upnorthkyosa said:
That is just it. The numbers just don't add up. You can choose to blow it all off, but until you put the time into actually researching the raw data and crunching the numbers yourself, you really won't see it. Until you read the court cases, the congressional report, and the testimonials, you just won't see how important it really is.
Where are the indictments?
upnorthkyosa said:
Here is just one example...
The odds of just the Diebold voting machine errors in one state ALL coming out in favor of Bush are 93,000,000 to 1 for instance. That is just one state. Nationwide, across the country, every state had errors and they ALL favored Bush.
You don't even believe that number. It's a statistic with absolutely no basis for calculation. Some nut case with a claim of authority came up with that statistic using a "Extremely complex, and unexplainable algorithim after examining all the evidence" (See also: Made it up).
It strikes me as being very similar to the "irrefutable evidence of Gods" existence argument, whereby some expert gives a complicated explaination about how the possibility that god doesn't exist, based on the evidence, is 1 Trillion: 1, when this number has no basis in any kind of reality. It's pure fabrication. It's designed to give the appearance of absolute authority, without having a single ounce of validity.
upnorthkyosa said:
It is statistically impossible for that to be random chance and it deserved to be investigated. This is one of the things that was challenged about the election before Congress. There are 83 more equally impossible things in that report.
I think you put WAAAAY to much faith in self-proclaimed experts and their internet posts. What's an easier explaination....A) A vast, nation wide conspiracy involving not thousands, but tens of thousands of people, all working in unison to defraud the electorate or B) A couple of nut jobs using explainable events, and distorting them to support a wacked out theory.....Notice the question wasn't what you want to be true, but what more likely is. Apply Hanlon's razor. You're a smart person, north, don't lower yourself to this kind of poor reasoning.
upnorthkyosa said:
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that something is rotten in Denmark.
Something stinks alright....but it's most likely the fishy, cooked up "evidence".
upnorthkyosa said:
You are too dismissive of the left. Truthout and Commondreams are leftwing biased, but they aren't kooky conspiracy theorists. Most of it is well researched. They've taken the numbers and they've shown the results. You just have to take the time to read it and understand the implications. There is a string of cases that stretches from the US supreme court to various state supreme courts, to the United States justice department and everyone is citing the same data. The bottom line is that if this is just a bunch of nutbar A.B.B people trying to stick it to Republicans, then thousands of people have purjured themselves.
What I am is a committed skeptic. I don't believe in vast conspiracies, Left or Right wing. Truthout and Commondreams are left wing biased, kooky conspiracy theorists, period. The "research" as a have pointed out time and time again, is nothing but distortion, supposition and innuendo. The evidence doesn't even point anywhere in the direction they claim, but that doesn't stop them from claiming it. They get by on the mountian of "non-evidence" they have that doesn't support anything. But they believe if they present the appearance of a HUGE amount of evidence, no one will take the time to look at it closely and see it's nothing but an illusion. It's the forest through the trees argument.
I have no doubt that a large number of people have perjured themselves in this case. I don't think it's a vast leftwing conspiracy as much as it is a mentality that encourages people to do anything to support their party. In addition, I think there are a large number of people who believe that this occurred because they have misinterpreted the evidence, and applied malicious motives to everything they see.
Again, Hanlon's Razor "Never attribute to conspiracy, that which can more easily be explained by stupidity."
upnorthkyosa said:
It really doesn't matter that Bush won. It matters how he won. And a democrat could do the same thing next time. That door is now open and all of these "impossible" things are "fair game". If, in the end, nothing is done about any of this, we are really looking at some dirty future elections and possibly a compromised electoral system.
Oh come on, you don't really believe that either. No matter how Bush won, it would be called in to question. The leftists desire to defeat Bush at all costs created an environment where no matter who won, Bush was to be considered illegitimate. When you dealing with that kind of vitriole, it doesn't matter if he won fairly or not, as he is presumed to be illegitimate no matter what.
In this political environment, the truth is irrelavent. It's the perception that's important. That's why this evidence is presented. It doesn't prove anything, but the evidence isn't what's important, it's the editorial comment that's attached to it that you are intended to see. They will show you the evidence, and then TELL you what to think about it. Sorry, i'm not that stupid. I call BS.
The evidence does not support a charge of a vast attempt to steal the election, but that fact does not stop the effort to paint it so. So the theory goes, if you can't win the election, do everything you can do to make sure the winner doesn't benefit from the victory.
The left seems to be mastering the art of the Pyrrhic victory.