Zimmerman to face Wrongful Death Civil Trial

My house had been egged a couple times. I heard the cracking noise of another egg hitting my siding. I ran outside looking for whomever was vandalizing my place. Fortunately, I didn't get jumped. I never considered what I did to be an act of vigilantism.

I concur with your assessment.

If you got a gun and started following around people you thought were potential egg-throwers, it might be different.
Since always. Stalking people has always been problematic. When he called the police, the advice was to not follow him around.
Thats nots stalking. Not even close to stalking.
If you have a legal right to be where you are Then you have a legal right to be where you are. Zimmerman and Martin both had a legal right to be where they were. When Martin got physical and started following Zimmerman and attacked him he crossed the line.
2nd when he was attacked he had turned around. 3rd 1000's of neighborhhod watch people follow strange people around everyday. Sometimes very rarely but sometimes bad things will happen. Zimmerman did nothing wrong. He was legally doing what you or are or anyone else is legally allowed to do. He was protecting his neighborhood and was attacked so he defended himself.
...no matter how many kids die as a result? Because that's what happened. He may well have been within Florida's overbroad laws on this but you can be within the law and still be a provocateur.

1 kid died thats it not "kidSSSSS" and he played a hand in his own death. The "overbroad" law had nothing to do with it. Stand your ground or no stand your ground when someone takes you to the ground and bashes your head on the ground you have a right to defend yourself.
You get a bonus for being right and (should) get a penalty for being wrong. Which is one reason we don't shoot people when we're not sure if they're part of the problem or not.

A neighborhood watch is intended to do just that--watch and report to the police. It's not meant as a vigilante group.
What did Zimmerman do was vigilante?
This makes more sense if it's the first time you've been followed by someone who looks like they want to get you in trouble. If it's happened to him before or he believed it would continue to happen to him, he may have thought that a confrontation to discuss the matter may have been his best bet. How it came to blows we'll never know for sure.

So now your making excuses for a kid turning and following then attacking someone. Zimmerman waswrong for following and reporting but Martins ok for following and attacking........got it Im sure your bias against guns in general has nothing to do with your position:wink2:
True. But we can't pretend that a white (Hispanic) adult following an African-American teenager has no greater context in this country. It's telling that so many African-Americans do think there's a racial angle--that they know what it's like to always be suspect. There was provocation. That doesn't mean that TM was in the right--if he swung first, he wasn't--or that GZ shouldn't have defended himself. It means GZ doesn't come in with "clean hands" in this matter.

Except Zimmerman didnt even kno Martin was black. When asked for a description he didnt know. Its dark and raining and Martin was ahead of Zimmerman with a hoodie up. Theres no way he knew he was black. But I guess that dont matter never let facts get in the way of good outrage. Kinda like last night when I was told I killed Martin "All you white Mother F^^^ing Pigs killed Treyvon your all the same" Justice for Teryvon. Yeah I heard that several times last night.
What did Zimmerman do was vigilante?

Patrolling your neighborhood with your firearm and following around "undesirables" is a pretty good defn. of playing cop. That's vigilantism. It resulted in a death for the person he was following, too. That's not a good outcome.
So now your making excuses for a kid turning and following then attacking someone. Zimmerman waswrong for following and reporting but Martins ok for following and attacking........

No, neither should've gotten physical. If the story as GZ stated it was accurate then he was, at that point, in a self-defense situation. If I spit in a biker's beer he has no right to attack me...but I wouldn't say I'm wholly without blame.

got it Im sure your bias against guns in general has nothing to do with your position:wink2:

I'm as unbiased about guns as you are.
Except Zimmerman didnt even kno Martin was black. When asked for a description he didnt know. Its dark and raining and Martin was ahead of Zimmerman with a hoodie up. Theres no way he knew he was black.

He identified him as "looking" black, but you're missing my point--this is about how it must've felt to be Tm, who did know he was black.

Kinda like last night when I was told I killed Martin "All you white Mother F^^^ing Pigs killed Treyvon your all the same" Justice for Teryvon. Yeah I heard that several times last night.

That sucks. Sorry to hear that.
What if he didnt grab a gun and just followed?

I'd be less suspicious of GM's behavior if he hadn't felt the need to arm himself for whatever he planned on doing--or if he armed himself but stayed in the car. People who grab a weapon and then go looking around the neighborhood for troublemakers worry me--unless it's their job to do so.
I'd be less suspicious of GM's behavior if he hadn't felt the need to arm himself for whatever he planned on doing--or if he armed himself but stayed in the car. People who grab a weapon and then go looking around the neighborhood for troublemakers worry me--unless it's their job to do so.
How about people that just carry a gun because it's his legal right to do so. I carry a gun everyday and am never out looking for anything. I just have it just in case and quite frankly because I can.
No, neither should've gotten physical. If the story as GZ stated it was accurate then he was, at that point, in a self-defense situation. If I spit in a biker's beer he has no right to attack me...but I wouldn't say I'm wholly without blame.
Spitting Ina beer is an aggressive act. Following someone from a distance and calling 911 is not.
I'm as unbiased about guns as you are.

I have no bias I know a gun is just a tool nothing more or less.
Except Zimmerman didnt even kno Martin was black. When asked for a description he didnt know. Its dark and raining and Martin was ahead of Zimmerman with a hoodie up. Theres no way he knew he was black. But I guess that dont matter never let facts get in the way of good outrage. Kinda like last night when I was told I killed Martin "All you white Mother F^^^ing Pigs killed Treyvon your all the same" Justice for Teryvon. Yeah I heard that several times last night.

Wait a minute. Are you seriously equating the conversation you're having with arnisidor to that??? That's disrespectful to arnisidor specifically, and everyone who disagrees with you, in general. I don't agree with your opinions on this subject, but I also don't believe I (or anyone on this forum) has acted at all like the person you mention. I've had to step away from threads here at times to cool off. Maybe you should consider doing the same.

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Wait a minute. Are you seriously equating the conversation you're having with arnisidor to that??? That's disrespectful to arnisidor specifically, and everyone who disagrees with you, in general. I don't agree with your opinions on this subject, but I also don't believe I (or anyone on this forum) has acted at all like the person you mention. I've had to step away from threads here at times to cool off. Maybe you should consider doing the same.

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I wasn't comparing anyone to that statement. I was comparing that statement to all the rest of the fake BS race card crap that has NOTHING to do with this case or what happened but it sure gets a lot of play huh?

To make the excuse that Martin gets a pass from just going home because he's black and has been followed before is about as dumb as what was said to me. Esp when the facts of Martins past show a good reason to follow him.
People who grab a weapon and then go looking around the neighborhood for troublemakers worry me--unless it's their job to do so.

If you own property and have a family in a neighborhood where criminals are prowling, it IS your job to help protect you and your neighbors. Most likely, the police won't show up in time and they won't solve the crime if it is committed.

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