Acorn and The Obamasiah

Obama was acorn LAWYER for crying out loud

Sen. McCain was a Naval Aviator. Naval aviators committed the Tailhook scandal. Therefore, Sen. McCain is guilty of sexual assault.

Sen. McCain is in the Senate. Sen. Craig admitted guilt in a sex scandal. Again, Sen. McCain is guilty of sex crimes.

Does this seem like valid logic to you? That's what you're doing with Sen. Obama.

Obama [...] a FRIEND of domestic terrorists.

those things cannot be denied.

Eh, I'd deny that one for sure.
Obama might not be evil, but he is a lot of things, like a socialist, a pathological liar, most likely a racist, and a FRIEND of domestic terrorists.

those things cannot be denied.

Actually, I would most certainly deny them. Mainly because they are a matter of opinion and definition and nothing more.

But also because EVERY politician is a pathological liar. it is their job.
Sen. McCain was a Naval Aviator. Naval aviators committed the Tailhook scandal. Therefore, Sen. McCain is guilty of sexual assault.

ok, now you are just ABUSING sarcasm.........

you equate a 30 year seperation (mccain from tailhook) to a recent partnership?

partisanship is the word of the day i guess
Actually, I would most certainly deny them. Mainly because they are a matter of opinion and definition and nothing more.
every single one of his policies meets the defintion of socialism, if you are choosing to use another definition, then i cant help that.................
TF and I are in agreement y'all better hold on lest you get tossed into space when the world comes to that sudden stop. LOL!

Obama's seemingly got a government program for everything, and is only somewhat less invasive and "socialist than Hillary. Both of them are light years away from what their party was founded under or the policies of it's founders.
Socialism refers to a broad array of ideologies and political movements with the goal of a socio-economic system in which property and the distribution of wealth are subject to control by the community.

Socialism refers to the goal of a socio-economic system in which property and the distribution of wealth are subject to control by the community. This control may be either direct—exercised through popular collectives such as workers' councils—or indirect—exercised on behalf of the people by the state. As an economic system, socialism is often characterized by collective ownership of the means of production, goals which have been attributed to, and claimed by, a number of political parties and governments throughout history, due to this, socialism has been attributed to communism mainly because of the distribution of the wealth controlled as a whole and not individually.

The Democrats lean towards a socialist government. This reduces individual freedom and productivity by taxing the working people more to pay for social programs. Programs are fine, but the government has bankrupted social security and Medicare, and has a history of mismanaging other well meaning programs. In fact, only 21 cents of each dollar paid in to SS actually reaches a retired recipient. Government doesn't manage finances well as those $1,000 hammers clearly show. So, there are those people who look to their governments to become mom and dad (and offer complete control), and there are those who rather pull their own weight and keep government out of their personal lives.

I fall into the later. So everyone sign up as a supporting member, sign up for some hosting, and take out some sponsorships and help keep me gainfully employed and MT running. :D /shameless capitalistic plug. :D
Given that he is winning, you have to wonder if maybe some of the things you believe about him are not quite true.

No...that only makes me wonder about the average intelligence of the American voter....and that statement is not an endorsement for McCain either because the lesser of two evils is still evil.
No...that only makes me wonder about the average intelligence of the American voter....and that statement is not an endorsement for McCain either because the lesser of two evils is still evil.
Whenever I'm confronted with a choice between two evils I always pick the one I haven't tried before.
partisanship is the word of the day i guess

Sorry mate but I am flabbagasted at the lack of self-consciousness in that :lol:.

Partisanship is what makes these mud-wrestles on MT interesting to read but is also the reason why noone (I hope), who has a vote in the upcoming elections, will be using anything said here to guide their decision.

I'm not saying that these tussles are a waste of everyones time as I for one get to see a lot of what is going on in the minds of a spectrum of American's. But it is mostly an awful lot of glowing LCD cells, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
To tell you the truth....I'm not voting for McCain BECAUSE of the smears and the campaign tactics.

I am not voting for Obama for the very same reasons.

The Democratic party and Democratic liberal media and entertainment industry have shown me that they will stop at NOTHING to get control of government and push their agendas.

Voter fraud.

Betrayal of the concept of unbiased news reporting.

Constant sniping and spins at current executive administration (whatever happened to supporting the president, even if it isn't the guy you wanted in, due to respecting the office if not necessarily the man??)

I am SO sick of the one-note song "Bush is an Idiot." True or not, get OFF it already. Does ANYBODY really believe that Stone's timing for "W." isn't politically motivated?

Gangs of roving Obama disciples coming into the newsroom or accosting me on the street to preach their gospel ...

I almost am hoping the Democrats will win this election just so they will just

The thing that scares me is that its looking like the Democrats will get a majority in the Senate as well as the Congress. The whole idea of checks and balances is going out the window. Prepare for uncontestable legislation.

If Obama wins can you spell "rubber stamp"?
A supermajority poses real danger

DEMOCRATS hope to win not only the presidency but firm control of Congress as well. But a lack of checks and balances could result in legislation Americans don't want.

Republicans were able to stop some bad legislation in the 110th Congress. The ability of Republicans to filibuster in the Senate served as a check against the excesses of the Democratic Party.

Democrats now have 51 seats in the Senate. A gain of just nine seats this year would make it impossible for Republicans alone to filibuster legislation.

The House has no such filibuster provision, and the speaker of the House is free to ram through whatever legislation she likes.
I am not voting for Obama for the very same reasons.

The Democratic party and Democratic liberal media and entertainment industry have shown me that they will stop at NOTHING to get control of government and push their agendas.

Voter fraud.

Betrayal of the concept of unbiased news reporting.

Constant sniping and spins at current executive administration (whatever happened to supporting the president, even if it isn't the guy you wanted in, due to respecting the office if not necessarily the man??)

I am SO sick of the one-note song "Bush is an Idiot." True or not, get OFF it already. Does ANYBODY really believe that Stone's timing for "W." isn't politically motivated?

Gangs of roving Obama disciples coming into the newsroom or accosting me on the street to preach their gospel ...

I almost am hoping the Democrats will win this election just so they will just


I suppose it depends on the camp that you're in as to your perspective. I've tried to stay objective throughout this ordeal, but I have probably been swayed just as much as anyone else. I will be happy when it is over and all of the mudslinging stops.

It is most certainly true that both sides are equally guilty, but during a debate (and again, possibly it is just the perspective and where you watch it), I saw much more "What Obama wants to do is bad" than "This is what I'm going to do." But isn't the basis of our system that everyone has equal right to an annoying as their agendas may be?

But I fear that we've strayed pretty far away from the original topic.

Any other comments on ACORN?
The Democratic party and Democratic liberal media and entertainment industry have shown me that they will stop at NOTHING to get control of government and push their agendas.

Betrayal of the concept of unbiased news reporting.

Conservatives often blame "the liberal media" for their failures. It's easy. Blame the press. It makes one wonder how in this recent election Obama has had 24 newspapers...all supporters of Bush in 2004...endorse him over McCain.

Constant sniping and spins at current executive administration (whatever happened to supporting the president, even if it isn't the guy you wanted in, due to respecting the office if not necessarily the man??)

I am SO sick of the one-note song "Bush is an Idiot." True or not, get OFF it already. Does ANYBODY really believe that Stone's timing for "W." isn't politically motivated?

Whatever happened to respecting the office, if not necessarily the man? When can we expect Bush himself to respect the office?

He dances in public, chest bumps with graduating Air Force Academy cadets, mangles the English language and manages regularly utter inane things, condescends to the public, embarrasses the Prime Minister of Germany...if we do not let up with our criticism it's because HE does not let up with his idiotic behavior.

Bush is the worst President in my life, and I'm likely one of the oldest here on M.T.

He's the delight of the Talk Show set. Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert built their fortunes on Bush's incompetence.

Respecting the office does not entail easing up on the man. Read your 19th century history. Bush can't hide behind the seal of the President.

Now, as to ACORN:

ACORN hired 13,000 workers to get 1.3 million registration cards to officials in 21 states. Many turned up with the names of--among others-- Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and the starting line up of the Dallas Cowboys.

During the primaries Obama's campaign hired an ACORN affiliate, Citizens Services, for a "Get out the Vote" campaign. Obama paid $800,000 for the service. They have not used ACORN's services in the general campaign.

These are fake registration cards. This does not, by the letter of the law, constitute voter fraud. For it to be voter fraud, Mickey Mouse has to show up to the polling place with I.D. in hand and attempt to vote. To make such a massive conspiracy (as so many of you allege it is) to work, you'd have to get tens of thousands of people to show up with fake I.D.'s representing the people on the registration forms. has this, via Newsweek:

You'll recall that ACORN was involved in the Justice Department scandal. The Department of Justice Inspector General found that U.S. Attorney David Iglesias was wrongfully fired by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. Iglesias had declined to indict over alleged voter fraud at an ACORN affiliate in New Mexico. Iglesias, a Republican and Bush appointee, cited insufficient evidence.

Other references:


The fact that you consider Bush worse than Jimmy Carter, who is, by NON PARTISANS widely considered the worst recent us president makes your judgement..................questionable,and makes it sound like partisanship rather than objective observation.

ACORN is a corrupt DEMOCRAT outfit, it is plain to see to anyone with non partisan eyes

they are working on behalf of Obama, and they ARE comitting voter fraud.

Obama worked for them, and continues to benefit from thier actions

they are connected.

"He dances in public, chest bumps with graduating Air Force Academy cadets, mangles the English language and manages regularly utter inane things, condescends to the public, embarrasses the Prime Minister of Germany...if we do not let up with our criticism it's because HE does not let up with his idiotic behavior."

just about NONE of this is about his performance of the duties of a President, you just dont like the guy.

that isnt a logical or fair basis for critique of performance.
These are fake registration cards. This does not, by the letter of the law, constitute voter fraud.



This sounds a whole lot like "that depends on what the definition of the word "is" is"

and the quibbles over wether or not Clinton actually comitted perjury, which is to say partisan excuse making.

I say this only because you need to be aware of how it comes across,a nd decide if that is really what you are trying to get across.
The thing that scares me is that its looking like the Democrats will get a majority in the Senate as well as the Congress. The whole idea of checks and balances is going out the window. Prepare for uncontestable legislation.

If Obama wins can you spell "rubber stamp"?

Didn't the Republicans have that a few years back?

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