How do we stop the MT TKD madness!?

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I don't think that subsections would help. We just need to be more civil in our debate & discussion.

while you are dreaming, ask for a pony....

sorry not to be a jerk here, but saying "just grow up and be nice" has never in the hostory of,,,,,,,,,,history accomplished anything

people are not nice

people are not polite

people are not warm and fluffy
while you are dreaming, ask for a pony....

sorry not to be a jerk here, but saying "just grow up and be nice" has never in the hostory of,,,,,,,,,,history accomplished anything

people are not nice

people are not polite

people are not warm and fluffy

Well, you can choose to be a person of character or not. It is your choice.
while you are dreaming, ask for a pony....

sorry not to be a jerk here, but saying "just grow up and be nice" has never in the hostory of,,,,,,,,,,history accomplished anything

people are not nice

people are not polite

people are not warm and fluffy

What I find interesting...very interesting, is the fact that people can't engage in heated debate without calling each other names. Hmm..last I checked, the age requirement for this forum was 16, not 2.

Its not that difficult really. And then people cry like friggin children, when we a) lock threads, b) suspend accts. c) ban people. Hmm...maybe, just maybe, if people acted their age, instead of like kids, and actually read the forum rules that THEY ALL AGREED TO UPON JOINING, half the problems would not happen.

Thus, why I lose sympathy for those folks. Makes it easier for me, when I have to ban their ***. :D
while you are dreaming, ask for a pony....

sorry not to be a jerk here, but saying "just grow up and be nice" has never in the hostory of,,,,,,,,,,history accomplished anything

people are not nice

people are not polite

people are not warm and fluffy

You don't have to be warm and fluffy, nor 'nice', but you have to do so in the framework of politeness. And that has nothing to do with forum rules.
There has never been a heated sine wave discussion on this board. It's never gotten far enough for that to even remotely happen.

I think there have been plenty of heated discussions about sine wave. They do tend to be more technical in nature than the typical "Sport TKD sucks" post, so there's more of a veneer of politeness to them.
What I find interesting...very interesting, is the fact that people can't engage in heated debate without calling each other names. Hmm..last I checked, the age requirement for this forum was 16, not 2.

Its not that difficult really. And then people cry like friggin children, when we a) lock threads, b) suspend accts. c) ban people. Hmm...maybe, just maybe, if people acted their age, instead of like kids, and actually read the forum rules that THEY ALL AGREED TO UPON JOINING, half the problems would not happen.

Thus, why I lose sympathy for those folks. Makes it easier for me, when I have to ban their ***. :D
Can it get a "get of of jail free card" like TF has? It seems he can say anything...... Drop it to any thread make comments about thing others enjoy and jump to the next. There is a defference between joking and being out right nasty.
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Can it get a "get of of jail free card" like that guy has? It seems he can say anything...... Drop it to any thread make comments about thing others enjoy and jump to the next. There is a defference between joking and being out right nasty.

IIRC, I think we've been down this road before, so no need to do it again. It has been pointed out to you, as well as others, that we do not disclose mod action on a member, with other members of the forum. It is your assumption that we do nothing, however, that is not the case. So, just so I'm clear on think that TF should be banned? Ok, so perhaps we should suspend and eventually ban you for repeated debating of the forums rules?


Let me say a few things here:

1) This is probably one of the fairest and best run boards out there.

2) The forum staff here do their best to keep things civil and in line with the vision that Bob has.

3) The forum rules are in place for everyone, staff included, not a select few, despite what some people think.

Perhaps, instead of debating who should/should not be banned, and claiming the staff play favs., we should get back to some positive posting. People, from what I can tell, seem concerned as to the state of the TKD section. Start posting, ignore the trolls, report problem posts, which means posts that violate the forum rules, not to be taken as going on a reporting spree because you disagree with someone, and make this area grow.
Never said I wanted anyone banned! But if you want to ban me, Knock yourself out! Maybe you should enforce all the rules.
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and again, you dont know what you are talking about, I have been "access restricted" for so long i cant even remember when i wasnt........

worry less about me, and more about yourself Sparky.
Apparently some people are not getting the message.

Thread Closed.
Never said I wanted anyone banned! But if you want to ban me, Knock yourself out! Maybe you should enforce all the rules.
We do enforce the rules. You don't like how we do it. Tough.

Here's how this works. We have a complaint system in place. You choose to ignore it. Congratulations, have some infraction points. When you screw up enough, you'll fall into the "Access Restricted" group and get to do nothing but post really. Keep screwing up, you'll ban yourself. Don't want the points? Follow the rules and use the proper complain channels like 99.9% of our members.

Unless you make a huge mess (like tell us to piss off or go **** ourselves, or go somewhere else and whine), in which case we'll revoke your membership.

Be a constant PITA yet never quite cross that line, we'll drop you into our sand garden where you can contemplate e-bellybutton lint.

Not every public note is aimed at "you". People are too narcissistic.
Every public warning is a general note for everyone to calm down.

Here we have a case where a minor warning that something could be perceived as a challenge (which is an immediate ban) was given the benefit of doubt (something we rarely do here btw) and attempted to be calmed down. It goes from being a minor "eh" issue, to a "WTF is this guys malfunction" level one. Thanks for making a mountain out of a molehill.

Now I go check the discussion and see if the points we're giving are for staff abuse, disrespect, debating board policy or trolling.
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