Brother John
Senior Master
LOVE that Google!
I thought you'd created a HUGE post with a touchy subject for your first post on Martial Talk.
Really, you wrote this about Two years ago didn't you? Found it on
and here's another!
also: if you are excaping the propagation of anything steming from the orient, then why continue the use of the term "Master"?
On the page showing your certificates and plaques it shows you have the title "Sifu" given to you by
were you awarded this by the "Masters Council"?
Here's why I'm wondering these thigns.
I think you bring up things concerning the martial arts trends of rank abuse. I really do. But then whenever someone brings up issues of "Rank" I tend to wonder why.
People in our martial arts culture tend to be "rank hungry" and like to throw around terms and stripes like crazy...they'll go to certificate mills and churn things though credentials were something that one could buy. The bonefides of "Master", "Sensei" or "Sifu" are, I think, earned by the hearts and minds and development of ones students; not associations or organizations.
People who Don't take that route often look at rank as "Sour Grapes", and talk about how it didn't used to be there......what'd people do BEFORE the black belt was invented?? That sort of thing. Instead of chasing down rank (or earning it through legit means, which would be best of course) they talk it down and bring up other systems and practices. (deserved or not) I often find this to be the case with your average MMA or "American" systems. They often speak of throwing out anything "asian" or not "American".
You spoke of this, yet on your arts home page....apparently your crest is represented with some oriental characters.
See, you came in with what looked to me to be a prefab chip on your shoulder about rank: THROWS up a red flag in my mind. (as it did with others of my martial arts family here who instantly started asking about YOU and your background....leading you to tell them they were getting off track) So then you wrote a great deal. Apparently now, it seems to me that you didn't really "Write it", at least not this time....but maybe cut and pasted. So be it, who cares. But this shows me that this is more than just some idle conversation start and "Hey guys on Martial Talk, names' Brad...." type intro. It's your main beef and you hit the ground running with it. (as you have on AT LEAST two other martial arts forums w/in the last TWO YEARS) To me that speaks of agenda, which makes people investigate you further.
SO before we buy the speil hook line and sinker OR go debating too far or get to long winded (too late
) I think it'd be good to know......why this argument....
on another website/forum??
What are you looking for?
an argument?
or did you really come here to just chew the cud with other martial artists??
In the spirit of the arts...
Your Brother
LOVE that Google!
I thought you'd created a HUGE post with a touchy subject for your first post on Martial Talk.
Really, you wrote this about Two years ago didn't you? Found it on
and here's another!
also: if you are excaping the propagation of anything steming from the orient, then why continue the use of the term "Master"?
On the page showing your certificates and plaques it shows you have the title "Sifu" given to you by
were you awarded this by the "Masters Council"?
Here's why I'm wondering these thigns.
I think you bring up things concerning the martial arts trends of rank abuse. I really do. But then whenever someone brings up issues of "Rank" I tend to wonder why.
People in our martial arts culture tend to be "rank hungry" and like to throw around terms and stripes like crazy...they'll go to certificate mills and churn things though credentials were something that one could buy. The bonefides of "Master", "Sensei" or "Sifu" are, I think, earned by the hearts and minds and development of ones students; not associations or organizations.
People who Don't take that route often look at rank as "Sour Grapes", and talk about how it didn't used to be there......what'd people do BEFORE the black belt was invented?? That sort of thing. Instead of chasing down rank (or earning it through legit means, which would be best of course) they talk it down and bring up other systems and practices. (deserved or not) I often find this to be the case with your average MMA or "American" systems. They often speak of throwing out anything "asian" or not "American".
You spoke of this, yet on your arts home page....apparently your crest is represented with some oriental characters.
See, you came in with what looked to me to be a prefab chip on your shoulder about rank: THROWS up a red flag in my mind. (as it did with others of my martial arts family here who instantly started asking about YOU and your background....leading you to tell them they were getting off track) So then you wrote a great deal. Apparently now, it seems to me that you didn't really "Write it", at least not this time....but maybe cut and pasted. So be it, who cares. But this shows me that this is more than just some idle conversation start and "Hey guys on Martial Talk, names' Brad...." type intro. It's your main beef and you hit the ground running with it. (as you have on AT LEAST two other martial arts forums w/in the last TWO YEARS) To me that speaks of agenda, which makes people investigate you further.
SO before we buy the speil hook line and sinker OR go debating too far or get to long winded (too late

on another website/forum??
What are you looking for?
an argument?
or did you really come here to just chew the cud with other martial artists??
In the spirit of the arts...
Your Brother