Americans, how could you?

man thats tame compared to the crap we did when I was in the military. I remember one weekend they took 400 of us Marines to Reno and put us up in a hotel casino together. We had all been in cold weather and mountain warfare school for over a month they turned us loose on that poor town. It was UGLY. You found your room by looking for your pile of puke or well other bodily fluids in the hall way.
Redheads and ginger are very different, no one wants to see ginger pubes trust me. Red hair is attractive, orange is not.
My only question, why are those soldiers still wearing the berets? I don't think there's any use in it :)
My only question, why are those soldiers still wearing the berets? I don't think there's any use in it :)

Well they aren't soldiers they are airmen from 63 Sqn RAFREGT, who when not in Afghan are known as The Queen's Colour Squadron. It's my other half's Sqn when he was in. Wearing berets mean they can pay the appropriate compliments to officers ( for non mil types that means saluting). Not they are wearing berets so no one mistakes them for army chaps.
Well they aren't soldiers they are airmen from 63 Sqn RAFREGT, who when not in Afghan are known as The Queen's Colour Squadron. It's my other half's Sqn when he was in. Wearing berets mean they can pay the appropriate compliments to officers ( for non mil types that means saluting). Not they are wearing berets so no one mistakes them for army chaps.

I'm sure without the caps they wouldn't be mistaken for army chaps. The army chaps have bigger balls. :D ha.haha
Americans? The pics probably came from the Prince's own phone, unless he was holding it someplace we couldn't see. Then a News of the World employee....well, you get the idea.

He's a squaddie through and through he won't be in the slightest bit embarrassed and frankly no one here gives a monkeys, just the press making a bit of a fuss but for goodness sake you don't let gingas appear naked, it puts people off their food!
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Just makes me wonder whatever happened to the old saying

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas


The new version:

What happens in Vegas, can usually be fixed, with the right antibiotics...

And just for the record, there are a number of "gingers" I wouldn't mind seeing some naked pictures of. Prince Harry, however, isn't really my type.
Americans? The pics probably came from the Prince's own phone, unless he was holding it someplace we couldn't see. Then a News of the World employee....well, you get the idea.


News of the World? Nah that was folded a while back due to it's criminal behaviour, it was the American press that published the photos in the first place. By the way Prince Charles was also caught in phtos that were published by the German press a while back but that was alright he isn't ginger. As I said red head are different from ginger.
I happen to be rather attached to my ginger.... cat.

After all, there's nothing wrong with showing a bit of orange fur :p

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