Originally posted by lhommedieu
Modern Arnis 80 not Modern Arnis
Ahhhhhhh...Here is an interesting point, but I would disagree. Dan has clearly said that MA-80 IS Modern Arnis, but it is his interpretation of what RP taught him. Yes, I know, this still sounds like his own style, but not according to Dan. Dan specifically says he is NOT grandmaster, and he has NOT created his own style. MA-80 is a cirriculum.
This is an easy mistake to make because Dan has called himself "founder" and even accepted an award for "Founder of the Year," which implies that MA-80 is it's own system. This is a prime example of what name and title confusion leads to.
O.K. here is the bottom line for me:
I have also stayed away from this thread for many reasons, listed as follows:
1. Dan is a good martial artist who has accomplished great things so far in his lifetime regarding his American Freestyle Karate.
2. Dan means no ill will to the late Professor Presas, or his students.
3. Dan has done good things for Modern Arnis since Professors death, such as his various publications on the art.
4. Dan is a good instructor.
5. When I talk to Dan in person, he is not an ego monger. He doesn't demand that anyone call him of any specific title.
6. Overall, Dan is a darned good guy.
Now, having said all of this, I haven't responded because I am not in agreement with Dan over the Professor title, or at least how it is being handled. This is a conflict for me because I really like and respect Dan as a person, and a Martial Artist.
Dan (I'm speaking to you directly now), Please don't take this the wrong way. I mean no disrespect by this. It is just that I feel that in Modern Arnis, the Professor title is something that was revered for Remy, and it just hits way to close too home. Since Remy's death I have considered Tim Hartman my primary instructor for Modern Arnis, yet even as such I wouldn't even feel comfortable if Tim took on a "Professor of Modern Arnis" title either. I know that you have in fact earned the title "Professor" in Karate, but in Modern Arnis "Professor" has a whole different meaning.
I also agree that GM wouldn't be appropriate either; especially since you have explicitly stated that MA-80 is not it's own system (in that it's still Modern Arnis) but it is your cirriculum for Modern Arnis. Now if you really want MA-80 to be it's own system, then that is another thread, but I think that you and I know both know that isn't the answer either. For one, you would have to drop the "Modern Arnis" name, I would think, if it were to stand on it's own as it's own system. Otherwise you would be unfairly riding on the Modern Arnis name while confusing people in the process. Plus, it is clear when you teach your cirriculum that MA-80 is not it's own style; rather it is what you describe exactly....your ciriculum and interpretation of what Prof. Presas taught you.
I don't think that founder would be an appropriate title either. Yes, I know, I know.....you have explained many times the meaning of "founder." Regardless, when people think founder they will think that MA-80 is it's own style, which you have rightfully stated it's not. No matter how you explain it, semantics are semantics; you can't simply refer to a different definition and expect people to no longer identify the word or title for what has been generally excepted. I couldn't call myself "The Guro who can Kick Tim Hartmans ***, Paul Janulis," and then justify it by saying, "Hey, I didn't mean kick Tim's *** in a fight, I ment kick his *** at golf." People are not going to except my explained definition, regardless of what I say, or how many times Tim really kicks my ***. Maybe that's a poor example, and a sad attempt at humor, but I think you get the point.
Founder, however is a much better one then professor, given that "professor" just hit's too close to home with regards to our late teacher.
Do you want to know what title I like the best? "Senior Master." There are only a small handful of people who have that title, and the best thing about it is you have rightfully earned it. No one will dispute that. The Senior Master title is quite an accomplishment in itself; and Professor Presas gave that to you to for all that you have done for his art. I'm sure he was proud to award you with that title, and I think you should wear it with pride. No one will be awarded "Senior Master" by Professor again. I think you should wear it proudly and with honor, for that would be the best way to revere our late teacher, I think; by using the title that he designated special for you and only a few others.
And for me...that is what I would feel the most comfortable addressing you as. "Senior Master Anderson, Master Anderson, or Mr. Anderson" on the floor, and "Dan" at the bar over some beers. I think most people like myself who like and respect you feel the same way.
And, Dan, if your wondering why I haven't addressed this to you in person, let me explain. I basically agree with Brett; I don't think names are worth argueing over. I will respect you no matter what title you decide on. I only get angry when someone tries to misrepresent themselves (for instance, saying, "I'm GM in modern Arnis because Professor Presas told me so"). I know that misrepresentation or disrespect is the last thing you would want to do. I didn't mention it before because we never got into detail over the names. We talked about technique, and other more important stuff. If you had asked me in confident, however, I would have told you in person. Since you want to hear responses publically (which I also respect) I chose to address it in this way.
Well, it's midnight, my girlfriend is pissed because I came all the way to my office to e-mail this, and tell you how I really felt. If you want to talk to me in person over it, call me. I hope you take mine, as well as everyone elses opinions to heart, as I am sure you will.
Paul Janulis