The Calkins threads were mostly locked shortly after he was banned. We missed a few, and after being informed that we had, that oversite was resolved today by concensus of the Admin Team.
Seminar announcements concerning Dr. Gyi have been posted on MartialTalk since 2001. The controversy surrounding his military background has I believe been touched on previously.
Since the disruptions caused by the Calkins case, MartialTalk has revised it's policies towards such matters. In this particular matter, a member posted a seminar announcement, the focus of which had nothing to do with the featured instructors military background. The information posted by Robert had nothing to do with the material being presented. It only served to disrupt a thread concerning an event. Reviewing the posted policies for TGD and the Horror stories forums may help remove some of the confusion. If things remain confused, asking more questions is always encouraged.
The correct place for such a post concerning an individuals credentials/reputation is in the Debate Forum, if anywhere at all here. While I've read the same information (and more) concerning Dr. Gyi's military record, his martial arts skills are well respected, the techniques simple, brutal, yet elegant in their effectiveness. I've been to several of his seminars, and consider what I have seen to be worth seeing.
If there are issues with the moderation staff, how this matter was handled, etc., please address them to Seig as he is in charge of the moderator team on MartialTalk.