Acorn and The Obamasiah

And maybe the 2 million who've already cast their ballots don't care either. lol.
I think the main reason that the Acorn story is not driving voters away from Barack Obama is the timing -- it's October, for crying out loud.
No, it's not that -- it's the idea that older people have no value in our society. McCain is old, he can't fully use his arms. When he speaks, he doesn't speak as quickly as Obama.

On the other hand, Obama is young and (allegedly) handsome. He appears to have full use of his limbs and he exudes good health.
While on the topic of ACORN, anyone want to discuss their 2006 KeyNote speaker?
The guy looks familiar.
Bob, you really need to stop running around the forums with the truth in your hands like that. It's always fun until someone loses an eye.

*Now taking bets that McCain is NOT - I repeat - IS NOT considered guilty by association and that sauces for geese are not sauces for ganders.*

Relax, Bob. I'm sure it means nothing.
Well, I can recommend an eye surgeon in WNY to avoid in that case. ;)
# Story Highlights
# Clifton Mitchell is one of few ACORN workers convicted of voter registration fraud
# Mitchell: ACORN threatened to close his office if workers didn't meet quotas
# Allegations of voter registration fraud have surfaced in several states
# Study: Person more likely to get struck by lightning than commit voter fraud

The group is under investigation in 10 states for voter registration fraud, and Republican presidential candidate John McCain's campaign has accused ACORN of trying to rig the election for Democrats.

But University of Washington law professor Eric Schnapper says the idea of fake cards turning into real votes is a myth.

"There are no known instances of fictitious people actually voting," Schnapper said. "You look at some of the names: Mickey Mouse. Dr. Seuss. Mickey Mouse only votes in Disneyland. He's not going to show up at a critical precinct in West Virginia or North Carolina."

Schnapper said that if anyone should be upset, it's ACORN.

"The victims of this are the people who paid these workers $8 an hour to go out and find legitimate voters, and ... they didn't get their $8 worth; they put down phony names," Schnapper said.
Unshakeable faith does not equal veracity either.

I can tell that you feel somewhat beleaguered, John, which can lead to a hardening of attitude and a digging in of the heels but the key to maintaining credability is to illustrate that opinions grow from experience and demonstrable evidence rather than 'party line rhetoric'.

Constant gainsaying of anything that reflects badly on your party of choice does not advance the discourse, especially when the mode of argumentation is not convincing, even to the utterly uninvolved, such as myself, whose opinions of the candidates of both parties lumps them all in the same boat of 'pre-paid' corporate lackeys.

At this stage in the game, I considered not saying anything but you're not a daft chap and I hate to see someone being painted into a corner when they can avoid it. I'm not saying you should change your views by any means, just shift tack a little to shake the publicly portrayed stance of "Republicans are Holy and sent by God whilst Democrats are Evil servants of the dark".
is ACORN working ON BEHALF OF John McCain?


apples do not equal oranges

Could you please cite your source that ACORN is working ON BEHALF or FOR Obama For President? Thanks.
All I find is accusations and partisan commentary. The Washington Post reported that accusations have been made and denied but that's all at this point. We may have to wait a few more days.
While on the topic of ACORN, anyone want to discuss their 2006 KeyNote speaker?
The guy looks familiar.
I didn't see anything that IDed the event as an acorn event. Only thing I could see from it was a wide range of groups were involved in it. I don't see the point, if there was one.
There's a number of clips floating around, that one had the least amount of BS tacked on it.
Could you please cite your source that ACORN is working ON BEHALF or FOR Obama For President? Thanks.

"U.S. Sen. Barack Obama's presidential campaign paid more than $800,000 to an offshoot of the liberal Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now for services{29569FA1-136D-4B95-9D51-4EF9E87ED547}&dist=hppr

U.S. Sen. Barack Obama's presidential campaign paid more than $800,000 to an offshoot of the liberal Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now for services the Democrat's campaign says it mistakenly misrepresented in federal reports.

As he has done throughout his career, Obama has been rewarding those who support his ambitions. The Obama campaign, flush with cash, has been funneling money to ACORN through Citizens Services, Inc. much as he did in Chicago with the Woods Foundation and the Annenberg-Chicago Challenge. While Obama served on the Board Of Directors of the Woods Fund, for example the Chicago ACORN received grants Of $45,000 (2000), $30,000 (2001), $45,000 (2001), $30,000 (2002), And $40,000 (2002) From The Woods Fund, as reported on the Donors Forum Website,

your google-fu is weak

now admit i was right and we can go back to talking about the effectiveness of HWD in a pillow fight.
Well, lots of damning comments at TF's link.

I did chuckle at the Ohio vote fraud one, considering in 04 votes for Kerry wer counted for Bush instead..seems fair to balance things by padding the election in reverse. Just let me know when someone sees Obama putting on a hangmans hood and heading to Miami to hang that damn Chad guy. :D
Why isn't the voter registration fraud as big of a deal as CNN's major news scroll about silly Republicans buying Palin's children some clothes at Sak's so the Palin's will appear more acceptable to the people that try to help us decide for whom to vote?

Actually, we know why, part of the same reason that the 3rd party candidates weren't invited to the debates. It may disrupt this historic election that has been gifted to us.

*Update* It's no longer just a scroll, from watching the news this morning it's being turned into a full blown scandal. You can't put lipstick on a. . . . ummmm. . .you can't dress a hockey mom up in designer clothes and expect the aristocracy (along with their close friends and wannabes) to automatically accept her.

Also, please ignore the voter registration fraud because someone somewhere said he wasn't aware of voter registraton fraud ever leading to voter fraud. That's good enough for the media, Obama, and ACORN it should be proof enough for you. So please, let's drop the whole election related fraud and the fact that ACORN has hired Obama and Obama has hired ACORN as previously mentioned in this thread, those relationships do not prove that there is any more of a link between Obama and ACORN than there is between McCain and Obama.


hardheadjarhead said:
These are fake registration cards. This does not, by the letter of the law, constitute voter fraud. For it to be voter fraud, Mickey Mouse has to show up to the polling place with I.D. in hand and attempt to vote. To make such a massive conspiracy (as so many of you allege it is) to work, you'd have to get tens of thousands of people to show up with fake I.D.'s representing the people on the registration forms.

Who set the threshold at tens of thousands? Is that a legal definition? What about nines of thousands doing it? Would that not be voter fraud? Eights? Threes of thousands? Don't you think that just one person committing voter fraud would be, well, voter fraud?
Thanks for the links.

So ... here's a question - and this is just devil's advocacy, mkay? If I donate regularly to the Red Cross and they misappropriate funds ... does that make me a corrupt citizen?

I co-own a small business and if an employee of mine steals something from a client, does that make him guilty of theft or me or both? If the person is on my payroll, in some states the victim can sue both him personally and my little company. But that rule doesn't exactly apply in the cases of organizations like ACORN.

Here's another take on the story - and I found many other links which pointed this way also.

So right now, it appears we have conflicting reports as to the exact relationship between Obama and ACORN - some say he worked for them after college on leadership training, and he gave an affiliated group money for get-out-the-vote efforts. McCain said ACORN and their affiliates are "what makes America special." Some say he gave them money for events, etcetera (of course that could be gleaned from having donated to the NP group). And I think this is due to what I said before - partisanship and direction-leaning reports.

Nevertheless ... I'd ask, quite frankly, for ANY politician who hasn't been tied in some way to some organization that has at some time engaged in illegal and/or fraudulent behavior. Palin comes to mind ... Biden ... Kennedy ....

It's why i'm voting 3rd party.
Nevertheless ... I'd ask, quite frankly, for ANY politician who hasn't been tied in some way to some organization that has at some time engaged in illegal and/or fraudulent behavior. Palin comes to mind ... Biden ... Kennedy .....

Id ask the media why they choose who they do for the "coal raking" then....

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