Adding to age of promotions to Black Belts?

i think there have been fake bb running around from day one just now with tv internet etc they get exposed easier thats all LEAVE THEM FAKE BLACK BELTS ALONE ! :yoda:
We had a female Shodan start training at a school I was at. She trained there for just under 2 years. tested for Nidan. After the promotion she came to the head instructor and told him she did not want it. She said that she felt that her forms where not up to par and there really was no one that could give her much of a test as far kumite was concerned. She said that she felt the requirements where not up to what she considered worthy of the rank of Nidan. Hnded the certificate back to the instructor and left.
The instructor had a few options:
Take back the rank saying that he understood the feeling and he would make sure she earned the promotion next time

He could have said “if you do not feel you deserve it then work until you do feel you should have it around your waist: I have set a plateau for you to reach and expect you to work hard until you reach that plateau “

Or he could have said if you are not satisfied the door opens both ways I wish you well on you journey

As for what he could have said to the class. “People come and go, everyone has there own reasons for staying or leaving, she evidently wanted something we did not offer
ok what if he did sign the waiver and defeated you ( ugly beatdown ) would you then give him his BLACK BELT or be a sore looser about it and renig ?

you are assuming that Mike would be stupid enough to even allow that option.

c'mon man. Those things just don't happen. At least not to intelligent people.

Yup, FC pretty much said it best. :) As I said, I'm there to teach, not entertain some punk who thinks they have something to prove.

i think there have been fake bb running around from day one just now with tv internet etc they get exposed easier thats all LEAVE THEM FAKE BLACK BELTS ALONE ! :yoda:

Whats this supposed to mean? In the event you're being bold enough to call me fake, I can assure you that my training is legit 100%. Of course, unlike you for example, who seems to question others yet doesnt have the stones to talk about your rank, well, I think you said it best....there are alot of fakes running around. You're not one of them are you???? Might I also remind you that trolling is against the forum rules here. If that is your sole purpose, to troll the forums, perhaps I can direct you elsewhere.
no one called you a FAKE ! dont be so sensitive its gonna be alrite nothings gonna get in the way of you disliking MCDOJOS ! dont hate the player hate the game bro.

im sure your training is 100% unlike mines for example ... ? rank : i just got a plain and simple bb thats all and as for being fake naw i dont think so my boy im as real as i gets thats for damn sure ! dissagreeing is trolling ? maybe i should be like this

you say : MCDOJOS are the filth of the planet

i say : man your a 100% right !


i say : man your a 100% right !

:wavey: your crazy if you think it works like that , its like when i say something you dont like your on it to let me know your point of view - so dont take it so personal my boy thats what the fourm is for ...
no one called you a FAKE ! dont be so sensitive its gonna be alrite nothings gonna get in the way of you disliking MCDOJOS ! dont hate the player hate the game bro.

im sure your training is 100% unlike mines for example ... ? rank : i just got a plain and simple bb thats all and as for being fake naw i dont think so my boy im as real as i gets thats for damn sure ! dissagreeing is trolling ? maybe i should be like this

you say : MCDOJOS are the filth of the planet

i say : man your a 100% right !


i say : man your a 100% right !

:wavey: your crazy if you think it works like that , its like when i say something you dont like your on it to let me know your point of view - so dont take it so personal my boy thats what the fourm is for ...

Are you reading anything that I've been saying? Let me address a few things for you.

1) I've said many times that I do not train at a mcdojo, therefore, I could really give a crap less, as I'm not the martial arts police. If the school down the road hands out rank like candy, then so be it.

2) I've also said that mcdojos ruin the image of the art. A good portion of the non martial arts world is clueless when it comes to understanding the arts. They think that everything is the same. I've had people ask if Kenpo was like TKD. My point is...its a shame that people will look at that mcdojo and assume that every Kenpo school, TKD school, or whatever, is the same, when in reality, its not. But on face value, thats what it'll seem to them.

3) I find it funny that you sit here and tell me to relax, yet you start how many threads, with many pointless comments, and give the impression that you're defending them. You sit here and make fun of those that dislike mcdojos, yet you offer no reason as to why you say what you do.

4) No, disagreeing is not trolling. God knows I disagree with people and they disagree with me. Thats fine and dandy. However, I think you should read this:

Section 4.5

4.5 Trolling / Inciting Conflict:

No "Trolling." Please do not post any topic that disrupts the peace and harmony of this board. Do not create meaningless threads with the sole purpose of starting a dispute. This includes messages in profiles; signatures and / or posting comments that will intimidate, promote or generate hatred or flames among members.

Those who attempt to start unnecessary conflicts in any of the forums, will be infracted. Repeat offenders may be suspended or banned.

So, that being said, if this is what you're doing, trying to incite conflict, posting things to fire people up, yet refuse to asnwer questions that're directed at you, that falls into 4.5. So, stay on that road my boy, and soon, very soon, you'll be heading to the door.

5) I'm not the only one here who has to try and figure out what the hell it is that you're saying. Perhaps reading what you type before hitting send would be a good start. :D Also, take a look at this:



So, all that being said, when you can answer questions as to why you post these mcdojo thread, I'll continue on with the thread.
no one called you a FAKE ! dont be so sensitive its gonna be alrite nothings gonna get in the way of you disliking MCDOJOS ! dont hate the player hate the game bro.

im sure your training is 100% unlike mines for example ... ? rank : i just got a plain and simple bb thats all and as for being fake naw i dont think so my boy im as real as i gets thats for damn sure ! dissagreeing is trolling ? maybe i should be like this

you say : MCDOJOS are the filth of the planet

i say : man your a 100% right !


i say : man your a 100% right !

:wavey: your crazy if you think it works like that , its like when i say something you dont like your on it to let me know your point of view - so dont take it so personal my boy thats what the fourm is for ...
So Suicide,

What are your thoughts on McDojos? Most of us have given our opinions and thoughts and contributed to various threads on the topic.

Do you feel that they are good, bad, indifferent, spawn of satan, or the greatest thing since sliced bread?

i think with the mcdojo issue it is what it is : a mcdojo , id put my kid in a mcdojo until he or she was old enough for me to train them , see the thing i dont know is if some of the people here joined a mcdojo grown men or women already ive passed by and checked out diffrent schools and i see mixed classes were theres a big fat man a middle age women and an old man and a bunch of kids running around with higher belts than them and i could just see that there not learning right and the instructor is cool with it id say thats a mcdojo , but whos fault is that ?

i honestly couldnt tell you if its good bad or ugly everyone has there own state of mind about what there doing and why there doing it - see i could see it like the fat guy the middle age women and the old guy aint learning nothing the right way , but i dont know if the fat guy just got tired of getting mugged - the middle aged women got raped at a party - and the old guy wants to turn back the hands of time and the mcdojo is there motivation to counter act that ...

ive passed by and checked out diffrent schools and i see mixed classes were theres a big fat man a middle age women and an old man and a bunch of kids running around with higher belts than them and i could just see that there not learning right and the instructor is cool with it id say thats a mcdojo , but whos fault is that ?
I would say that it is the fault of whoever sets up the classes.

Kids should be in kids classes, adults in adult classes. I am not a believer in block teaching, so I feel that different level students should be in diffrent classes. Say, a beginner trough Green belt, a Green to brown belt, and then Black belt and up. It could be broken down differently, but the idea is plain enough.

But no class can be effective is the instructor is trying to teach white belts, green belts and black belts all at once.

Put another way, there is a reason why first graders are not in the same class as the fifth graders.

We have three age brackets for classes.
1. Kids 4 - 7 years of age
2. Kids 8 - 12 years of age
3. Adults - 13 and up (Yes we consider 13 old enough to start training with the big boys).

Now in those classes we group all belt levels, however we break up those belts with different instuctors doing different things.

For example during the 8 - 12 year old class we may have rank all the way from white to Jr. Black. If the class for that day is basics then they can all be grouped togeather. We put the higher ranked kids in the front of class so the lower ranks can see them in front of them and copy the movements. After the basics are covered by the instructor the class will then break up by rank and one instructor will go more in detail with each rank. So for example:

9th and 8th kup - gets taught by 1 instructor and maybe 2 assistants on one section of the mat

7th and 6th kup - gets taught by 1 instructor and 1 assistant

5th, 4th and 3rd kup - gets taught by 1 instructor and 1 assistant

2nd kup and up goes off with the head instructor and do their thing. The head guy always takes the higher ranks.

We have the luxury of having three 4th Dan instructors. We have one 3rd Dan and Me one 2nd dan. We have one Brown belt that also helps assist.

This way we can have all ranks in one class but not learning all togeather. Just not enough time in the day to do it any other way. I don't see having separate classes for each rank working unless you only have a few students and the ranks are also few. When you have all the ranks from white to black and more than 5 students in each rank that would be hard to do.

We do this structure for all the classes except adult. Because adults can help each other. We mix them and usually try to match up pairs or partners and always have a low rank with a high rank. That way the high rank can help the low rank when practicing. It does not alway pan out that way but we try to make it so. Some times you just end up with to many lower ranks and they have to be paired.

Just one way we do it.

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