This may take a page or two....
Actually--as Chris the non-Kenpo man's link to my SWORD AND HAMMER PT. 1 AND 2 thread will resoundingly prove--there is not a single atom of his statements which at any time bear even the slightest factual similarity to the real world. His opinion is essentially comprised of utter contrariness...for the sake of being contrary. There is no--and never has been nor will there ever be--even the most inifinitesimal facts to support his negative opinions about me.
Well, let's look at what my statements say.
I said that you were wrong repeatedly. I have provided critiques that demonstrate that throughout the other thread, as well as having you demonstrate constantly your lack of understanding.
I said you have missed what you're being corrected on. Well, read the thread. You continue to miss what you're being corrected on here, there, and pretty well everywhere.
I said you used Doc to provide support for your statements (really, you were using your incorrect interpretations of Doc's words as some form of support for your statements), until Doc, on a thread on Kempotalk which was used in the Sword and Hammer thread, basically said, point blank, that you didn't get it. Again, that's in the thread.
The article you wrote here also misses what you were being corrected on both in that thread and in Doc's post/article.
There really isn't anything that can be stated as "facts" (as in 1 + 1 = 2 kinda facts), as it's all in the observation. But simply reading it shows that everything I stated has support, and you're simply ignoring anything that genuinely challenges you.
I invite him and any and all critics to prove--PROVE--otherwise. Let us move beyond cogent posts to empirical data.
Empirical data that you keep missing the point? Read the thread.
I have provided video evidence to buttress my position with real world data.
No, you've used video to demonstrate what you think you're saying, and what you think you're arguing with myself (and others). It's never once actually backed anything up, or provided anything of value to the questions you've been posed. The same goes with your "data".
I have provided historical evidence drawn from the pioneer of Kenpo himself to buttress my position.
No, you've provided a few selected quotes, which you've misinterpreted and been corrected on by Doc and others, as some attempt at supporting your stance. It didn't work.
I disagree with several of our most decorated and respected Elders on various positions of import, but they all boil down to a simple, single concept:
Whatever technique that you learn? It must be universally functional. THE SAME TECHNIQUE OR SEQUENCE must operate equally well whether you're armed or not, in multifights or not, ground grappling or ground fighting or not, regardless of stance or position, in a 360 degree circle, whether you're escaping/evading or not, rescuing someone or not,address every concern in The Web of Knowledge, address transitioning to and through any or all of the above or not, and address any combination of any or all of the above. It's...the essence of common sense.
Firstly, there is no such thing as a single technique that fits all situations. Thinking there is is a sign of amateurism when it comes to understanding martial arts. Especially for someone who claims the kinds of ranks and experience you do. Next, when it was pointed out to you that that was what you were saying on the Sword and Hammer thread, you denied it. Now you're saying it again? Really?
Let me help you out a bit here, Ras. Principles adapt, techniques are specific to circumstance. A technique is an expression of those principles (one possible one), and those principles can be utilised in many different ways and different circumstances, but even then, there are no principles that are equally good for all circumstances. So, no. You're wrong. Again.
Not all or even most martial artists do so. Not all or even most martial artists are MANDATED to do so if they choose to do otherwise. But whatever concern they choose not to address and/or develope combat proficiency in? THAT'S THE CONCERN THAT THEY'RE VULNERABLE TO. You don't address and get proficient in offensive and defensive leg kicks/blocks? Well...guess who's getting kicked in the leg? You don't address ground submissions? Well...guess who's getting tapped snapped or napped? You don't address multifights? Well...guess who's gettin stomped in a multifight? Etc etc.
Tell me, do you train bomb disarmament as well?
But to the point, I train in all that and more, son, so I don't know who you're trying to convince of anything here. But what I don't do is make the mistake that a single set of actions (technique) is going to work in each situation. They simply can't. And each art has it's own focus, which dictates it's approach. I just don't think you understand martial arts enough to get that, though.
Btw Chris, I'm still waiting upon that video that you never produced to prove your point...which of course is never going to come because it's like all your other evidence: spurious and non-existent.
You have to be kidding, yeah? A conversation from a year ago, where I ended by explaining my point, and telling you that if you still didn't get it that I might be able to put something together for you, but doubt it'd do much, and you're whining about it now? Everyone else could see what I was saying without the video, as the evidence that there were problems with your video are found in your video, not anything I could or would put up.
I actually recall this gentleman...LawDog...from YOUTUBE. I hope that he's able to see that my blunt talk is simply that: accurate, not self-aggrandizing at all, direct, unflinching. It is a response borne from Doc's MT article challenge to me...WHAT IF RAS STOPPED ASKING WHAT IF?...and that article was borne from the multipage threads that arose on both AAAAND here on due to my incessant questioning about the origins of The Ideal Phase...and the dysfunctionality of it.
I think it might be important to take a look at the actual article from Doc that has spurred this one from you here, Ras, as to many of the people here, your entire article/post doesn't have much context. So, to that end, here it is:
There's quite a fair bit of information that Doc provides there, but the key to it, I feel, is the exact same thing that Flying Crane and myself said to you already (myself not even having a Kempo background, yet I could see it pretty damn clearly), in that you have missed the point of the Ideal Phase techniques themselves, critiquing people for teaching the base version, as it's not immediately going to what you think reality is. The reasons for the different versions are also explained by Doc, with a lot of the freedom coming from the fact that Ed Parker was getting people with other martial backgrounds to teach his system, by implementing his approaches over their mechanics and ideas... if today, students are coming in with only Kempo as their training, they need the more rigid, or solid mechanics to begin their study and exploration.
In other words, you had a misunderstanding about the methods, you were corrected by someone who learnt directly from Ed Parker himself, and witnessed all of this developing, and you're still arguing that you know better what Ed Parker meant? Even though your contention isn't actually supported by Ed Parkers words unless you remove quite a few key statements and points from his words in the first place?
How did it come about? Who authored each and every Ideal Phase? How did we get a UNIVERSAL Ideal Phase when Mr. Parker very specifically not only didn't want such a thing but his definition of The Ideal Phase Analytical Technique Process specifically prevents such a thing from occurring because each head of each Kenpo school and group were to fashion their OWN expression of Alternating Maces or Sword and Hammer or whatever?
No, the Ideal Phase Analytical Technique Process starts with a single, definite technique. From there, when you reach enough experience and understanding, you move onto "What If". Then, later, when you are a Master, then you can get to formulating your own version.
Well, Doc answered. I agreed with everything except the stricture placed upon keeping one's response within a specific narrow band. Doc said essentially that alll Sword and Hammer sequences had room for individuality and were mandated to do so, but they all in the end had to bear a significant physical resemblance to this:
My response was...what is significant about that up there^^? What's shown up above should be a White Belt drill that we learned to do when we learned how to throw handswords to the cardinal directions and any point in a 360 degree circle around us, repeat the drill with the hammerfist, then repeat with combinations of all the techniques we learned in White Belt [ in my Gym, this is BELOW WHITE's a Pre-White Belt Level A technique. The lowest rank in my Gym.
You're kidding, right? What's significant about the fundamental form of Sword and Hammer? It teaches the lessons that are found in Sword and Hammer! That's why anything that claims to be Sword and Hammer, or a version of it from EPAK, needs to have similarities (at least!) to that version! That's really what you've been told, had explained to you, and been questioned on for 34 pages on the other thread! Hell, Ras, I was giving you lists of what is significant in that technique, but you don't have anywhere near the understanding to actually get what I was telling you. And your comment here shows that all you can see is a series of actions, not any of the lessons that are actually present.
Can you see yet why I say you're still quite a bit behind here?
The difference when I teach my students our iteration of Sword and Hammer is that it presupposes a surprise attack that lands for the most part...and you must respond while you're dazed, in a position of disadvantage, and while being belabored with blows from your opponent.
We recognize right off top that your opponent will not be helpfully standing still and posing for you, and the BG won't be sitting there allowing you to hit him. IN THE REAL WORLD, THE ATTACK THAT THE SWORD AND HAMMER IS SUPPOSED TO DEFEAT WILL BE SOMETHING LIKE THIS ATTACK:
Oh, good, the videos again...
See, now you keep saying that, but your contention (that that is the attack Sword and Hammer is supposed to deal with) is not supported by the technique Sword and Hammer itself, nor by anyone else from the Kempo community. What makes you think that the technique was designed to handle an attack not present in the technique itself?
In other words, no.
Will the most common training expression of THE SWORD AND HAMMER deal with that attack? NOPE. The TRAINING PARADIGM SUCKS. Kenpo doesn't suck. The Sword and Hammer doesn't suck. BUT THE TRAINING PARADIGM FOR THE MOST COMMON EXPRESSION OF THE SWORD AND HAMMER SUCKS. Do you understand and grasp the difference I'm making here? I have confidence that most of you do.
Now, look at the above attack, and consider that most flank attacks aren't even preceded by a grab [ essentially a Hockey Punch from the flanks ]. Guys just catch you nappin and FIRE A SUCKER PUNCH ON YOU. Like so:
Dude, constantly posting the same videos doesn't make them any more right, nor your understanding any better. Does the most common form of Sword and Hammer deal with that attack? No. Is it supposed to? Only according to you. Most others can see what Sword and Hammer is actually dealing with, so your entire point is irrelevant. It's like arguing that a kick defence is useless against a bear hug... well, okay. But is it meant to be against a bear hug?
Again, this is why I say you just don't get the actual original technique itself, as you seem to want it (and most others) to be something they're not, then deride them for not being what you think they should be. On top of that, you claim it's the training paradigm, which is garbage. The fact that the technique isn't against a sucker punch is a matter of context and content for the technique, not a training approach that doesn't deal with sucker punches. I think you're using words you don't understand there.
Do you train your Sword and Hammer...or ANY deal with that? Take a look-see at the most common Sword and Hammer and honestly ask yourself if you've trained for the more common reality that you'll be called upon to use it in. The truth is? The overwhelming majority of us...90%+ I'd guesstimate--have NOT trained our Sword and Hammer for this and have not changed our Sword and Hammer's expression to deal with this reality.
Considering that you don't understand the actual attack that Sword and Hammer deals with, despite it being repeatedly explained to you, I don't think you're really in any position to say who deals with any form of "reality".
Now take the above and notice...these attacks can occur face to face, from the flanks, from the rear or any point in a 360 degree circle around you. Is your Sword and Hammer taught from DAY ONE to deal with this reality? Has your sensei sifu Coach whatever prepped you for this by changing the Sword and Hammer training methodology so that it's functional and it really works? No? Most haven't.
But I have.
Dude, that video is so deeply flawed in terms of it's impracticalities and lack of realism that it'd take another thread or two to deal with. But more to the point, you're still missing the point of Sword and Hammer, instead trying to impose your personal beliefs onto it, rather than actually study the damn thing, and take from it what it teaches you.
You just don't get it.
How many Kenpo or Kempo instructors have considered making throws, takedowns, sweeps, displacements, unbalances, submission/compliance locks etc. an integral part of every single sequence they
teach and teach the whole expression seamlessly meshed with the grappling arsenal at your belt rank? Answer: Nowhere near enough have done so.
But I have.
So now you're asking who adds in aspects that aren't part of the basic principles and ideas at all?
Study the technique itself, and learn what it's teaching. You don't have it yet. Once you do, you may realize just how redundant a lot of what you're saying and doing is.
What happens if you're KNOCKED DOWN by the surprise attack and you have to deal with a BG who's trying to stomp you out, punch you, knife you, or any combo of the above?
Seriously, stop with the videos. You're trying to make an argument which is based in a false understanding of the argument itself. All it's doing is showing that you didn't get what you were being told in the first place.
Is it a common sight in Kenpo for your Sword and Hammer or whatever sequence you prefer to be trained for this reality? No?
It is for me and my students. In THE ATACX GYM, you are taught to use THE EXACT SAME TECHNIQUES ON THE GROUND AS YOU DO ON YOUR FEET.
For crying out loud, Ras, no-one's arguing that training for practical application is bad, or having contingencies in your methods is bad, we're saying that what you're doing is based on a very shallow understanding of the realities and an almost complete lack of understanding of the techniques. Well, to be fair and not put words into anyone elses mouth, I'm saying that.
But wait...what if he sucker punches you, switches sides and keeps punching you or goes for a chokehold? Well, we already showed you that at THE ATACX GYM we train our techs to strike in a circle and the cardinal directions [ showing the part of our hybrid lineage that's BKF-Parker-Tracy ]...but we also realize that students must be equipped with techniques that deal with all the primary h2h categories and attacks, so we train our SWORD AND HAMMER vs these kinds of situations too:
Wow, was that ever bad. But seriously, what is your point? That you can do things against different attacks? So what, you really think you're the only one? Is it just that when everyone else does essentially the same version of a particular technique (say, Sword and Hammer), demonstrating it as is as it's a clearly defined set of actions with distinct principles and lessons, therefore not trying to get it to fit every single possible occasion, that you think that no-one else deals with all the different forms of attack that might be encountered? Just because they don't show it with one technique in particular? Are you kidding?
Listen, Ras, I deal with everything you've mentioned, and a whole hell of a lot more, but I can see the validity in Sword and Hammer (as well as the rest of the techniques) being codified and kept very definite in their teaching. You, on the other hand, seem to be so desperate for it to be a one-stop solution that you miss entirely the reason for Sword and Hammer existing in the first place. And these videos don't change that impression in the slightest.
So clearly I think Kenpo works. Clearly I think the techniques are valid. IT'S THE TRAINING PARADIGM AND ATTENDING MINDSET THAT IS DYSFUNCTIONAL AND PROBLEMATIC. The question isn't:"Why does THE ATACX GYM and a very veeerrry select few Kenpo schools even remotely address the kind of self-defense reality that I'm likely to encounter?" Nope. The question is:" WHY IN DA HELL DO THE OTHER 99% OF KENPO SCHOOLS NOT COVER THESE REALITIES?"
But you haven't dealt with the training paradigm or mindset, you've changed the mechanics and context to an entirely different attack and response. And you're really not dealing in reality, you're dealing in the worst possible of martial catch-22's, the dreaded "What If?" loop.
My question would be why do you ignore the lessons of your own system, and still claim to be teaching and training in it?
That's the question. And it's not self-aggrandizing, it's not ego-centric. It's the straight up real world reality. It's blunt talk that we need.
It is self-aggrandizing and ego-centric in the way you present it. It's not real world reality, as it's based in imagining all kinds of possibilities, to the point that the very basis of the technique and the lessons are lost completely. And you're really not very good at blunt talk. Here's some blunt talk for you:
It's why you need to ask "What If" like Ras does...or you suck.
You only need to ask "What If" like Ras does if you don't have enough depth of understanding in the technique itself in the first place. In other words, asking "What If" the way you do is a pretty good indication that your training and education in the art itself, frankly, sucked.