Acorn and The Obamasiah

No mate {John}, I held up a mirror with the vain hope that you would see that denying an act when your own 'side' does it but calling "foul" when the the other side does it speaks volumes about either the individuals involved or the system as a whole.

I'm beginning to think that I should just not bother logging in for the next two weeks and come back when tensions have subsided. I've not witnesed this sort of mindless, thoughtless, reason-proof, partisanship before, 'up close and personal' so to speak. It's driving me crazy. Is this normal for you guys?

The problem buddy, is that in 2000 and 2004, there was nothing but alligations. many of which were proven false.

But even then the press was all over it.

Now? the press ignores it


because of who is doing it
Obiously I need to read more widely and deeply as my understanding was that the allegations were substantiated but that it was, sub rosa, decided not to disrupt matters by pursuing them when the nation was on the brink of war?

A most particularly facet of this was that part of the trouble was brought on by the 'Liberal Media' (TM) declaring the Republicans had won way before it was justifiable to do so, thus disrupting voting patterns that would have altered the outcome in such a close run race.

What I'm really driving at here is that I see people at MT, who I normally consider to be rational men and women, putting their reasoning capacities on hold with this issue and it bothers me that such judgement clouding fervour is invoked about what should be a very important decsion.
part of what you are describing is that the praties have, and it is no accident i am sure, worked to dived people.

undecided voters are no fun you see, so the system is working to drive people into camps if you will is a non-partisan source whereas the sources Twin Fist provided might be considered "slanted." No one has been charged yet - and I'm still waiting for TF to address the allegations against the republican party as well.
What I'm really driving at here is that I see people at MT, who I normally consider to be rational men and women, putting their reasoning capacities on hold with this issue and it bothers me that such judgement clouding fervour is invoked about what should be a very important decsion.

Rational? Moi? Au, contraire!

Take another look at my occupation-and I'm perfectly serious-I'm mad!, quite maaaad! Bwahhahaha! :lfao: is a non-partisan source whereas the sources Twin Fist provided might be considered "slanted." No one has been charged yet - and I'm still waiting for TF to address the allegations against the republican party as well.

I wouldn't.....hold.....your breath....

....and I can hold my breath for a long, looooong, time! :lfao: is a non-partisan source whereas the sources Twin Fist provided might be considered "slanted." No one has been charged yet - and I'm still waiting for TF to address the allegations against the republican party as well.

oh sorry, i usually ignore your posts so if you asked me something in particular, i prob didnt see it
sorry marginal, the facts are on my side this time
This time? You mean I was factually correct about the nature of the terrorist threat facing our country? Cool.

ACORN's required by law to turn in every single voter registration form they collect. It's only voter fraud if Mickey Mouse shows up to vote. McCain was their keynote speaker in 2006, so apparently they're only corrosive to the fabric of democracy on specific years.

Ayers doesn't hang out with Obama. They're not friends. Trying to associate them is disingenuous fear mongering. At best.

Socialism is such a silly charge given the bailout.

What else did you have? Anything meaningful? I could point out that abortion clinic bombers are both radicals and terrorists. McCain has no trouble being in the same room with them. Clearly he's also an abortion clinic bomber. That line of thought's just stupid tho.
You know, you 2 keep shooting at each other I might start to thing y'all liked each a hatfield/mccoy kinda way. LOL

2000 and 2004 have been dead horsed. The problems, etc and writeups on them, google em. I'm confident that both elections were rigged.
An Aug. 28, 2003, Cleveland Plain Dealer article quoted Walden O’Dell who said he is “committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to [George W. Bush] in 2004.” O’Dell is the chairman of the board of Diebold Election Systems, the second largest company in the U.S. that counts votes … our votes. O’Dell is also a member of the Rangers and the Pioneers, those who have contributed the most money to the Bush campaign.

These are the machines that are easily hacked, proven faulty, and were doing things lie awarding Al Gore negative votes.

It's old news. It's proven, and it's buried in our archives. If it matters, search for it.

We now have alegations of fraud, involving a group with a history of problems, and a relationship, to be descovered, with Barack Obama. How much he was involved in it, is not currently known, and still under investigation. If there are actual -facts-, conclusive proof that connects all the dots, it would be nice to see it, especially if it's from a reliable source, and not some random blog that a week ago had 4 viewers, 2 of which is the owners cats.
We now have alegations of fraud, involving a group with a history of problems, and a relationship, to be descovered, with Barack Obama. How much he was involved in it, is not currently known, and still under investigation. If there are actual -facts-, conclusive proof that connects all the dots, it would be nice to see it, especially if it's from a reliable source, and not some random blog that a week ago had 4 viewers, 2 of which is the owners cats.
Talented cats.
I wouldn't.....hold.....your breath....

....and I can hold my breath for a long, looooong, time! :lfao:
Kudos and two boxes of chocolates to the man with the Creepshow reference. We'll get you, Richard!!! :lol2: :EG:

oh sorry, i usually ignore your posts so if you asked me something in particular, i prob didnt see it

:lfao: Is that why you quote each one and retort? :lfao:

Ladies and Gentlemen? It's been a riot! :D
This time? You mean I was factually correct about the nature of the terrorist threat facing our country? Cool.

ACORN's required by law to turn in every single voter registration form they collect. It's only voter fraud if Mickey Mouse shows up to vote. McCain was their keynote speaker in 2006, so apparently they're only corrosive to the fabric of democracy on specific years.

that depends on what the definition of the word IS is.........

didnt wash then, doesnt wash now

Ayers doesn't hang out with Obama. They're not friends. Trying to associate them is disingenuous fear mongering. At best.

do you really believe that?

i mean, they were IN AYERS LIVING ROOM, but they didnt hang out? seriously, what does one have to do to say with a straight face that they didnt hang out?

What else did you have? Anything meaningful? I could point out that abortion clinic bombers are both radicals and terrorists. McCain has no trouble being in the same room with them. Clearly he's also an abortion clinic bomber. That line of thought's just stupid tho.

please show us where mccain was in the same room with a clinic bomber

or just admitt that you are trolling
i quote EACh one of your posts?

so for every post you make i respond?

and trust me, i have learned you are better ignored than read. But sometimes, i slip
i mean, they were IN AYERS LIVING ROOM, but they didnt hang out? seriously, what does one have to do to say with a straight face that they didnt hang out?
So that meeting years back means they're close associates and that he endorses everything Ayers did?

please show us where mccain was in the same room with a clinic bomber

or just admitt that you are trolling

Paul Schenck. He's met with the man several times over the years. McCain also has a rather pro domestic terrorism voting record in regards to abortion clinic bombers.
joo fail

he began his career as a militant anti-abortion activist, for which he was repeatedly arrested, often targeting Dr. Barnett Slepian who was assassinated by an anti-abortion activist in 1998 by a man who, according to another pro-life activist, was probably known to both Schenck and his brother.

So McCain knows a guy that MIGHT have known a bomber?

that fails on sooooo many levels.................

you said he hung out with a bomber

your own source doesnt back you up

He was in ayers LIVING ROOM, that isnt a meeting, thats an invitation

he sat comittees with the guy


but they barely knew each other?

come on dude
I'm still waiting for the answer to that association thing: the deputy sherriff I used to be good friends with who is now in prison. He was in my living room - does that mean I hired him? I helped him in the crime? I helped organize it?

I've been in the living rooms of a lot of people so ... we're besties? C'mon.

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