Changes to the structure of the Ninjutsu forum.

Well, rather than have the ninjutsu forums shut down, I've decided to refrain from posting in the Modern Ninjitsu section. However, if sojobow et al posts his tripe in the Traditional section, I'll be on him like a doberman on a baby...

The diferential between refutal and fraud busting is the extent on which things go on.
Refutal is they post drivel, you post fact, then either move on, or isolate the debate into 1 thread. When it crosses over to a new forum, or multiple threads it then becomes a possible case of fraud busting.

Lacking a knowledgable and level headed moderator for this section, it is hard for us to seperate the 2 without expending alot of time.

If people want to belive that ninjas are decended from elite alien shock troops left here 10,000 years ago, well, that is their right. You do have the right to ask for proof. They have the right to refuse. You have the right to post your historical proof that demonstrates their origins as Iga, not Mars. People have the right to ask 'what ifs' and 'I thoughts' and 'maybes' without being ripped to shreds.

Examples being all the cross polinations that have occured in the arts over the centuries. Maybe, just maybe, the ninjas did pick up some techniques from the Cossacks...or the Huns...or the Romans. Is there -any- historical evidence that those parties interacted? Can it be verified from multiple sources? (A university or museum would be great here).

There is also the "Ignore" feature. Put the Trolls on Ignore, report them to the staff, drown them out with real provable facts, etc.

If you leave the battlefield to the fools, only the fools information will be there. It then becomes 'proof'.
Kaith Rustaz said:
If you leave the battlefield to the fools, only the fools information will be there. It then becomes 'proof'.
Well, I've decided it's not my place to try and dispute sojobow's claims for the benefit of the neo-ninja crowd. Most of the regulars in the forum know enough to set his rantings aside. I'll just stick to the traditional section, and let him spin his fantasies for the unwitting newbies visiting the modern section.

Kreth said:
Well, I've decided it's not my place to try and dispute sojobow's claims for the benefit of the neo-ninja crowd. Most of the regulars in the forum know enough to set his rantings aside. I'll just stick to the traditional section, and let him spin his fantasies for the unwitting newbies visiting the modern section. Jeff
Just noticed this thread tonight. Interesting. My input is simple: All we need do is answer the question as if someone from outside is asking. Just be polite and courteous.
1 other point needs to be made here:

If we have a disruptive member or members, we can, and may remove partial or full forum access.

If the person is a great contributor in traditional, but a troll in modern, we can remove their access in part or in full to the modern forum.
The reverse is also true.

It's a bit of a pain to do so, however so we would very much prefer not to.
Also, anyone signing up a duplicate account to get around the limitation would be in violation of policy, so that path need not be said.
Kaith Rustaz said:
Also, anyone signing up a duplicate account to get around the limitation would be in violation of policy, so that path need not be said.
why in the world would anyone make a different account? :idunno: if someone doesn't like what i say... well its my opinion not theirs! i think some good members here have generated bad reps from standing apart and stating their feelings. doesn't make too much difference when they submit relevant info. (i.e. ralph severe, gmunoz, and others) that red dot doesn't look good but if they are honest and upfront of where they get their info... well more power to them. i mean i had someone red dot me for asking, in a ninjutsu forum, what kind of tabi are preferred? ("stupid question") whats that? i guess the person didn't realize where he was or was just wanting to argue some more. just state your opinion in a honest way, don't lie, and everything should be fine.

We've had folks do the multi-account thing in the past.

They tend to 'vanish' shortly after that... :)
Hey sir, how are we doing now? do you think we'll make it through? Looks like we're going through another Meiji Restoration or something. Hope we survive. If not, oh well! Happy Holiday.
I still say, no big loss.
Sorry, but while I do have respect for the small handful who are trying to make use of things, the noise factor from a few insane trolls is deafening.

Yeah, pot, kettle, black right?

Fine, lets get back to how the Huns and the Romans were the secret origins of the Ninja. Or was it Captain Kirk? I forget. Slojoblow, what was that fantasy, err, theory you had again?

Maybe Hatsumi is an Atlantian? Sorry, Murian. (Wrong Ocean)
It's Dux who is the Atlantian. You can tell by the size of his gills.

*Poof* *Flash* *KaBoom*
Changes Made: 11-7-2004

"Modern" Ninjutsu forum has been removed from the Japanese section and is now located under the "Arts" heading as "American Ninjutsu".

"Traditional" is the place to discuss the concepts, techniques and ideas of those schools that are popularly accepted as having verified lineages.

"General" is the place for all variations that do not have the verifiable lineages, as well as discussions of the history, culture and general concepts of the Ninja.

Discussion surrounding SKH/Quest/ToShinDo, etc can now be done in the specialized subforum for those areas of interest, located under the JMA-Ninjutsu heading.
We are archiving what we can, and the final decision hasn't been made yet. It's locked so we can avoid further headaches.
Without mentioning the scam artists Ashida Kim or HaHa Lung, or the Frauds Frank Dux and Richard Bussey, or the SPAMMER morphine Power DeRanger Rick "Pa"Tew, what is a legitimate American Ninjutsu lineage?

Mr. Hayes ideas have their own forum. It could use some traffic, but it is there.
Mr. Van Donk falls under the Ninja General (IMHO)

Who else is there that isn't just some con-artist who has watched too many Sho Kashugi films?

Seems that reopening it would just attract more "Wannabes" and they already have a forum out there for those know, the morons who think that wearing black pajamas, playing with smoke bombs, reading a book and running around the neighborhood after dark makes one a ninja.