Acorn and The Obamasiah

Id ask the media why they choose who they do for the "coal raking" then....
Because they don't want to give Nader or Barr any real attention, because they were told to avoid Ron Paul or lose WH access, because Baldwin scares them, and they are afraid McKiney will eat them or at least make them wear tin foil hats?
Thanks for the links.

So ... here's a question - and this is just devil's advocacy, mkay? If I donate regularly to the Red Cross and they misappropriate funds ... does that make me a corrupt citizen?

I co-own a small business and if an employee of mine steals something from a client, does that make him guilty of theft or me or both? If the person is on my payroll, in some states the victim can sue both him personally and my little company. But that rule doesn't exactly apply in the cases of organizations like ACORN.

Here's another take on the story - and I found many other links which pointed this way also.

So right now, it appears we have conflicting reports as to the exact relationship between Obama and ACORN - some say he worked for them after college on leadership training, and he gave an affiliated group money for get-out-the-vote efforts. McCain said ACORN and their affiliates are "what makes America special." Some say he gave them money for events, etcetera (of course that could be gleaned from having donated to the NP group). And I think this is due to what I said before - partisanship and direction-leaning reports.

Nevertheless ... I'd ask, quite frankly, for ANY politician who hasn't been tied in some way to some organization that has at some time engaged in illegal and/or fraudulent behavior. Palin comes to mind ... Biden ... Kennedy ....

It's why i'm voting 3rd party.

devil's advocate


When someone working on your behalf, breaks the law, in a way that benefits you, you MAY be subject to prosecution for it.

Unless you can prove that they exceeded your orders

I have now proven that ACORN is working on behalf of Obama

he PAID them foe thier services

they have comitted voter fraud

massive, undeniable fraud

that benefits Obama

if it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, and walks like a duck, it isnt a rooster............
devil's advocate


When someone working on your behalf, breaks the law, in a way that benefits you, you MAY be subject to prosecution for it.

Unless you can prove that they exceeded your orders

I have now proven that ACORN is working on behalf of Obama

he PAID them foe thier services

they have comitted voter fraud

massive, undeniable fraud

that benefits Obama

if it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, and walks like a duck, it isnt a rooster............

Proven? Well you provided links, yes, but I provided links that show otherwise. Our links are articles written by press and bloggers, little more. The "proof" will be what the investigators find and right now, that's pointing to ammended financial reports (very common) and some bad apple employees.

And again - There are conflicting reports as to whether Obama was in their employ or he contracted them to host events ... it's just not clear, regardless of how much we want it to be.

Quack quack.
well, it is proven that he was thier lawyer, so he worked for them

it is proven that he paid them 800K recently, so they are working for him

it is proven that they are under investigation in 11 states

it has been proven that 1000's of those fradulent registrations have been used to cast votes in early voting

there is no doubt then, that Obama and the democrats are trying to steal the election
well, it is proven that he was thier lawyer, so he worked for them

Look here

it is proven that he paid them 800K recently, so they are working for him

Look here

it is proven that they are under investigation in 11 states

Look here

it has been proven that 1000's of those fradulent registrations have been used to cast votes in early voting

Look here

there is no doubt then, that Obama and the democrats are trying to steal the election

Look here

All that's really proven is that if (when) Obama wins the election, there'll be cries of "Fraud!" for the next four years.

Who's to say what will happen should McCain win.....
Is this all because he's black?

That's in answer to "whats left to wonder?" and isn't aimed at TF as a shot.
Is this all because he's black?

That's in answer to "whats left to wonder?" and isn't aimed at TF as a shot.

yes. The DNC, in a rare moment of genius, getting obama up there is a win/win

if he wins, they got the cat bird seat

if he loses, they can say "SEE, WE TOLD YOU AMERICA WAS A RACIST COUTNRY!!!"
There is all this noise about supposed vote rigging from our resident 'Republican's'.

I don't mean to be mean chaps but weren't you at the forefront of vigorous denial at the allegations of vote rigging at the past two Republican 'victories'? There was a good deal more evidence of proof back then too.

Your system is corrupt ... BOTH ways .. either learn to live with it or change it.


Among the issues raised in 2004 were:

* Obstacles to voter registration.
* Improper purges of voter lists.
* Deliberate voter suppression.
* Practical impediments to voting, such as excessively long lines.
* Accuracy and reliability of voting machines, and potential for undetected interference in their operations[2] ("hacking"), including those employing DRE voting machines,[3] optical scan voting systems,[4] and punch card voting systems[5].
* Other inaccuracies in the official count of votes cast on Election Day, whether through carelessness or deliberate tampering.
* Problems with absentee ballots and provisional ballots.

Interestingly enough, ACORN is mentioned here too.
Voter registration

Facilitating voter registration was the main goal of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993. States were required to make registration more widely available, notably through driver's license agencies (hence the nickname "Motor Voter Act"). In 2004, however, there were incidents in several states in which people who had submitted registration forms through a motor vehicle agency were not found on the voter rolls on Election Day.[citation needed]

There were also complaints about the rejection of registrations by government agencies. College students encountered difficulties in registering where they attended school[6]. Some officials rejected voter registration forms on grounds that were contested, such as a failure to use paper of a particular weight (Ohio) or a failure to check a box on the form (Florida).[7]

Aside from such official actions, there were disputes about other voter registration activities. In Nevada and Oregon, a company hired by the Republican National Committee solicited voter registration forms, but was accused of filing only the Republicans’ forms and shredding those completed by Democrats[8]. A nonprofit organization, ACORN, was accused of submitting false voter registration forms and of carelessly or deliberately failing to submit some valid ones that it had received.[9]

Both side are guilty of fraud it seems.
There is all this noise about supposed vote rigging from our resident 'Republican's'.

I don't mean to be mean chaps but weren't you at the forefront of vigorous denial at the allegations of vote rigging at the past two Republican 'victories'? There was a good deal more evidence of proof back then too.

Your system is corrupt ... BOTH ways .. either learn to live with it or change it.

did you just offer up 'they did it too" as a defense for fraud?
did you just offer up 'they did it too" as a defense for fraud?
I think it's more aboth sides are guilty, so clean your own house or accept that its a sham and they're all frauds, but that's my opinion.

No mate {John}, I held up a mirror with the vain hope that you would see that denying an act when your own 'side' does it but calling "foul" when the the other side does it speaks volumes about either the individuals involved or the system as a whole.

I'm beginning to think that I should just not bother logging in for the next two weeks and come back when tensions have subsided. I've not witnesed this sort of mindless, thoughtless, reason-proof, partisanship before, 'up close and personal' so to speak. It's driving me crazy. Is this normal for you guys?

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