Grydth, do you realise the picture you are painting of your country is a horrific one and makes it sound almost worse than Iraq in Saddam's time?
I find it hard to believe that every journalist and every one of your newspaper is wanting America to lose the war. I can't imagine for the life of me why they'd want that.
The issue of this particular photograph comes down to basically as others have said, of whether it should be published against the wishes of the parents or whether it's should be published because he was everyman's son and the truth should be told.
The truth in this case of course is that war is hell and the people should know that. People have the right surely not to support a war they don't believe in and I've heard it said a great many times by Americans that they don't support the war but support the troops, which I think is admirable.
No one in their right minds, except arms dealers and those profitting from it, wants a war to continue. This war must be stopped as soon as possible, how that should be done is open to discussion but surely no one disagrees that the war should be stopped and the troops brought home asap. Even the supporters of the war should want it stopped.
Tez, you are wise in your assertion that one cannot ascribe one set of motives or values to
every member of a trade or profession. I am properly corrected.
Would I paint a horrific picture of my country right now? Indeed I would and I believe it to be in steep decline.... and I feel that the
general role that
most of the media plays is one of accelerating that decline.
Some of this can be seen in general trends of 'reporting', such as the 'good news isn't news'. Well if one only reads of flaws, and the majority of good deeds done go unreported, can it be a surprise that so many here have such negative views?
Mall and school shooters receive endless publicity; true heroes who earn the Silver Star or Soldier's Medal are obscure and unknown.... When did infamy become the equal to, and then the better of, true fame? And whodunnit?
Then there is the relentless assault upon the privacy of any unfortunate who comes into the public eye...... and this is coupled with a perverse obsession with the trivial. One cannot escape the endless, lurid stories of the death of Michael Jackson..... while across the country large numbers of people are dying.... often needlessly and often ignored. Recall the publication of death photos of John Lennon, Michael Jackson - so is this exploitation of a dying Marine any surprise?
The worst thing about the modern media is that it appeals to the worst in us. Americans love to gossip, love to snoop and above all love to be excited. Entertainment shows, talking heads all have to become more and more outrageous in what they say and do in order to stay ahead, make a buck. This photo is but one more step on that downgrade.
Do I think the media moguls have posters of Osama over their beds? No. (Obama, perhaps) But I do think they have ceased to function as Americans. One need only recall Sulzberger the Lesser's Viet Nam era quote that he would wish the Viet Cong soldier to kill the American Marine. Sorry, to me that is
never an acceptable answer.
What once would have been propagandizing for the enemy is now "fairness"... Remember Monday Night Murders, featuring the sociopathic killer Zarkawi murdering hostages? (I know, it's now an 'oldie'). Why were those things and Osama's rants given any play in wartime?
The media also reflects our flaws, such as the need for endless and ultimately meaningless prizes and (dis)honors. (The martial arts world is also no stranger to this). So what will they not stoop to when..... I......smell......a........Peabody!!!!!
No, I think the relationship of most of the media to the public, once symbiotic, has now become mutually parasitic and degenerative. The publication of this horrible picture is simply a symptom of that...and soon that will be enough.....there will next be a video of some soldier dying. Watch and see - - - "News" at 6.
The media is also a relentless driver in the what's hot/what's not mentality, as well as our instant gratification need. From Viet Nam to present, our enemies have known they need only wait us out. The war is an oldie. End it...... now. Never mind winning it.
Just my opinions........:soapbox: