Americans, how could you?

There was a time in the US when the press gave a pass to many public figures. That obviously has changed with the trend in the 'legitimate press,' to reportage formerly reserved for magazines that keep us informed of the latest alien invasions. Some of the sensationalist magazines almost went out of business due to the shift from the ligitimate press, which of course incudes not only print, but radio and TV.

Failure to realize that, has caused other public figues in the USA to suffer embarassment, just like Prince Harry. Of course, along with the dumb things that get reported, we get Watergate and a dress with unexpected stains.
where was his private security someone should have been eating or removing his camera from some orface when attempting to take the picture. What happend to what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?
LOL. I heard about this yesterday.

My thoughts on it are basically this. He's single, so what's the big deal? And he's in Vegas, so what's the big deal?

Master Dan, the new motto for Vegas is, "Smile. Everything single move you make is being recorded."
Tez - haven't you heard?

I guess he fell for that whole "Emperor's New Clothes" story. Or pehaps the thought there really was such a thing as an invisibility cloak.
He's a young, single, healthy serviceman on vacation, and in his own hotel room.

Whoever took that pic, and published it, was the one lacking judgement. If it was a maid, I'd fire her. If it was a friend, we'd 'have words'. And if a stranger, well, his training is lacking.
Ahh the life of a celebrity. You may have fame, you may have money but you sure as heck do not have any privacy. Many celebrities are happy with the trade off but of course there are always some that get upset about it. Personally, I think Prince Harry could care less he is out to have a good time! PS his reputation in Vegas is really wild. This stuff is supposedly really mild! ;)
He's a squaddie through and through he won't be in the slightest bit embarrassed and frankly no one here gives a monkeys, just the press making a bit of a fuss but for goodness sake you don't let gingas appear naked, it puts people off their food!
What the heck is wrong with "ginger" people anyway? We redheads aren't THAT bad to look at, sheesh! :p
I happen to find red-heads to be the most desirable of all, well, if they are ladies that is :D. Can't speak to the analysis when the red hair is on humans of the male gender :).
What the heck is wrong with "ginger" people anyway? We redheads aren't THAT bad to look at, sheesh! :p

yesh, they are TERRIBLE!

That's why L'Oreal puts out so many shades of the evil color!

(I guess it's because guys aren't supposed to have milky white skin! :p)

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