*sigh* not another one of these, i allready had to argue with a guy from Dallas about this and sent him like a pm that took like 5 pms to send it all about my research up on Bussey, if i didnt know my instructors if i didnt know what they where capable of if i didnt see how good they where how honarable and honest they are to me about it through classes and what all they have put up with about this then i woudl be a bit worried about the past of the style i am studing on, We cant Call it RBWI becouse there is no RBWI anymore, it has been disbanded in 97ish, now if Ford, disbanded and left no one in charge, and a few of there main designers start there own compainy and design cars that looks pretty close to Fords, can they call them selfs Ford? can the call there truck they created a "F(number)" No, becouse they will get suied, even if they gave these cars away for free they still would get suied.
Now like i said i argued with some Dallas Ninjutsu guy, i think hes name was like r.sever or something to that effect. The problem i had with him is his posts had no meaning, he pmed me saying "YOUR BEING LIED TO!, come to Dallas and i will teach you the truth!" i would reply with small explenations about PPC(The "Compainy" or "Orgnization" or whatever you cant to call i am with means: Personal Protection Concepts, and stuff along those lines, hes reply is that they are chargind me money and ripping me of, and that i shoudl come to him and he will teach me(for a fee i might add) now My Class, costs me NOTHING, expt like 5bucks for a belt test (i think 10for BB cuz they get it emprodiled), all i have to do is pay for a membership to the Gym they are located at (27monthly(whitch i paid for before i even took the class) i asked my instructors(theres like 2 main ones and like 2 other BB, one just turned last month after 5 years training) I found out that they do get paid around 10bucks a hour from the Gym due to the fact that the people in the class are pretty much there just of the class(think of like commision), after that he stoped talking about them "Taking my money"
Now the onlyvaild thing i heard from this Dallas guy is that he WAS there when Bussey was, now what he told me that happned if true, doesnt make me all to trusting of Hatsumi, i heard from this guy, whomay or may not have been there, that Bussey was there for maybe 3 months before this, and they where all at a party and theyw here all drunk, and some Student goes: "Hey Hatsumi!, You should Buessy to Instructor!" "Ok!" He replyed "Bussey! Your now instructor! Heres your Belt!" I wonder about a instrutor who promotes as a joke/drunk (I did find later that in Japan they do premote early with the idea that the promoted study will grow into it (like gived a kid pants to big and going "Your grow into them eventually")
Now a Breaf Summory of what i found when looking him up, actually i might just post the pms i sent to Server:
(Sent in October-Ish)(PM 1)
Its a bit log so i had to send it in parts:
Alrighty, well i did some research, read basicly his whole website, a lot of posts from people, a few interviews and stuff that bussey wrote. This is the only tiem anywhere on his website or anywhere about him that he even really talks or is talked about Ninjutsu:
"at the age of only 18, and long before the out-break of "Ninja-mania," became a licensed instructor of Togakure Ryu Ninjutsu under Masaaki Hatsumi which, in 1979, established Bussey as a pioneer of Ninjutsu in America. Bussey made history by sponsoring the first open U.S. meeting with Japan-trained instructors in hopes of setting the ground work for an international fellowship. Hatsumi proposed the Bussey would "father" American Ninjutsu as the Bujinkan's top representative. Bussey rejected the idea and instead chose a less conspicuous position by teaching only a handful of people in Nebraska and side-stepping the potential for political conflicts. "
Now maybe thats true maybe its not, but the thing is, is that throught his whole site, it rarely says anything about ninjutsu infact it even takes about him not waiting him to be known just for ninjutsu:
"Admired by most, and considered controversial by others, Bussey has never really been able to escape the image that links him to Ninjutsu.
"It is an image which he has fought to reverse for years," claims his brother Michael. "RBWI was Robert's vehicle for exposing the inefficiencies of martial arts by discovering new ways to train and defeat aggression.""
From what i have read, is a bit clashing, he states there is that: "became a licensed instructor of Togakure Ryu Ninjutsu under Masaaki Hatsumi" and on another place some one has stated that he was only there for a few months to maybe even a year and left becouse he wanted to learn/teach something he though was more 'realistic' There also states that he also knows another form tath he learned 'overseas' that i heard was from Korea and he went to do all this around 18, and that he was also highly ranked in a more local(i dont know what MA) before he left to go to japan.
(PM 2)
Part 2:
And from what i can tell is that he came back in 1977ish and started developing his own style or whatever, my guess is that when some one asked him what style it resembles he would say 'Ninjutsu', but it talks about how what he was doing/teaching:
"Bussey's performance seemed so far removed from conventional martial arts that publishers and videographers urged him to organize his own art and preferably label it with an oriental name to lend credibility to his teachings"
this is what he did: "At first, it is said that Bussey resisted the idea. However, he eventually adopted the title of founder, refused to concoct a name for his style and chose the acronym RBWI, the heading he used for his various unions of academies."
That means he started RBWI whitch did not have anything to do with Ninjutsu name wise, and people even dubbed it Bussey-Itsu and so on, but from what i have read is that when he was in charge of RBWI that he did not teach "Ninjutsu" or even teach anything in particular but he taught "RBWI" that RBWI was the name of what he taught, and that when asked what it was closly resembles he or someone one would say Ninjutsu, now this gos back to the quote i said about him trying to get away from that name but couldnt that he wasnt teachning Ninjutsu, but that he was teach RBWI
Now i also came across some videos from the late 80s clearly stated as "Mastering Ninja Combat Tactics"
with claims such as "Over 100 self-defense techniques against these situations are clearly shown.(on knife and gun disarms and attacks)" Now 100 in 56mins is a bit far fetched, no he does not use the name Ninjutsu that i can tell, but used tehe names Ninja, so i am willing to go with that this might have been eather mainly money-making, or to get it out there for people, probly for the money

but besides a interview from the maker of that movie stating how glad he was to work with such a master(like bussey) i dont even know if it was his idea or some one came up to him and asked him to do it, dunno.
In a nutshell, from what i can tell is that Bussey had a lot of MA training before he went to Korea(?) and then also to japan, eather stayed and mastered like he said, or didnt like it and left, came back and from what i can tell started and created RBWI and used that name so he can freely develope his art style with no traditional connections, maybe, whitch seams to have been dubbed as a form of Ninjutsu sence that is what it closly resembles, sence it takes about him saying he didnt want to be known for ninjutsu, and he takes very little about ninjutsu or ninja on his site.
He ran RBWI tell 1997 and disbanned for whatever reason and started his cunsulting firm, my guess he does this furm to still be active in MA and also as his job.
(PM 3)
Part 3
Now this brings the story to my school, in 1997 eather the DFW brance of RBWI or a group of RBWI or whatever came down to texas and started a group to keep in touch and so on, this group they dubbed PPC: Personal Protection Concepts(i personally find it to be a rather bland name); Now, let me ask you, if someone asked them, what they taught or what they study, they cant just say, oh im a Black Belt in PPC, they woudl be like, what is PPC? and so on, they cant use the name RBWI becouse it is disbanded and copywrited, so what do they do? well, they 'use' the name that is most closly and what RBWI is manly based off of: Ninjutsu, now this Ninjutsu is not called, Togakure or Gyokko, sence well it is not those things, sence it has vary little connection to the traditional styles but is somewhat rooted in there and sence it has a big christian base(Bussey suposably was 'Born Again') and well you dont want to call it Christian Ninjutsu, becouse that would be even more wrong, and sence RBWI was many 'created' in America they just call it American Ninjutsu.
now i have not talked to my Instructors, but i have talked to some of my fellow mates, and they are aware of most of that, they all know this isnt traditional ninjutsu, but it is called ninjutsu becouse that is what it is closley based off of, and that this class in generaly is very open, it can be easly adabted to add anything into it it wants, but they use the name NInjutsu, becouse it is what it most closly resembles, now what i think is that Bussey is probly not to happy we are calling ourself American Ninjutsu, sence well, he didnt like to be known for Ninjutsu but for RBWI, and sence we cant us ethat name RBWI we went with what it is based off of.
(PM 4)
This is the last of it
Now all in all i can see why you wouldnt be to happy with that eather, we are claming ourselfs to be Ninjutsu, when technicly we are RBWI but for legal reasons we cant use that, even though that is what we are, so they in 1997 decided that the best way and name to go is American Ninjutsu, now this does not bother me, why does being called a Ninjutsu than RBWI when weather or not Bussey even master ninjutsu not bother me? First i would much rather be called American Ninjutsu than PPC

and that is what RBWI is most close too is ninjutsu, and im sure that if we could call ourselfs RBWI we woudl all jump on it, now if we went around boasting and such saying we are Togakure Ninjutsu or trying to use the Ninjutsu name to a advantage then i would be upset, but we are not and no one is making money (well i guess if 3(found out it was 10) a hour is making money then maybe so), infact another good example is RWTB, they teach RBWI but as the name RWTB and not *whatever* Ninjutsu but if you look around your see that that is generaly what is taught(ninjutsu) and seam to be rather popular.
Now i dont know if you are still reading this by now but i would like to thank you for informing me about this, i feel a lot closer and more understanding to PPC and American Ninjutsu and also RBWI, now if you have a problem with the name American Ninjutsu then you would have to talk to the PPC people in charge, they have been using it sence 1997 so might be a bit hard for them to change, now i am Proud to say that i am studing American Ninjutsu from PPC and i am now well aware that this is actually RBWI whitch is based off of Ninjutsu, now wither or not Bussey really trained like he said he did in Togakure Ninjutsu or not it up to him, But we are not and do not teach Togakure Ninjutsu, we teach RBWI(with a few add ins or so dunno) and our form of it is called American Ninjutsu and is consedered a Modern Ninjutsu Style becouse that is what it is most closly resembles and what is most strongly based off of, all in all thank you for informing me and making me do a more through background check of my school and our style
He never responded but maybe its cuz he was banned, so who knows if he even recieved it
Like i said i talked to some of my instructors about this, and they came pretty much point blank on the topic that Yes, i and the students are being taught RBWI(Whitch is a bit obviouse sence most of them wear some from of RBWI logo on them(Belt,Shirt,Pants,Ect)
Now from a Personal Stand Point, i dont care if you like Bussey, I dont Care if you like RBWI, or even if you guys like American Ninjutsu, but if you read through my posts or whatever, you shoudl notice that i dont go around saying, Bussey is all knowing! RBWI is the only true Ninjutsu! In fact i usally keep the American Ninjutsu, Bussey, and RBWI to my self unless i have to explain what Style i am coming from, and usally its generaly dropped after that. So what i would like to have come out of this is that like i said, you dont have to like me, or my style, but at lest have some respect about it, not like you guys are showing any disrespect anyhow, i dont even spend much time in the Tradition Ninjutsu forum becouse i know that this style is Modern, and if you would like to see more of the PMs to people i have sent (mainly with this Dallas guy) That even with his accusations that i am being lied to and mislead, and ripped off the majorty of my responces was for him to talk to my instructors, i even sent him a link to there site and email address, and also i told him that in order to confence me of anything to send my proof and not accusations about my School
Point is: I am a RBWI/American Ninjutsu Student and i am here to talk about Martial Arts not to defend my self everywhere (maybe 3 times here so far and yet at lest once everywhere i go and post about anything related to Ninjas and Ninjutsu especialy to people who dont even study MA whitch is a bit odd)