My Personal Martial Journey: An Application of the Principles of War

Hello, Your right and I was reading between the lines and looking at what you were saying, and saw different things here. "I apologize."

In the principles of war? Could there be different levels of fighting?

Example: example if fighting someone, level 1 is to escape,walk or run away,

2: To control the person, hopefully NO gets hurt or injury? To stop the fight from going on and on.

3: To end the fight by destroying: injuries to other person(s), or end their life?
4: any combintions of these can happen in all levels.

Because it depends on who you are fighting?

Would you agree ...these are some of the principle of WAR?

Yes, this reminds me of a post I made previously regarding my conflict resolutions cycle and my 1-2-3-4-5 of Strategy. This thought process was a precursor of sorts to my thought process presented in this article. It is as follows:

1-2-3-4-5 of strategy

1 - starting position standing

2 - methods of attack
- striking
- grappling

3 - phases
- standing disengaged
- standing engaged
- ground engaged

4 - basic ground classifications (by knockdown or takedown)
- 'controlled' belly to belly
- 'controlling' belly to belly
- 'controlled' belly to back
- 'controlling' belly to back

5 - conflict resolutions cycle (in order)
- escape
- immobilize
- hurt (pain without injury)
- incapacitate (KO,maim, or injure)
- kill

The Principles of War approach is only for when the escape option isn't available. The principles involved and my approach give me a clear, concise and effective path to accomplishing the other 4 options in the conflict resolution cycle should escape fail.

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