Originally posted by Renegade
For the record, when it came to my bio I just copied and pasted for my web site. I figure if was good enough for my site it would be good enough for MT. This was not an atempt to shift this thread or say that one person is better than the next.
I can agree with you, Tim. As I say earlier, I did not believe that there was any ill-will intended. Perhaps the data as reported was and is as close to being acurate as is possible - let's assume for the moment that what you reported for the others who had not posted is accurate in terms of rank and titles, that does not change anything because it is the skill aspect of their presentation that we want to witness at the Symposium.
Everyone needs to remember that one part of the Symposium idea came about because of the very huge question regarding succession in the area of Modern Arnis. Another aspect of the Symposium is directed toward giving people an opportunity to meet and talk face to face. Not only can ideas be discussed, they can be demomstrated - you can't do the latter over a computer keyboard.
A third point to be considered is that Professor had a very long teaching career here in the Western world after a significant tenure in the Philippines. He taught a great number of people. Some stayed with him for long periods of time - 10, 15 and 20 years. A few stayed for nearly 30 and lots more attended seminars and camps for 3, 4, 5, years and left when they got their Lakan/Dayang rankings. Therefore it is quite likely that there are a significant number of "older" students that the "newer" students have NEVER met much less have heard about. Some of those people are on the perspective teaching list.
There is a lot of talk about "tapi-tapi", "cuentada", "de cadena", "flow'" and "art within your art", but what does that all really mean? How similar or dissimilar is all of that stuff? How are we going to find out the answers to those questions without having a Symposium?
Some of us are quite aware of the range and diversity of the art and some of us are locked into what Professor did during that time period that we were attemding camps and seminars with him. Some of us equate Modern Arnis with Professor Presas - it is not possible to have one without the other. Others of us see Modern Arnis see as a vehicle and Professor Presas as the driving instructor; once we learned how to drive, we wanted and needed to take side trips to other places. Professor opened some door, but we had to do the work that it took to understand how Modern Arnis could be used.
So no matter want line of logic or reasoning you want to take, the reality that is unchangable still faces us all - Professor Presas, is gone, the art that he created and nurtured is here within us and if this art is to grow and survive as a living legacy, then we need to get our collective selves working toward understanding one another more and bickering less. One way to get started toward the former goal is to attend the Symposium.
There will be nay-sayers, there awill be people who want to de-ride this concept, because it is not something that professor would have encouraged. He did not want his leading instructors and hosts talking to one another, he avoided resolving conflicts between his leading instructors, because it was easier to tell people, "Do not worry, it is nothing..., you are....". Some of you know exactly what i am refering to and you can fill in the words, based on your own experience with Professor.
The Symposium will give us the opportunity to talk, train, observe and answer some questions for others as well as ourselves. The Symposium is going to give us an opportunity see what some others have done with and within the art of Modern Arnis. No matter what else we do, there is no way we are ever going to have Professor again, so the choices are fairly limited:
1. Move forward and make the art for ourselves
2. Try to find a subsitute for Professor within Modern Arnis
3. Look backwards and try to keep the art as we found it
4. Bicker and fight one another claiming Professor told you
this, that or the other, while denying the same to others
Each of us has to make a choice. Life circumstances will not allow us to stand still, hide and pretend that nothing has changed. It really is your call as individuals to make, but the Symposium goes on regardless, because Dan Anderson, Rich Parsons, Richard Curren, Bram Frank and I have promised to be there, even if we only have one another to train and hang out with on July 11, 12 and 13, 2003. besides with a group that small, I know exactly where to go for the VERY BEST roast beef on kimmelwick, with draft beer in Buffalo. Too bad the rookies only know about Buffalo Wings - dime a dozen and get them anywhere!
So onward and upward people... come to Buffalo or stay home on the weekend of July 11 - 13, I will be at ECC City Campus, hosting the Symposium, hope to see you there.
Jerome Barber, Ed.D.