Acorn and The Obamasiah

joo fail

he began his career as a militant anti-abortion activist, for which he was repeatedly arrested, often targeting Dr. Barnett Slepian who was assassinated by an anti-abortion activist in 1998 by a man who, according to another pro-life activist, was probably known to both Schenck and his brother.

So McCain knows a guy that MIGHT have known a bomber?

that fails on sooooo many levels.................

you said he hung out with a bomber

your own source doesnt back you up

He was in ayers LIVING ROOM, that isnt a meeting, thats an invitation

he sat comittees with the guy


but they barely knew each other?

come on dude

It reminds me of a string of wet sponges; it reminds me of tattered washing on the line; it reminds me of stale bean soup, of college yells, of dogs barking idiotically through endless nights. It is so bad that a sort of grandeur creeps into it. It drags itself out of the dark abyss of pish, and crawls insanely up the topmost pinnacle of posh. It is rumble and bumble. It is flap and doodle. It is balder and dash.
-H.L. Mencken

McCain "pals around" with anti-Castro, Cuban domestic terrorists.

He was photographed hugging Robert Martin Perez, who was a member of Omega 7, and is currently lobbying for the release of Eduardo Arocena, Omega 7's founder in the 70's, who set off bombs in New York, Florida and New Jersey to protest Jimmy Carter's easing of restrictions on Cuba in 1974. Omega 7 is also responsible for the murder of Orlando Letelier and Cuban diplomat Felix Rodriguez in New York.

Of course, none of this stopped McCain from taking their endorsements and money, other forms of support, or hugging them in public.

John McCain has even told these "Cuban exile groups" in Florida that he'll get Arocena out of jail if elected-guess he'll say anything to get elected, kind of like Barack Obama. :lfao:
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We have already generated a few RTMs from this thread. Seems like people can't post without taking personal shots at each other. Lets keep things civil please. If you can't post without taking a persona shot at someone else, then perhaps not posting is the better option.

Mike Slosek
MT Asst. Admin
I dont hold it agaisnt my aunt that she USED to sell drugs

why? she went to prison,and regrets doing it. She isnt proud of it, doesnt cling to the memory or say she "wishes she had done more"

if she started selling drugs again, OR if she didnt regret it, if she was un-repentant,then I wouldnt have anything to do with her.

I wouldnt go to her house, I wouldnt blurb her book, I wouldnt associate with her in any way, shape or form.

and she's FAMILY

So Shesulsa's comparison doesnt really hold water.

Face it, if you pal around with un-repentant criminals, it reflects on you.
That may be true but it dose not necessarily make you one.
I know more than a few criminals but that dose not make me one any more than my knowing many law enforcement people make me one

Judge a man by whatever standards you wish but until you truly know the man do not set your mind in stone
Did he raise money to fund your political ambitions?

I dont hold it agaisnt my aunt that she USED to sell drugs

why? she went to prison,and regrets doing it. She isnt proud of it, doesnt cling to the memory or say she "wishes she had done more"

if she started selling drugs again, OR if she didnt regret it, if she was un-repentant,then I wouldnt have anything to do with her.

I wouldnt go to her house, I wouldnt blurb her book, I wouldnt associate with her in any way, shape or form.

and she's FAMILY

So Shesulsa's comparison doesnt really hold water.

Face it, if you pal around with un-repentant criminals, it reflects on you.

We worked for the same company ... or, as right wing journals would say, I was employed by his organization and He raised money that went to my bank account.

Many politicians - reps and dems alike - have donated money to and supported various Get Out The Vote organizations. These organizations are non-profit orgs who pay anyone with a pulse to beat the pavement and turn in registration cards. Some orgs pay a bonus if you turn in X amount of cards or have a quota you have to meet to get paid.

So ... if I used to work for one of these organizations (which it looks like Obama did) and later that same organization employs a crack addict, drunkard or generally stupid person who irresponsibly turns in cards they filled out illegally, to link the former employee to the stupid actions of a stupid employee (or group of stupid employees) is really a stretch.

So far neither ACORN nor Obama has been charged with anything. I'm never in favor of anyone being charged or hung with anything until some kind of due process has been completed (fair or unfair process would still be up for grabs, of course because anything else would be less than honest).

Again ... you can call me all kinds of names, TF, you can pretend to ignore my posts and then quote them and pick them apart or respond without quoting all you want to ... and that's fine. But in the end, until physical evidence of fraud is presented, I will not acknowledge intentional fraud on the part of any candidate nor any group.
That may be true but it dose not necessarily make you one.
I know more than a few criminals but that dose not make me one any more than my knowing many law enforcement people make me one

Judge a man by whatever standards you wish but until you truly know the man do not set your mind in stone

Absolutely right. I dont think Obama is a socialist radical just cuz all his friends are.

I actually listened to him, that was enough to convince me...........

But here is the rub. Do you hang out with those criminals? Do you help them, or let them help you? Do you go to thier houses? Do you blurb thier books?
Mamma always said, "You're judged by the company you keep."

In regards to politics it doesn't really surprise me about any of them.....


Because they're all criminals!!!!!
Ya know, maybe all of this is a red herring. Maybe the people/groups we oughta be looking at are the people who benefitted from the bailout. The groups being discussed here didn't influence BOTH candidates to bow down and cough up 700 billion to cover their bad business practices.
I believe, unless I'm mistaken, that this guy held a fund raiser for Obama at his house Shesulsa. That has many more implications than "working together at the same company" no matter how you obfuscate it.

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