You need to ask "what if" like ras...or you suck

firstly, I don't take any insult at anything you say, so don't worry about that. that was never my point in speaking up.

as to the rest, I do understand your point, but I don't agree with how you approach it. I'm not interested in debating the differences, but I'll just say I don't agree. Again, two people talking past each other.

I'm reminded of an ongoing debate I've had with my mother for far too many years. She is a devout catholic and sees aspects of her religious faith in all aspects of her life. I don't. I've separated myself from the church and andy organized religion of all kinds, much to my mother's despair. She keeps trying to pull me back into it. I try to explain to her that while my path differs from hers, I am a good person, she did a good job raising her son to be a good person, and my path is the right path for me. She can't leave it alone and keeps trying to tell me: well you are wrong about your choice because XYZ...

that's an argument that neither of us will win, neither of us will ever convince the other. So I finally just said, this topic is not open for discussion or debate. It just is what it is, end of story.

That's the same kind of debate that I see going on in your threads.

Okay I appreciate your perspective more now. But I must say...many people who talk with or debate with me and all those who visit my threads [ which oftentimes includes hundreds of people ] contribute things of great worth that come directly from our discussions on this thread. Furthermore? Quite a few of us--MOST of us, I would daresay, including you and I Michael--make connections through and over and above the topics discussed on my threads.

I think that's by far the most valuable and most consistent result from my threads. My threads result in faaaarrrr more unity and comraderie than vitriol and conflict...despite the sometimes inflammatory titles and initial content. And always always give the participants lots of food for thought.
Okay I appreciate your perspective more now. But I must say...many people who talk with or debate with me and all those who visit my threads [ which oftentimes includes hundreds of people ] contribute things of great worth that come directly from our discussions on this thread. Furthermore? Quite a few of us--MOST of us, I would daresay, including you and I Michael--make connections through and over and above the topics discussed on my threads.

I think that's by far the most valuable and most consistent result from my threads. My threads result in faaaarrrr more unity and comraderie than vitriol and conflict...despite the sometimes inflammatory titles and initial content. And always always give the participants lots of food for thought.

OK, fair enough I won't argue against that. And none of what I've said is personal, you and I have agreed on some fundamental things, even when we have disagreed on the details. Your threads are both frustrating and fun at the same time. It's good to see you around here.
OK, fair enough I won't argue against that. And none of what I've said is personal, you and I have agreed on some fundamental things, even when we have disagreed on the details. Your threads are both frustrating and fun at the same time. It's good to see you around here.

Lololol it's good to see you too and it's good to be back, man.
I responded to an excellent post by LuckyKboxer on regarding the subject matter of this thread. His post and my response...particularly this section I'm highlighting here...are very important as I address a very consistent fallacy in the thinking of those who somehow think that having one technique that combats all attacks in all primary h2h ranges of self-defense is somehow wrong,inefficient, both, etc etc:

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Re: You need to ask what if like ras...or you suck [ part 1 ][/h]
Okay seriously guys and gals...I'm going to have to emphasize a very very veeerrry important but highly overlooked point. As part of my response to the knowledgeable and skillful LuckyK aka David Arnold, I say the following:

Response to your first paragraph: I always stated that if your techniques and sequences work reliably and functionally because you test them regularly vs escalating resistance? Great I have no beef with you. Nor are my comments directed toward you..and I mean the nonspecific broad definition of the word "you" here. However, this part: "..So learning to use every technique against every possible attack is not wrong, as much as it is not efficient." I disagree with. If all you have is Alternating Maces and somebody cracks you from behind then tackles you? Your Alternating Maces better Alternate and Mace him. If you haven't learned any STORM sequences but somebody slashes and stabs at you with their knife or bat? Your Maces need to Alternate on him. Etc. The real world reality is that you use what you have RIGHT NOW to overcome whatever assault that you have to deal with RIGHT NOW. Learning another technique later doesn't necessarily amp one's efficiency...if you train each tech and sequence for universal versatility. What you have is another tool that can get the job done, thus amping your potency AND your arsenal...but most importantly? It amps your understanding and application of effective efficient movement. Learning 5 Swords from a kneeling position really lets you do your Bow to Buddha better, for instance. But waiting til you learn Bow to Buddha to consider that:"Hey...I can do my 5 Swords kneeling too!" is actually not only inefficient; it can be TOO LATE to be of service to you. Cuz you're way more likely to be knocked down or find yourself scrambling to defend a tackle or coming up from a fall or roll as an Orange Belt than you are as a Brown YOU NEED YOUR KNEELING 5 SWORDS NOW. You may find yourself too beat up or too dead or too raped or too bullied etc etc from NOT knowing your kneeling 5 Swords or NOT knowing how to use your 5 Swords from flat off your back to even reach your Kenpo Brown Belt.

I can't emphasize this point enough. If your train each of your individual techniques...blocks, punches, kicks, stance each of the ranges of h2h for civilians and LEO types, AND make sure that you train each tech against realistic, functional attacks drawn from The Web of Knowledge? You will have individual techniques that you have trained to serve you well in a real world encounter. You can train your Inside Block to deflect a knife, a punch, the clinch, the guard, etc....either all in the same day or most definitely in successive days. I've been doing it for awhile so I can teach any Kempo or Kenpo complete newbie how to do this and be comfortable in a hour or less. But you'll be workin your butt off. You'll get no less than 300 reps of that one technique in class that day. Usually conjunction with all the other stuff that we do to make sure that your stance and delivery is right. YOU WILL LEARN IT FAST. VERY FAST. And you'll learn it better and sooner than those who don't use similar principles.

If you do this with each technique? Then the SEQUENCES are likewise multifaceted and possess functional versatility. But you gotta train them anyway.

Therefore the argument that learning a technique or a sequence in such a way as to be effective against every range of combat is somehow imho both empirically incorrect and essentially provides a rationale for underpreparing our students.

MMA guys routinely teach their adherents to strike and grapple effectively in the same class. We in TMA have more to consider: weapons, multifights, de-escalation, escape, evade/escape, rescue...etc etc etc. As instructors, we should have already tested our techniques against stiff resistance in every one of these areas of self-defense and more. Therefore we already have techniques that perform in those situations.

We teach them to our students and have them perform likewise, so they KNOW FROM EXPERIENCE that they can do these techniques. If our students are trained with the proper rigor and diversity of skill set? They'll be quite confident in their ability to defend themselves or others when necessary. They won't underperform on the streets or anywhere else. Because there is more at stake? We in TMA have NO REASON OR JUSTIFICATION for NOT delivering the goods consistently--in all ranges and categories of combat--to our students.

Now. Isn't the above a reasonable assertion?​

Hi Atacx Gym,
I suggest that you read the article again. My article was formulated as a response from a serious but essentially non-personal challenge by one of the ranking Kenpo Elders in the world, the highly esteemed Doc Chapel
The title in my opinion already insinuates "what if like RAS OR YOU SUCK" As soon as you put the word suck in your title and using it to compare yourself VS. other people it shifts the balance in your favor, at least in my opinion. An article in or for a Martial art magazine is not to openly challange others who have made their contributions and it shows someone who has what seems a vendetta against Mr.Chapel even your wording "highly esteemed Doc Chapel" comes off as condescending. This is just my impression from the way you come off on the forum and your article.

How am I suppose to take this article seriously when your opening is this:
What…did you think I’d let guys like Doc–however much I may respect them as martial artists and their accomplishments–call me out and NOT respond? Please. This is THE ATACX GYM here. Don’t make me go A MAN CALLED HAWK on you and call you a damn fool.

Is this really what a premium article is and the best you have to offer as a writer for a magazine?
All the videos posted in the article just come off in my opinion of why you think your methods are superior over other's methods or to put it bluntly in your own words:

ThatÂ’s why people who decry what I do also suck.

Again if this is to be premuim articulated article for a magzine I expect better not blant attacks of Ad Hominem because others disagree with your line of thought even those who trained with Mr. Parker. Anyway thats my observation and impression and I am not the only one who feels this way. This is my last post regarding this topic for I have nothing more to contribute by all means post your final thoughts so we both can move on. Thanks :)
I have popcorn.

White Mountain Kettle Corn, to be exact. Its quite good :) :-popcorn:
Cant help but agree with Oaktree here.

If i had one suggestion, it would be to compliment your base art and work from there. You dont actualy need to state that there is a perceived flaw in the art as you see it, whether you perceive the techs to be stagnant or limited etc.
To be honest with you Ras, i came to a stage in training Shotokan Karate where i began to see what was being presented to me as, perhaps not leading to where i had thought it would in relation to my idea of Karate, but that was my flaw, not the systems.

The system still held the information, whether i could see it at that time or not. I could have walked at that point, and considered it limited to what has become known as a 3k Karate (kihon/kata/kumite) discipline, as at that point in my training these fundamental principals were the focus. Im glad i didnt.
(I ofcourse only speak about the training i received and in no way speak of Shotokan as a whole)
Some time later, with a little crosstraining, the odd seminar (Iain Abernethy etc) i realised that the system was sitting there the whole time, waiting for me to be "able" to open it up, and i think this approach (that being, not expecting the goods from day one) has greater value.

But that is ofcourse just me, and the way i experienced it. How this relates to what ive read here is, the Doc and Chris and others etc, if i am reading it correctly, have touched on the importance of foundation.

If i had one critique, it would be the numerous arts stated as taught within your style. I dont know how others read it, but with a list so long i begin to see less and less actual potential of content in respect of the art listed. So it gets to the point where the list is no longer a promotion of, but something else entirely in my opinion.

To cut a long story short, Shotokan doesnt fight exactly like the kata, lets consider the kata a foundation for a moment, In that respect, why is it that you would say Kenpo is limited?

Why not just say, this is where im going with what i have?
Since, clearly, everybody other than you sucks, and you're so vastly superior, why don't we see you with a bunch of world championship belts?
who do you think, out there, honestly believes that, "what I am doing is flawed, but I'll just keep doing it and pretend otherwise"?

I continued to teach majorly flawed techniques and methods for 9 years for a major organization until I branched out via the Internet and observed other arts and instructors.

I went solo in 2001 and enjoy broadening my abilities as an instructor and am particularly challenged by Ras and the Mad Hatter of Kenpo Clark Cole!

Hi Atacx Gym,
The title in my opinion already insinuates "what if like RAS OR YOU SUCK" As soon as you put the word suck in your title and using it to compare yourself VS. other people it shifts the balance in your favor, at least in my opinion. An article in or for a Martial art magazine is not to openly challange others who have made their contributions and it shows someone who has what seems a vendetta against Mr.Chapel even your wording "highly esteemed Doc Chapel" comes off as condescending. This is just my impression from the way you come off on the forum and your article.

How am I suppose to take this article seriously when your opening is this:

Is this really what a premium article is and the best you have to offer as a writer for a magazine?
All the videos posted in the article just come off in my opinion of why you think your methods are superior over other's methods or to put it bluntly in your own words:

Again if this is to be premuim articulated article for a magzine I expect better not blant attacks of Ad Hominem because others disagree with your line of thought even those who trained with Mr. Parker. Anyway thats my observation and impression and I am not the only one who feels this way. This is my last post regarding this topic for I have nothing more to contribute by all means post your final thoughts so we both can move on. Thanks :)

This is a pretty classy post, so allow me to help you out in several areas:

1. Scientists and others can have sharp differences and even have fiery public debates, but still have the respect for one another, no matter how wide and deep the divide may be on matters that they disagree on. That is the case with Doc and I. I have a great deal of respect for what Doc has done, continues to do, and will do...and it's my understanding that the respect is reciprocated.

2. As I stated previously...the title of this thread is a riff off of a "tongue in cheek" but legit poke Doc took at me as a result of our disagreement on several topics...the first and most significant of which revolves around The Ideal Phase Analytical Technique Process.

3. If you see the title as disrespectful? I understand. If you see that the material I wrote in the article is beneath what a premier magazine should allow? I understand. and I disagree on both points. The first point regarding disrespect? I already answered but must be undergirded with this fact:

You reached the opinions that you reached on your own. Without fact checking. You read the post that I wrote and you superimposed YOUR OWN meaning to the words. You--on your own--imposed a condescending connotation to what was in reality very sincere respect being paid to Doc. Let me tell you something you may not know: Doc made it possible for many Black people to continue to train in martial arts and get a fair shake. I know this for a fact. I saw it as a child and as a member of the BKF--which Doc co-founded--in the 80's and 90's. There is no way I--or almost any Black martial artist with knowledge of the journey made by people like Doc and my uncle that gave us the chance to REMAIN martial artists--disrespect Doc in the manner that you intimate I would, did, or might. However, enormous respect doesn't in any way cultivate blind obedience and acceptance. Doc and I quarrel and disagree occassionally...but only on nonpersonal issues.


4. A premium magazine owner would be [ and Bob Hubbard IS ] aware of all of these facts. A premier magazine and owner of said premier magazine would do THE EXACT OPPOSITE of what you encouraged. There would be room for the rational rebel, there would be space made for intelligent iconoclast...especially if said person or persons has proven his/her/their worth over and over again. The positions I take are solid positions, with solid powerful rationale and show an advanced grasp of the material. The questions I ask aren't sugar coated, and I challenge--directly, oftentimes without any sort of apology--positions behaviours techniques paradigms...whatever...that strikes me as sideways. I expect and encourage you to do the same, starting first with yourself, and including me and anyone else.

You can be sure that I will call out anything that I think they're doing sideways. Not as a matter of disrespect, not for self-aggrandizing purposes...never would I or have I done such I thing. I will call out a person...anyone, starting with myself...for the purpose of serious martial growth in every regard.

5. Seriously...what is wrong with having a single sequence like, say...ALTERNATING MACES...and delving into it in a serious way? Who said that we can't have subholds, locks, displacements, etc. in it? Who said that we can't use other blocks, parries, slips, weapons inclusive of firearms, when we do our ALTERNATING MACES? What are the advantages of having an ALTERNATING MACE that can defeat choke holds, punches, kicks, the clinch, takedown attempts, multifights opposed to the 2 handed push it's supposed to defeat? What's wrong with seeing if the ALTERNATING MACES in its most popular form actually does what it purports to do by testing it out combatively? By comparing in contrasting?

Answer: NOTHING.

But who's doing such a thing?

Answer: NOBODY...except your friendly neighborhood two fisted MartialTalk and KenpoTalk renegade...THE ATACX GYM.

Here's the most popular form of ALTERNATING MACES:




Note the questions I ask and the immediate real world improvements that I add...and note that uke ISN'T POSING FOR ME.

Have you ever used your ALTERNATING MACES vs the MUAY THAI CLINCH or basic head clinch? No? Have you ever applied a rear naked choke with your ALTERNATING MACES? No? Have you ever used your Alternating Maces with weapons? No? Why not?


We KNOW why you haven't. The answer is because most instructors have been taught an inflexible paradigm for ALTERNATING MACES. It MUST BE THUS AND SO...DONE THIS WAY ONLY...AND NEVER ANYTHING DIFFERENT. The problem with that kind of thinking is's NOT thinking. It's indoctrination, and flies in the face of the most basic street reality.

You CAN enter the ALTERNATING MACES any which way you want to, and still be highly effective, thank you very much. If, that is, your instructor has a sufficiently functional training paradigm to rear you in:


A quality, premium magazine recognizes ALL THESE THINGS...and allows the voice of the person unflinchingly espousing these common sense, meaty, empirical, functional, unapologetically realistic and highly versatile, very very very helpful approaches to be heard. Because a quality premium magazine with a quality owner recognizes and appreciates the distinction between someone denigrating an art and seeking to inflate his/her profile...and someone loving a martial art so much that he's willing to ask the tough questions, make the tough statements, take the unpopular prove and push the point of functional training that can will does and is 100% proven to save lives, increase martial quality, and all other things which we hold near and dear.

That's what I've done.

You conflate challenging a dysfunctional training method and advocating its replacement with a functional model that meets the challenges of today's streets and society and saves lives with what amounts to me basically having a gigantic ego-gasm in public. I am certain that others feel this way, too. addition to the foregoing, consider the following:

How strange would it be of me to ask the hard questions I have asked, to press and push upon the dysfunction in the extant most popular version of Kenpo and Kempo's self defense sequences...and then turn around and NOT show that I haven't directly addressed these matters myself? Would I not look more than a little odd if I sent out into the martial universe a clarion, demanding call to Functional Action and didn't show that I had the conviction of my own words by putting forth my techniques and sequences as an example of what I mean? Would that not be a mite...hypocritical of me? I would think so or at least I could see the validity of those charges being levelled at me. So I've stepped up and put myself out there; I showed myself on video doing what I said I would and could do. As you know by now, the internet can be an especially harsh keyboard grandmasters can fillet whomever they please behind the vaunted protection of their screen name. But I step up to them anyway with full confidence that the evidence of my skill and technique will be sufficient to silence rational doubters and the questions that I ask can are and will be seen by serious martial artists as a call to action...a challenge to energize and functionalize, improve refine expand...the quality of our thinking, our training, and the results that we get.

Bottom line:why am I the only guy who does his SWORD AND HAMMER on the ground? Why am I the only guy who's SWORD AND HAMMER can and does not only set up throws but stops chokes? shouldn't be saying anything like: " All the videos posted in the article just come off in my opinion of why you think your methods are superior over other's methods..." No, sir. I humbly submit that you SHOULD be asking:


And the answer is: with all due respect, sir...your [ and I mean the general term "your/you" when I say this, not any specific person but a whole general category of "you's" ] training paradigm sucks. That's why you need to ask WHAT IF? Not so you can be LIKE Ras and his ATACX GYM. No, sir. You need to ask WHAT IF so your training and practice of [ whatever martial art you study ] GETS BETTER.

I appreciate the tone and quality of post that you made, sir, but you and everyone who agrees with you is empirically wrong. I hope you can see that now. I don't care WHOSE functional paradigm you use...JUST MAKE IT FUNCTIONAL. And the more universally functional, the better.

6. So in closing? I appreciate your post. You are entitled to your opinions, whatever they may be...and I would be amongst the first to fight for your right to have and express them; however much I may disagree. But now that you have the PROPER CONTEXT for information that you thought you had the relevant data about? I'm sure you can see that there is significant if not overwhelming cause to conclude THE EXACT OPPOSITE of what you initially put forth as being right or at least reasonable...and which others have concurred with you about.

Thank you sir, for your post. I encourage all other dissenters and supporters to post their thoughts and provide further fuel for thought that will hopefully have the result of improving the quality of our martial training throughout our martial lifespan.


....see you on the mat. And you better not suck.
I continued to teach majorly flawed techniques and methods for 9 years for a major organization until I branched out via the Internet and observed other arts and instructors.

I went solo in 2001 and enjoy broadening my abilities as an instructor and am particularly challenged by Ras and the Mad Hatter of Kenpo Clark Cole!


Sandanchris is a quality martial artist whose outstanding accomplishments includes one of the best gathering of Kenpo Masters and Elders...THE KENPO OHANA. He is a shining example of what kenpoists and martial artists can and may be. Thank you for being you, sir.
Cant help but agree with Oaktree here.

If i had one suggestion, it would be to compliment your base art and work from there. You dont actualy need to state that there is a perceived flaw in the art as you see it, whether you perceive the techs to be stagnant or limited etc...
Why not just say, this is where im going with what i have?

Sir, the above is a comment that I frequently receive, and my response remains steadfastly the same:

I have NEVER suggested nor believed that Kenpo is flawed in any way shape or form. My issues revolve around DYSFUNCTIONAL TRAINING METHODS. It's the TRAINING that I see being horrifically compromised, diluted, and--frankly--deeply mired in the sucktastic. It's this sucktastic TRAINING which produces over and over again martial artists calling themselves MASTER or GRANDMASTER...who perform techniques like this:


Now, if the SYSTEM was flawed? There would be nothing I could do to save it other than to wholesale revamp or fix THE SYSTEM. I could not logically assert that THE SYSTEM is flawed and then...DISPLAY MY VARIANT OF THE SYSTEM WHICH WORKS. If the system is fatally compromised? Then whatever fix I applied to it results in something that is other than the fatally compromised system.


And sir? The Functional Versatility that I display IS quite literally, to use your words:"...where im going with what i have." That's why I displayed it. Wouldn't it be very strange of me to so forthrightly belabor dysfunctional technique without offering my example of what I consider to be functional of me? Couldn't I be accused of just grandstanding? My posts could be accused of being 'sound and fury, signifying nothing'.

However, I physically demonstrate what I mean and we can compare and contrast quite powerfully. I am certain that such empirical comparison and contrasting provides the literal empirical evidence that torpedoes arguments revolving around self-aggrandizement or some fantastical position stating anything like a LESS universally functional variant of [ whatever technique ] is somehow or other more desirable than a MORE universally functional variant of [ whatever technique ].

Put bluntly? If you're a Yellow Belt who just learned Sword and Hammer? You're toast if you're caught in a chokehold.

Unless you train with somebody who thinks like me.


Seriously. If somebody grabbed you in a headlock like THIS:


or THIS:


or THIS:


Which technique sequence would you rather have as your GO TO move? The more "traditional" dysfunctional IP variant:


Or a version that really works against real attacks and real resistance:


The choice should be clear. And the difference between my version which actually works far more reliably in real life and that other stuff which basically sucks and is less reliable guessed it...FUNCTIONAL TRAINING.


I'm just calling it how I see it, with no excuses, no sugar coating, no ulterior motive. I'm calling it like I call it because there's huuuge reason to call it that way, and the benefits we derived from whatever our martial art is would improve dramatically if we as a group collectively functionalized our training. Also? There wouldnt be reams of people out there with hugely false confidence in their ability to defend themselves, only to find that they've been duped after they're sporting that shiner from the bully, find themselves choked out or raped by that mugger, or head locked and beat up by some jerk or some thug.
Since, clearly, everybody other than you sucks, and you're so vastly superior, why don't we see you with a bunch of world championship belts?

aaaannnd I already answered your false contentions several times before you even posted, Dirty Dog. Perhaps you should scour posts more comprehensively before you make some of your assertions.

I suggest that you read the article again. My article was formulated as a response from a serious but essentially non-personal challenge by one of the ranking Kenpo Elders in the world, the highly esteemed Doc Chapel. I have never at any time said that everyone is wrong but me. Look at the article. I specifically refute that allegation...

At no time--ever ever ever--did I say everyone else is wrong but me. I railed against TRAINING METHODS. I rail against DYSFUNCTION. And I rail against the sheep-like mentality that allows such drivel to the expense of Kenpo, TMA as a whole, and also at the expense of far too many of us from whatever martial art that doesn't use functional,universal performance as our litmus test for sufficient efficacy. Nowhere--NOWHERE, SIR--do I say anything like what you claim.

Please produce the quotes that cause you problems, and I'll be happy to point out that your concerns are not only NOT borne out by the quotes but solidly and wholeheartedly reaffirm the truth that I have neeever eeeever made nor intimated the claim that everyone else is wrong but me.

Oh yeah...having a championship belt does not necessarily make you a champion. I know guys with champ belts who are solid fighters but if the shtf I'd call upon my 61 year old uncle and Grandmaster faster than them. Cuz these guys are really good at winning belts, and that CAN get you home safe. I respect that alot. My uncle is really good at MAKING SURE you get home safe.

He taught me to MAKE SURE I get home safe, too.

But who's doing such a thing?

Answer: NOBODY...except your friendly neighborhood two fisted MartialTalk and KenpoTalk renegade...THE ATACX GYM.[/qoute]

Really? This again? You are NOT the only one. We've talked about this many, many times.
But who's doing such a thing?

Answer: NOBODY...except your friendly neighborhood two fisted MartialTalk and KenpoTalk renegade...THE ATACX GYM.[/qoute]

Really? This again? You are NOT the only one. We've talked about this many, many times.

I recall our conversations, Josh. Allow me to put the quote you have above in its proper context:

"5. Seriously...what is wrong with having a single sequence like, say...ALTERNATING MACES...and delving into it in a serious way? Who said that we can't have subholds, locks, displacements, etc. in it? Who said that we can't use other blocks, parries, slips, weapons inclusive of firearms, when we do our ALTERNATING MACES? What are the advantages of having an ALTERNATING MACE that can defeat choke holds, punches, kicks, the clinch, takedown attempts, multifights opposed to the 2 handed push it's supposed to defeat? What's wrong with seeing if the ALTERNATING MACES in its most popular form actually does what it purports to do by testing it out combatively? By comparing in contrasting?

Answer: NOTHING.

But who's doing such a thing?

Answer: NOBODY...except your friendly neighborhood two fisted MartialTalk and KenpoTalk renegade...THE ATACX GYM."

This means that I'm the only one who--from jumpstreet--trains my whole sequences to be multifaceted and performed on the ground, with weapons, etc etc exactly as shown. As I have stated numerous times, we refine from there...but our base technique and self defense sequences are designed to perform regardless of category or range of primary h2h attack because our base sequences and every technique forming the sequence.

Having gone back and checked with ranking Tracy, SL-4, BKF, and numerous other Kenpo Master rank or higher sensei sifu and is my understanding that I am indeed the only one who promotes such a training paradigm. There are others who've preceded me who've done something similar; I acknowledged this first in both our discussions and quite awhile ago on KT when I spoke of the hybrid lineage which set me on the path that birthed THE ATACX GYM. However, the specific purpose of crafting multifaceted self defense sequences that serve as is vs any primary LEO or civilian h2h threat is NOT something that anyone who I've spoken to has ever seen of or heard. Nor have I been able to pick up on Google or via street contacts people who do the totality of what I do.

I would actually like to meet them, if you know of them. That would be GREAT, actually. Lol.

You should also recall that I usually add the caveat [ and I did in this thread too ] that I'm either the only or one of the very few who do as I do. I made this comment while specifically referring to multifaceted self defense sequences. So if you took exception to that one quote of mine? I hope you are mollified by the existence of several others that more accurately reflect my position and acknowledge that there may be others whom I don't know of who are doing the same.
But who's doing such a thing?

Answer: NOBODY...except your friendly neighborhood two fisted MartialTalk and KenpoTalk renegade...THE ATACX GYM.[/qoute]

Really? This again? You are NOT the only one. We've talked about this many, many times.

And here's proof of my response and position which should allay your concerns, drawn from post #14, a full page before you made the above quoted comment...

The question isn't:"Why does THE ATACX GYM and a very veeerrry select few Kenpo schools even remotely address the kind of self-defense reality that I'm likely to encounter?" .

This means that I acknowledge the fact/likelihood that there are others out there doing what I do...but they're very few in number when compared with the overwhelming majority of Kenpo schools. Were anything other than the extreme scarcity of schools and gyms with thoughts like mine the case? Then the positions and training paradigm that I advance wouldn't be met with such aghast shock and incredulity by quite a few people in quite a few quarters.
Well, it seems like Speakman does. My instructor, A.C. Rainey, seems to. I've seen others as well.
Well, it seems like Speakman does. My instructor, A.C. Rainey, seems to. I've seen others as well.

I've seen Mr. Speakman's work, and am an admirer of his. However, the difference seems to be that what I show standing is almost exactly the same thing that I do on the ground which is almost exactly what we do standing up. Same tech. Look at my Sword and Hammer video series as an example or my Alternating Maces videos. Mr. Speakman has groundfighitng and subs in a unique way but he doesn't have that tremendous similarity in the standing, ground, multifight, and armed ranges that I do.

I don't know your instructor, but I like him already. It is, however, my understanding that your instructor is a disciple of or friendly with SL-4. I heard on the grapevine that your instructor calls Doc..."Sifu" or something like that. If your instructor is a part of SL-4? Then the chances are very high that--while he might do something similar--he doesn't follow the same techniques almost exactly standing, grappling, on the ground and armed...aaaaannnd uses the same technique sequence versus every primary attack.from every range that I mentioned in THE ATACX GYM's variant of Web Of Knowledge.

But I'm very glad to hear somebody besides Mr. Speakman and I are doing stuff that includes vibrant grappling.

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