Acorn and The Obamasiah

The fact that you consider Bush worse than Jimmy Carter, who is, by NON PARTISANS widely considered the worst recent us president makes your judgement..................questionable,and makes it sound like partisanship rather than objective observation.

Actually, most lists put Nixon worse than Jimmy Carter-unfairly, I think, but there it is. It's too early to tell where Bush II rates, but a variety of current polls have him in strong contention for the title of "worst ever," beating out the likes of Buchanan, Andrew Johnson and Warren Harding....

ACORN is a corrupt DEMOCRAT outfit, it is plain to see to anyone with non partisan eyes

Maybe, maybe not. They supposedly are in the business of registering lower income people to vote. By some definitions that you've put forth in the past, that makes them DEMOCRAT. Doesn't matter to me.

they are working on behalf of Obama, and they ARE comitting voter fraud.

Not so sure. Fact is, the fraud was perpetrated against them, and there is a substantial difference between "voter fraud" and "registration fraud." It's like this-I can be registered to vote in two places-in fact, I am, because I moved. That in itself doesn't constitute any kind of fraud, but if I were to vote in both places, well, it would be-voter fraud.

Likewise, if I were to register in a few other places under an alias or three, like "Mickey Mouse," that would constitute a fraudulent registration. If I were to vote under that name, that would constitute voter fraud.

What appears to have happened-to everyone on both sides of the election who bothers to look-is that ACORN hired some people to get registrations, and pays those people on a quota basis, and all around the countyr, some of those people committed fraud by making fraudulent registrations-they were lazy, and sat at home filling out forms with made up names, or names from the phone book, while they watched television or got high. It wouldn't have been "voter fraud" unless the Dallas Cowboys line (or someone purporting to be them) showed up to vote in Las Vegas, or Mickey Mouse showed up to vote, etc., etc., etc. In fact, in many, many of these cases, ACORN flagged the registrations themselves, and reported them to the authorities.
This sounds a whole lot like "that depends on what the definition of the word "is" is"

and the quibbles over wether or not Clinton actually comitted perjury, which is to say partisan excuse making.

I say this only because you need to be aware of how it comes across,a nd decide if that is really what you are trying to get across.

First off ... McCain guilty of voter fraud too, (at least according to the reasoning being used).

Second ... what is voter fraud? NPR states that voter fraud isn't clearly defined, and here's what has to say. Here is a nice paper on various types of voter fraud (pdf).

But to say a person who knows another person is guilty of what that person does is just not necessarily viable. If my husband commits murder, should I then go to prison? I'm closer to him than anybody else; why not? I worked for the same company and in the same location as an ex-deputy who is now in prison for armed robbery, assault and possession of a controlled substance. We were very good friends up until years before any of this happened. But by the reasoning being used, this means I should accompany him to prison because I was his friend.

Guilt by association has it's problems.
Was that when a Republican president couldn't get judges confirmed because of filibustering democrats? Yeah, rubber stamp...

Wouldn't know about filibustering, because I don't remember reading about those here in finnish newspapers, but if that is true (and I certainly can believe it to be true, knowing what politicians are like) what would stop the republicans from using the same tactic if the democrats hold the White house and the majority in both Senate and Congress? Or does someone honestly think that only one party would resort to such tactics?
Wouldn't know about filibustering, because I don't remember reading about those here in finnish newspapers, but if that is true (and I certainly can believe it to be true, knowing what politicians are like) what would stop the republicans from using the same tactic if the democrats hold the White house and the majority in both Senate and Congress? Or does someone honestly think that only one party would resort to such tactics?

The force is strong with this one.
While it varies with locale, most states have statutes that define the various types of election fraud, and, in fact, define them as crimes.
That is correct, though allegations of voter fraud for national elections are investigated by the Secretary of State's office.

Again, the Levitt paper is a good read - an important read for anyone who wants to state a qualified opinion (IMO) on voter fraud.
Somebody connected to Obama did it = Obama is de debil.
Somebody connected to Palin did it = Politically biased attack by Obama to undermine Palin.

Seems fair to me.
Somebody connected to Obama did it = Obama is de debil.
Somebody connected to Palin did it = Politically biased attack by Obama to undermine Palin.

Seems fair to me.
Free your mind and the rest will follow. ;)
That is correct, though allegations of voter fraud for national elections are investigated by the Secretary of State's office..

Which kind of makes the point that what's gone on with ACORN isn't "voter fraud," and certainly doesn't rise to the level of Mr. McCain's unfortunate rhetoric in that regard ("We need to know the full extent of Sen. Obama's relationship with ACORN who is on the verge of maybe perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history in this country and may be destroying the fabric of democracy," )
Just registration fraud? Car registration fraud? Handgun registration fraud? Why leave the important detail of what kind of registration fraud off? Anyway, why the free pass on voter registration fraud, even if it isn't really quite voter fraud (yet).

After all, it is the huge increase in voter registrations (not any other kind of registration) that is be used as one of the main components in a media strategy to generate excitement for a specific candidate. This isn't a big deal that can help affect the outcome on November 4th?

Why isn't the voter registration fraud as big of a deal as CNN's major news scroll about silly Republicans buying Palin's children some clothes at Sak's so the Palin's will appear more acceptable to the people that try to help us decide for whom to vote?

Actually, we know why, part of the same reason that the 3rd party candidates weren't invited to the debates. It may disrupt this historic election that has been gifted to us.
Why does everything Palin does get the media microscope but this ACORN stuff gets pooh-poohed?

Well, you said it yourself: "everything Palin does." I'm sure we've heard/will hear quite a bit about what Obama & Biden do/have done/will do. Of course, neither of them really has anything to do with what ACORN does. On top of which, it's the same sort of thing that's come up on both sides around voter registration since....well, since forever.....or, at least since Jack Kennedy got elected. :lol:

Mostly though, because until photographs show up of him sacrificing a 9 month old white baby girl in his back yard, the anointed one is "hands off" for the media....:lfao:
Maybe there is a difference in something someone does themself, compared to something that a 3rd party does while in ones employ?
So far, all I can glean for certain is that Senator Obama is guilty of practicing law. I think the main reason that the Acorn story is not driving voters away from Barack Obama is the timing -- it's October, for crying out loud. If Senator McCain thought Senator Obama was part of a conspiracy to undermine US democracy, he might have menitoned it a little earlier.