War on Photography - American Front

Yep. Now, I know some folks have issues with Carlos Miller, but in most of the links he links to news stories and other less controversial sources. I figure, follow the links for the full story rather than me posting 10 on the same single matter.
April Stories

  1. Clueless federal security guards threaten to confiscate camera in Philadelphia
  2. NYPD cop guilty in body-checking Critical Mass incident caught on video
  3. Arizona immigration protesters assault and intimidate videographer
  4. Ft. Lauderdale cop arrests man for asking for his badge number
  5. Detroit cop caught napping in photo
  6. OSU cops handcuff, detain student for photographing loose cows
  7. And the lies continue to mount in the Maryland police beating case
  8. Man arrested for videotaping on federal property sues Homeland Security
  9. Seattle cyber sleuth proves cops to be liars
  10. CopÂ’s attorney grasping for straws in bike-shoving trial
  11. Aspiring cop beat up by cops in a wrongful arrest caught on video
  12. Is Amtrak reneging on its revised photo policy?
  13. Police chase away journalists from Lafayette Park in DC
  14. Police raid university newspaper in Virginia and confiscate almost 1,000 photos
  15. California journalist fighting to get his memory cards back from police
  16. San Francisco cop with pattern of abuse at center of settlement
  17. Suburban Chicago cop facing felony charges after beating a man on video
  18. The Associated Press discovers latest trend of police brutality caught on video
  19. Motorcyclist jailed for 26 hours for videotaping gun-wielding cop
  20. Man wins $5,000 after he was cited for flipping off cop
  21. Two cops suspended in Maryland beating incident; FBI investigating
  22. Maine teens assault man after he photographs them jaywalking
  23. Disney security guards harass and threaten photographer before photographing him
  24. Another video exposes another cover-up of police brutality
  25. Mass. man charged with illegal wiretapping for videotaping cops on public road
  26. “If you get too close to me with that camera, I’ll take it out of your hand and ram it down your throat”
  27. Man who filmed plainclothes cop pulling gun on him now threatened with prison
  28. Chicago most heavily watched city in the country
  29. Video of photogs invading Miami Marine Stadium
  30. Ten rules for dealing with police (videos)
  31. Topless women “enraged” that men would photograph them in public
  32. So why is photography banned outside the Pentagon Metro Station in DC?
May stories

  1. LAPD kicks cyclist before pouncing on videographer
  2. Police tried their best to intimidate me last night (video)
  3. Mass. activist confronts, documents and reports cop parked in handicapped spot
  4. Detroit mayor bans reality show from shooting police raids
  5. BP CEO barks orders to the media
  6. Welcome to America: Now step inside the jail cell
  7. Police continue to use wiretapping laws to crack down on people recording them
  8. Mississippi governor quashes rights of photojournalist
  9. New York videographer takes on cops with wit, sarcasm and attitude
  10. Another officer convicted from evidence obtained from video
  11. CBS reporters allow themselves to be intimidated by BP and Coast Guard officials
  12. Earn $100 for filming cops
  13. Mystery video supposedly will prove Detroit cops lied about shooting girl during raid
  14. Penn. activist facing 8 years in prison after videotaping officers outside courthouse
  15. Tenn. lawmakers try to bar reporter from chamber for taking photo
  16. New Jersey man arrested for videotaping police officers on a public street
  17. Activist arrested for videotaping federal guards outside Pennsyvlania courthouse
  18. LA photographer cleared of felony charges in graffiti case
  19. News videographer at center of media battle after shooting video of abusive cops
  20. Student photographer still fighting for his rights in cop cow-chasing incident
  21. Attorney blogger told he is not allowed to shoot video in front of courthouse
  22. Los Angeles photographer facing year in jail for photographing graffiti artists
  23. Photog wrongly arrested for trespassing during power plant demonstration
  24. Charges dropped against man who was assaulted, arrested for videotaping
Standard Disclaimer:
I'm snagging stories from a blog written by someone who has had several unfavorable run ins with Miami FL cops. Some of the comments on his blog are very hostile towards LEO's. I do not endorse nor agree with the commentary there. I suggest that where links to -reliable- news sources exist that those reading examine those and make their own minds up as to what's really going on. I'm dropping these in here so as to not clutter the Study with a thousand "bad cop" type stories. If any are of any interest to discuss, please use these links as starting points to create new threads.


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