Symposium Fee and a Hotel Accomedation

  • Thread starter Thread starter DoctorB
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I was wondering - maybe instead of trying to play kingmaker, you should actually teach at your symposium. It seems to me with all the cancellations (and possible future ones), you would have ample room to take one of the teaching slots. In addition, I would think that with all of the talking you have been doing, that people would really like to know if you got game or are you an armchair arnisador?

Cordially yours,
Red Blade:

Wow! You certainly haven't been taught much about respect in your training in the FMAs. Have you ever met Dr. Barber? Trained with him? Been taught something by him? How about Punong Guro Tom Bolden? Grandmaster Bobby Toboada? Sifu Guro Billy Bryant? Grandmaster Remy Presas? Guro Bram Frank? Dr. Barber was/is responsible for getting these folks into the
Buffalo area for a long time. All of the above mentioned folks are/were incredible arnisadors and proponents of the art. Do you think they would associate themselves with a "armchair arnisador". Someone who didn't truly love and practice the art they've dedicated their personal and professional lives to?

I have to admit, you've got stones on the internet. It's quite easy to accuse someone of being less than proficient from the safety of a keyboard and computer screen. Comparatively, most internet Trolls I've come across operate in this fashion.

I've been taught that if you can't say something nice about someone, say nothing at all. Dr. Barber knows what he's doing. He does practice/teach the art and he can take apart a technique to base concepts and bring it across to a student better than anyone else I've met in the FMAs so far. How do I know this? He taught me. For 5 years/5 days a week and he continues to teach me 8 years later every time we get together or talk (I live outside of New York State at present).

Are you planning on coming to the Symposium? Are you going to put your money where your mouth is or are you just going to be mouth? I'll be there even if it is just me, Dr. Barber and the instructors who are able/willing to come for three days of good training and Arnis bull sessions. I've been paid in full (full price) for months now (and I'm not wealthy), how about you? Come along, you might learn something. Or maybe not.

Modern Arnis has become a bit of a joke in FMA circles nowadays in my opinion. When you have so many people claiming to be the only/true/appointed/specified/highest-ranking grandmaster/successor/practicioner/insert title here, it's kind of hard to take the system seriously. Does this mean I think Modern Arnis is valueless? Of course not! Modern Arnis is the root of my FMA training, but the ridiculous politics and outrageous print and online advertising of the last 2 years hasgotten obscene.

Has Dr. Barber called himself Grandmaster (any other title) in the wake of the Professor's passing? Does he call himself anything other than Dr. Barber (a non-martial arts title - he does hold a real doctorate you know)?

Also, I think you're off base with calling Dr. Barber a "kingmaker". Who is he trying to make a king? Please be specific, because I don't see it. How is inviting the entire FMA world to a seminar and featuring multiple high-ranking practitioners of Modern Arnis with the statement of the absence of politics the actions of a kingmaker? No offense, but I think your opinion in this case is less than logical to be pleasant.

I await your response publicly or privately with great interest.

A whole table's worth of thoughtful intellectual food, indeed.


Richard Curren
Modern Arnis has become a bit of a joke in FMA circles nowadays in my opinion.

Sadly, when I go to FMA seminars I hear a lot of "Remy Presas was great, but...Modern Arnis is watered-down FMA." Some is jealousy over the success the Prof. had in getting attention for his art, I believe, but some of it represents an honest though not necessarily correct belief that the Prof. gave his American students an overly simplified system.
Originally posted by Red Blade
I was wondering - maybe instead of trying to play kingmaker, you should actually teach at your symposium. It seems to me with all the cancellations (and possible future ones), you would have ample room to take one of the teaching slots. In addition, I would think that with all of the talking you have been doing, that people would really like to know if you got game or are you an armchair arnisador?

Cordially yours,

Hi Red,
How're ya doin'? I do believe Dr. B is going to teach at the Sympo. Also, a couple of cancellations doesn't seem quite the same as "all the cancelations." As to playing kingmaker, I crowned myself a long time ago. :D

As to if he's got game, hey, come to the Sympo and find out. It's going to be a grand time for one and all.

Dan Anderson
Hi Arnisador:

I wouldn't go as far as saying that. What I was referring to was the current state of the system as a factionalized entity. I would say that in my experience with the Professor he did not spoon-feed his students the answers. He made you think, look and figure them out for yourself. However, when you got something and showed a depth of understanding in the material, he would continue to teach you as much as you could demonstrate to handle.

At its root, I would say that the FMA are truly a simple system of concepts with a near-infinite set of details in how you apply those concepts. Some instructors focus alot on the details and not so much on the concepts. Some are the reverse and some are a blend of the 2 extremes. In my experience I would say that the Professor liked to lean more towards the concepts and less towards the details but he was about at the middle ground of the scale.


Richard Curren
I would largely agree with you Mr. Curren! I was giving my impression of others' impressions as I hear comments at seminars.
Originally posted by Red Blade
I was wondering - maybe instead of trying to play kingmaker, you should actually teach at your symposium. It seems to me with all the cancellations (and possible future ones), you would have ample room to take one of the teaching slots. In addition, I would think that with all of the talking you have been doing, that people would really like to know if you got game or are you an armchair arnisador?

Cordially yours,

Dear Mr. Red Blade,

PLEASE tell us who DocB is trying to "King"?

The symposium is not his! It belongs to the instructors and attendees. DocB is the host, the producer, if you care to use that term. He's already slapped my backside in a recent post. He stated that the symposium is not about him, but the people presenting and attending. I can't imagine any king-maker using that sort of logic.

As for his teaching at the Symposium, he stated right from the beginning that he would not be on the floor, because he needed to be available to handle the dozens of little things that come up at a big event such as this. I am sure that he would be willing to go on the floor with you, if you asked, in advance.... but I do recall that he has offered to be your Saturday morning training partner at the WMAA Camp. Are you going to go to breakfast with him? Are you going to teach him a thing or two about Modern Arnis at the WMAA Camp? I sure hope so :)

Cancellations????? Three people cancelled. Two posted their reasons. Where's the problem? At any major event with multiple instructors, some cancellations are inevitable. As for time-management and presentations, you are absolutely clueless. Everyone presenting was promised that they would have a minimum of 2 presetations, so inserting himself into the program when there are 11 presenters is not an easy thing to do.

Perhaps you would like to make up the presentation schedule for the symposium. Just make sure that you follow the alloted times Friday 6-9pm, Saturday 9am-6pm and Sunday 9am-1pm. Plan to have three presentations of for each time block and the minimun running time should be 60 minutes the maximun 90 minutes. It is also imperative the same 3 instructors must not be put together twice in the schedules. Having 11 presenters should help to control the latter problem.

Does he have the game? Is he an armchair arnisador? Excellent questions, but there is really only one way for you to find out for sure. DocB is in Buffalo. Go there or invite him to do a seminar for you! I strongly recommend the "Hand Tools I". If I recall, he did mention that one in another post on another thread, didn't he? Go ahead, call his bluff, invite him out to do a seminar for you. But maybe he's not bluffing. OH WELL, there's only one way to find out for sure, isn't there? (Sorry Doc, I couldn't resist. Slap me around at the next seminar, I earned it.)

Originally posted by Dan Anderson
Why hasn't anyone picked up on my subtle hints and declared me king yet?

Sitting in sorrow,
Dan Anderson


Not the King is better than "The Artist Formerly Known as Prince" :) :D :rofl:
Good point...on the top of your head. :rofl:
We'll go over the kingship nomination process when I'm in Detroit this weekend.

Neither Not The King nor The (Martial) Artist Formerly Know As Prince

Originally posted by Dan Anderson
Why hasn't anyone picked up on my subtle hints and declared me king yet?

Sitting in sorrow,
Dan Anderson

How about the Jester?
Originally posted by Dan Anderson
I just can't take your spot.


I'm just filling in while the King Fool warms up.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Originally posted by norshadow1
(Sorry Doc, I couldn't resist. Slap me around at the next seminar, I earned it.)

Lamont [/B]

Don't worry, Lamont, the beating is waiting for you; and you are absolutely right, YOU HAVE EARNED IT. You told me the the message was sent and received...

Originally posted by Renegade
I'm just filling in while the King Fool warms up.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You da fool, Jewel - the jester, Lester. The title is permanent yours. Be proud. You have my warmest congratulations. :D

The Upcoming King Dan the 1st

Buy the books, proclaimeth Moi!
Originally posted by norshadow1
but I do recall that he has offered to be your Saturday morning training partner at the WMAA Camp. Are you going to go to breakfast with him? Are you going to teach him a thing or two about Modern Arnis at the WMAA Camp? I sure hope so :)


I don't know what you are trying to do, but my camp is no war zone. Anyone starting a battle will be dealt with extreme prejudice. After I am finished, the police will escort what's left of the offenders off the premises, and I will press charges.

Any questions?
Originally posted by Dan Anderson
Good point...on the top of your head. :rofl:
We'll go over the kingship nomination process when I'm in Detroit this weekend.

Neither Not The King nor The (Martial) Artist Formerly Know As Prince


See you this weekend.

Let me know when you want to get together, I think I might go Bike shopping, and pick up a Honda SHadow ACE.

Knight Errant
Hi everybody,

as most of you might know, there is a MARPPIO seminar in Tacoma unfortunately at the same time as the symposium. Here is a statement of Datu Kelly Worden regarding that matter and I can only say: thank you Datu Kelly, for this support.

With Respect

Dieter Knüttel
Datu of Modern Arnis

Copied from the WMAC forum:

I would like to offer a prospective of the events happening during July, either the MARPPIO Seminar and Tournament or the Symposium.
First and foremost it is important to support either one if you can attend please do so.

I can not speak for Dr. Barber or the Symposium Instructors, I can say that there is a very talented group of Instructors slated for the 3 day event and at the very least it is impressive to see them all join together for the benifit of Brotherhood in Modern Arnis.

Just to clarify my stand for attending the MARPPIO event, I will in the future keep this event happening and it has a unique flavor all unto itself.

Without question the Symposium could be a once in a lifetime opportunity and to me it important for that event to stand tall and be a success in every way. If for some reason you are trying to decide which event to support and you can afford to make it to N.Y., I think that would be the direction to go.

Like I said it could be a once in a lifetime opportunity so take advantage of it!
I am not trying to keep you from attending our MARPPIO Event, last year we had a great time and I believe this year will also prove to set high standards of support and training. I want the event to be like all the Natural Spirit training seminars, exciting, educational, and fun. I have yet to have a camp, seminar, or tournament fall short of expectations. That is exactly why I do them year after year!

Bottom line is the MARPPIO Seminar will be a success if all the people who showed up last year make it again this year. In September The WMAC Water and Steel Camp will be held as well, if you miss the MARPPIO event to attend the Symposium, you can still attend "Water and Steel" a couple months later.

So I offer this opportunity, if you go to the Symposium and later sign up for the Water and Steel Camp I will deduct $100.00 from the cost of the WMAC Water and Steel Camp!

Which ever path you choose, hold your head high and train hard, we are all Modern Arnis and that is what is important!

Kelly S. Worden
Originally posted by Renegade

I don't know what you are trying to do, but my camp is no war zone. Anyone starting a battle will be dealt with extreme prejudice. After I am finished, the police will escort what's left of the offenders off the premises, and I will press charges.

Any questions?

Tim, leave this one alone. I have already dealt with Lamont. I will do so again at our next meeting and he is quite aware of that fact. The remark was made in jest and carried a little smiley face. In addition, Lamont **will not** be at your camp, but I will as previously mentioned in a couple of posts on this forum.

I did invite Red Blade to a breakfast meeting on Saturday May 3, if he attends your camp and writes me to confirm that he would like to do that. I also stated that I would be his training partner for the Saturday morning camp sessions, since he has asked if I could do the art or was I just "an armchair arnisador".

If I am not yelling and screaming about this, why are you? Red Blade and I will work this out on our own. No help needed! That is why Lamont has a beating waiting for him at the next seminar or training that I hold and that he attends. He is well aware of it and it is my issue, not yours.

BTW, as a word of caution, I would suggest that your plan of intervention could result in you being escorted by the police as well. You should check NYS Penal Law with regard to "assault" and "justification" before making those kinds of public statements.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.

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