Thanks for the links.
So ... here's a question - and this is just devil's advocacy, mkay? If I donate regularly to the Red Cross and they misappropriate funds ... does that make me a corrupt citizen?
I co-own a small business and if an employee of mine steals something from a client, does that make him guilty of theft or me or both? If the person is on my payroll, in some states the victim can sue both him personally and my little company. But that rule doesn't exactly apply in the cases of organizations like ACORN.
Here's another take on the story - and I found many other links which pointed this way also.
So right now, it appears we have conflicting reports as to the exact relationship between Obama and ACORN - some say he worked for them after college on leadership training, and he gave an affiliated group money for get-out-the-vote efforts. McCain said ACORN and their affiliates are "what makes America special." Some say he gave them money for events, etcetera (of course that could be gleaned from having donated to the NP group). And I think this is due to what I said before - partisanship and direction-leaning reports.
Nevertheless ... I'd ask, quite frankly, for ANY politician who hasn't been tied in some way to some organization that has at some time engaged in illegal and/or fraudulent behavior. Palin comes to mind ... Biden ... Kennedy ....
It's why i'm voting 3rd party.