A question for MT members

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Master of Arts
May 6, 2004
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OK I have a question.

I am curious as to the reason why a certain thread which only consisted of 3 posts (2 by me and 1 by the Mod that closed it) was shut down……
Here is the thread

The reason given by the Mod was “Thread locked pending review”………..review of what? It’s not like there was a flame war going on. I was the only one that replied!
I find it odd that we have no less than 6 threads on Soke Calkins with only a couple locked down and MANY replies……I post some information that has been proven as FACT and the thread is locked down before it even gets replied to. Kinda strange.
RRouuselot said:
OK I have a question.

I am curious as to the reason why a certain thread which only consisted of 3 posts (2 by me and 1 by the Mod that closed it) was shut down……
Here is the thread

The reason given by the Mod was “Thread locked pending review”………..review of what? It’s not like there was a flame war going on. I was the only one that replied!
I find it odd that we have no less than 6 threads on Soke Calkins with only a couple locked down and MANY replies……I post some information that has been proven as FACT and the thread is locked down before it even gets replied to. Kinda strange.

Hello Robert,

The section on Martial Talk titled 'The Great Debate' is set up for exactly what the title says...

What is The Great Debate? The Great Debate is the never ending argument over lineage, history, terms, definitions etc. This is -THE- only place on MartialTalk where such debates will be allowed. Read the forum rules for the specific guidelines.

The original thread was intended to discuss the upcoming seminar. I'm sure I don't have to explain the rules of the forum to you, as you've been here for a while. The added discussion was not related to the main topic. Warnings were posted, to keep the thread on topic, and went ignored. When the rules of the forum are not followed, the theads get locked.

I think that if you have any concerns about this issue, that you take it up with the Admin.

MJS said:
Hello Robert,

1) The section on Martial Talk titled 'The Great Debate' is set up for exactly what the title says...

I think that if you have any concerns about this issue, that you take it up with the Admin.




I have no problem with the thread being split and moved to 'The Great Debate' since that is what it is for. My beef is why wasn’t it given a chance to be debated like all the Clakin threads have been? It was locked up tighter than a Submarine door without a single reply.
That is strange if you ask me.
RRouuselot said:


I have no problem with the thread being split and moved to 'The Great Debate' since that is what it is for. My beef is why wasn’t it given a chance to be debated like all the Clakin threads have been? It was locked up tighter than a Submarine door without a single reply.
That is strange if you ask me.

You're Welcome. :)

Like I said, you apparently have some questions, so it would be best to contact the people that I mentioned.

KenpoTess said:
You know why I locked the thread Robert, Since you Pmed me and I answered. So don't start something here with the members of MT.

-MT S. Mod

I started this thread before you replied.
I know what you used an excuse for locking the thread but I can't say as I agree with it since there are MANY other threads still open with far more replies and infractions of MT rules.
Funny.. my time stamp of my reply to your first PM asking why your thread was locked is :

Today, 09:20 AM


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Re: ??
*Edited as it is a private matter*

Originally Posted by RRouuselot
Can you explain why you locked the thread on Gyi in The Great Debate Section?

"Life is drawing without an eraser."

Queen of Pain

This thread was Not Created Before your received your reply Robert...This thread was created at 9:27 AM

So let's drop it and go on with our regularly scheduled program..
Witch hunts start well intended but they tend to spread. This type of scrutiny was even beginning to creep into the Meet and Greet area.

Thus for that reason among others we have designated an area specifically for debates. After all what healthy person would want to have a board or be a part of a board where there are inquisitions at every turn?
KenpoTess said:
1) This thread was Not Created Before your received your reply Robert...This thread was created at 9:27 AM

2) So let's drop it and go on with our regularly scheduled program..

1) Oh well I guess I will have to pay dearly for it in Hell then. Fact is I was writing this thread after I sent you a PM…..I had not read your reply until afterwards…….and is there a problem with me posting this question?
2) Yeah that’s just it…..seems like the whole Gyi thing really wants to be dropped. I mean the Calkins threads are still going and have had plenty of flaming on them. Most of which is conjecture. The stuff I posted is based on facts.
It just seems a little odd that you were in such a hurry to shutdown the Gyi thread so quickly as compared to the Calkins’ threads which remain open.
I'm getting the feeling that this thread will be locked soon as well.

As I said Robert, it may be best to discuss these issues off the board.
Palusut said:
Witch hunts start well intended but they tend to spread. This type of scrutiny was even beginning to creep into the Meet and Greet area.

Thus for that reason among others we have designated an area specifically for debates. After all what healthy person would want to have a board or be a part of a board where there are inquisitions at every turn?

Again I ask since the thread was moved to the area by you based on the content for the specific purpose of debate why was it shutdown before a single reply was sent in?
There was no flame war? So it couldn’t have been that…..no name calling, no nothing.
It was shut down prematurely for no real reason.....
MJS said:
I'm getting the feeling that this thread will be locked soon as well.

As I said Robert, it may be best to discuss these issues off the board.

I thought this board was a discussion forum.....if we are not able to discuss things then why have it........
RRouuselot said:
I thought this board was a discussion forum.....if we are not able to discuss things then why have it........

Thats correct..it is a discussion forum. Just a few points.

1) There is a designated area for the concerns of ones background.

2) This issue regarding the locking of the thread is IMHO, an issue between you and the Senior staff, not the members of this forum.
RRouuselot said:
Again I ask since the thread was moved to the area by you based on the content for the specific purpose of debate why was it shutdown before a single reply was sent in?
There was no flame war? So it couldn’t have been that…..no name calling, no nothing.
It was shut down prematurely for no real reason.....

You are missing the point.
The thread was split with the discussion on credentials moved to the Great Debate, while the original thread on the seminar remaining where it was.

let me help you out:

1) There was no favoritism shown regarding the thread starter.
2) The relavent material to the original thread remained while the questions about credentials were moved to the Great Debate.
3) There has been no discussions regarding special treatment regarding the thread starter nor the person in question. I don't think that most of the staff, including me has met the person in question.
4) This is at least the second thread that has been split with one thread remaining in the FMA area and the other thread moved to The Great Debate.

If this is not enough for you, then I suggest you start your own forum and name it www.crybaby.com
so was the thread locked because you didnt like the fact that it exposed someone?

certainly the moderators would like their reasons known for doing what they do. i realise that there are rules, but most boards are dictatorships with admin acting as they see fit with no checks or balance.
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BlackCatBonz said:
so was the thread locked because you didnt like the fact that it exposed someone?

certainly the moderators would like their reasons known for doing what they do. i realise that there are rules, but most boards are dictatorships with admin acting as they see fit with no checks or balance.

Actually, MT has published and posted policies and procedures for all of MT members and staff.

The staff is very professional and not whimsical in decision making.

Again, there is a dedicated area for debating credentials and we ask that threads stay on topic.

I think that there was more concern about the actual executed procedure, which was in the guidelines of our posted policies, than the actual policy itself. :)
thanks for the negative rep point and not signing it. another example of the fine backbone of a supposed warrior.
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