in a spin trying to figger out which one, and why.
I think videos as a reference resource are fine, but I'm not trying to learn a new thing here, or even get a rank from it. If I ever meet Mr. Tatum, it certainly won't be to test for a rank based on stuff I learned from his series. I've learned this stuff before, and now need a refresher that's based on the convenience of my own schedule, and not the Monday/Wednesday night at 7:00 PM availability of advanced classes.
Bald Bob slipped on a thread in Western Arts forum, saying people short-changed Mr. Roman...that if you view his website, and talk to him on the phone, he's really a nice guy. His dialogue partner reminded him, "you mean'train' with him"...
Meanwhile, he lists himself as a kenpo black belt. Has he ever even met the guy who granted it to him? Or did it just show up overnight express?
marshallbd: You have a good brain and an open heart; I'm sure whatever choices you have to make will be appropriate for the circumstance, as well as accompanied by an understanding that the power of the resources are not the same.
If you ever get out to Cali in your travels, I'd be glad to work out with you and support you however I may.
Meanwhile, keep your BS detectors on...thier are lots of guys like the Chief out there.
Dr. Dave