Joe Lewis earn his Black Belt is less than 8 Months (I believe it was less than that?) Okinawa ...he kept beating all the Black belts in class...Sensi said are equal to a Black belt!
Hmmm...but black belts should not get beat. Because they have black belts, doesn't that mean they should know how to handle themselves againt anyone that is not a black belt? What happened to all that training and knowledge that one has when promoted to black belt? Surely there is now way someone with less training can come in a beat a black belt. Maybe those black belts should not have had their black belts.
I say this in jest only because many put too much emphasis on a black belt having this new gift of being able fight or beat everyone under his rank. This is just is not true.
Just look at MMA for a moment. These guys are all tough as nails and most likley could already handle themselves without any training. Now give them some training and have them condition the hell out of their bodies and you got one scarry SOB. Lets say they take 2 years to train and have 15 - 20 matches in the cage during those 2 years.
Now lets take the average Joe and put him in a martial arts class. Let him train for 10 years like any average MA does. He test every so often to progress his rank. Then after said 10 years he becomes a black belt. Lets say that durning that 10 years he only worried about SD and never even did any sport tournaments in his style as he said I just train and study to lean SD principles. Also durning this 10 years he never had to use his skill once as nothing ever happened for him to even have to.
Now let put the new black belt in the ring with the MMA guy. Who wins? How long does it take? Of course we can not really answer this but my bet would be on the MMA guy. Why? He has closest thing to real fighting experience. He is the better conditioned person. These guys push beyond what any of us do in our classes and at home. And he only trains to fight. No katas or poomsae. No doing something that makes no sense for the sake of patients or disapline. Plus he was a fighter to begin with.
Just because you are a black belt does not mean you can fight. If you are not exercising 3-6 hours a day plus training to fight another 2 hours a day on top of that you are not a fighter. If your body is not conditioned to take as much punishment as you can dish out then you are not a fighter and just having a black belt does not make you one.
Joe Lewis was a fighter. Plain and simple as that. He could hit hard and he could take a hard hit.
Please do not equate a black belt with being able to fight, it is much much more than that.