This is a good post. A few matters of clarification before I'm off to do other stuff:
Of course, Chris basically comes to your defence without actually addressing anything in the thread, and it's a good post... honestly, I'd say it's misplaced loyalty.
"My understanding is that he would like to elevate the methods and training paradigms of all arts to include those he uses in his gym. Most of us will never have to pressure test our training in the sheer volume or method Prof. Ras does."--Sandanchris
Not quite sure what you mean by this, Sandanchris, so let me make my position on this matter clear: I wholeheartededly champion functional/Alive training. This means that we as instructors should teach techniques which we have used ourselves extensively on the mat, in real life, or both and that all of our training methods should be geared toward teaching techniques in the way that they are to actually be used in self defense. It is absolutely my belief that there is no lesson that a dysfunctional expression can teach that functional expression won't teach better AND more comprehensively, including things that the dysfunctional technique lacks the scope and depth to even approach because the functional techniques work and the dysfunctional techniques don't work.
The big problem here (aside from the fact that that's not what "alive" training is about) is that by only teaching techniques that the instructor has experience in using, either on the mat or "in real life" (which seems to be the same thing to you, Ras, as you use them interchangabley...), then all you end up with is instructors teaching only what they can do, or what suits them, rather than what suits the students, which just limits the system. Additionally, who says that the instructor isn't just naturally talented and pulls off things that really shouldn't be taught? This then also leads to the idea that the naturally gifted instructor starts to believe that what they do is better than others, although they're missing many basic aspects... including the structure of what they consider "dysfunctional" techniques. They may be highly functional, just not in the way the naturally talented instructor understands. Hmm.
I am an adherent of what I was first taught as THE I:3 WAY OF TEACHING but which decades later Matt Thornton called THE I-METHOD, and literally since age 6 I have been a convert to Alive/functional training.
You were six. Converted from what?
That aside, Ras, Matt's ideas are far from new. He's just packaged them with a new word. Everything he talks about is just what has been found in martial arts for centuries in different forms, combined with a lack of actual comprehension of what traditional methods are actually about.
As I've indicated (and posted pretty overtly in the past), I'm not really a big fan of Matt's. It's not that I disagree with most of his ideas, it's just that his take on things is desperately flawed and rather limited. So that's not a sale for me.
I also absolutely believe that alllll benefits...all mind-body-spirit cultivation, all character development, etc etc...actually comes from the real world, alive, perpetual refinement and elevation of the DOING, EXPERIMENTING WITH AND STUDYING, AND APPLYING THE EXPERIMINTING AND STUDYING WITH MORE DOING of the thing in question. All sublime "lessons" to be taught in whatever technique like Captured Twigs you learn from...DOING,STUDYING, AND APPLYING THE STUDYING AND EXPERIEMENTING WITH MORE DOING Captured Twigs. Basically a combination of The Scientific Method applied to martial arts, the various sports performance sciences, and philosophy [ especially logic ] applied to martial arts. Do that and work it with alot of Alive/Functional stimuli. Alot of times. For your entire martial lifespan.
Then you're wrong. And if you think that a 'scientific approach/the scientific method' hasn't been applied to martial arts before? Then you're wrong again.
Matt speaks of this beauty in combat sports. I see it geometrically transcending combat sports in our Traditional Martial Arts and expanding out to areas that aren't really reached or plumbed to any real depth by combat sports.
You'll forgive me if I don't see anything of depth in anything you've presented, of course...
"2. Emphasis on availability of techniques and not number of known techniques: “quality over quantity”. We see this from the Long Beach/BKF influence of his training"
There is no question that Long Beach, the BKF, Southeast San Diego, Compton, Watts, and other places have had a lasting impact on my perceptions and approach. However, I actually take both a quality AND quantity approach. Sandanchris is absolutely right in that I insist upon the availability of techniques but I insist upon this availability in the sense of immediate universal application. By that I mean this:
Yes, everywhere you've been is far worse than anywhere anyone else has been... honestly, if pretty much anyone of any note with any credibility in the field of actual self defence and real world combatives goes directly against what you're presenting, I think I'll err on the side of the 99% of people known to be proven beyond their own words. Those that can explain both the how and the why, as it were.
When you're attacked or called upon for whatever reason to use your skills? The the skills that you have must meet the challenge that you face. If all you know is...Delayed Sword? And the BG tackles you and pulls a knife? You need to have a Delayed Sword that works in that situation. If all you have is Delayed Sword...and the BG grabs you in a full-nelson while his buddy moves in to work you over with fists? You need to have a Delayed Sword that works there too. If the BG grabs your lapel with one hand and pulls a gun with another? Your Delayed Sword needs to work then, too.
You cannot give everything needed immediately. And if you think you can, you have no idea of the reality of the situation. Might a new student get attacked in a way that hasn't been covered in class yet? Yep, sure can. But no matter how much you try to give, there is always something you haven't prepared the student for, so don't try to do everything, it's the sign of an amateur who has a fair amount of insecurity about themselves and what they offer. You might as well argue about what they could be attacked with before attending the class, it's not in your control.
Every other technique and self defense sequence like Delayed Sword [ "sequence" is my own term which I use interchangeably with the CORRECT definition of Ideal Techniques; the definition for Ideal Technique is the specific expression for whatever sequence of techniques--like Delayed Sword--that you as the instructor has crafted for your particular school or gym, which follows the Ideal Phase Analytical Technique Process method and uses the 3 points of view...The What If&The Formulation Phases and The Equation Formula ] should be tested as functionally rigorously and comprehensively as possible and practical. The result is; every technique is usable in any situation. Depending on the number of techniques and Ideals you have, you could have up to about 154 ways to do one thing and 154 ways to do 154 things. That's an amazing, extremely difficult to predict or defend against arsenal which should give the comprehensively trained Kenpoist a gargantuan advantage over almost anyone else.
Then why do all other Kempo practitioners, including those who trained directly under Ed Parker, disagree with your interpretation?
What I have essentially done is taken the attack and defense categories in The Web of Knowledge, added more categories to it, combined these with h2h ranges shown in CQC and MMA, and tested my every technique and ATACX GYM IDEAL TECHNIQUE against each and every consideration raised by all of the foregoing. To my knowledge? This matrix I have crafted is unique...although I personally know of various predecessors and precedents to portions of the methods that I use in my ATACX GYM.
As I said, the sign of an amateur with insecurity issues.
"1. Terminology – Prof. Ras misuses terminology (concepts, techniques, paradigms) and tries to fit squares into round holes to try to make his point. He should try to come up with his own terminology or properly define his terms so that everyone can be on the same page."--Sandanchris
I'm not sure if this is correct. I know that I challenge the veracity of various terms used in Kenpo. Maybe that's it. Or maybe Sandanchris would be good enough to show me where I've misused Kenpo terminology concpets paradigms techniques etc. To my knowledge I haven't done such a thing and I certainly haven't meant to. If it's shown that I have? I will straightway make amends.
Chris doesn't need to, Ras, everyone else already has. You just haven't listened.
"2. Ideal-what if- formulation – Prof. Ras is trying to use a concept from EPAK that does not need to apply to the training he offers in his gym. In fact, the continued reference to each of these topics convolutes the issue further. I believe Prof. Ras fits this formula better “see it – drop it – keep it”.--Sandanchris
I actually have a pretty good grasp of this area, Sandanchris. Perhaps you could clarify your meaning further by furnishing examples of your meaning?
See Doc's comments, Ras. You don't have a good grasp on this area.
"3. Aggressive attitude or Bravado – Due to his position, training, heritage ect…Prof. Ras sees things through his Long Beach lens. Would the conversations here on the internet be different if this lens was removed? I believe so!"--Sandanchris
I think this is true too...but probably regarding different subtopics and topics. I have forthrightly challenged the TRAINING PARADIGM that gave rise to the commonly miscalled Ideal Phase techniques. I have said then and say now that they're dysfunctional. The Ideal Phase techniques themselves aren't innately dysfunctional, but the training paradigm giving rise to them mandates a dysfunctional, highly unrealistic expression.This uncompromising stance of mine has earned me the wrath and flames of many a poster who think that I'm saying that THEY suck, or KENPO sucks or that I'm here to save Kenpo, etc etc.
That's not what Chris was referring to, though. He's referring to your method of communication, the way you obstinately refuse to listen to actual criticism, instead resorting to things like this thread (and the article) in which you state that anyone not doing what you do sucks. And you haven't challenged any "training paradigm" when it all comes down to it.
My forthright challenges have been misinterpreted frequently as aggression and/or bravado. Neither is actually the case, and I have been careful to directly refute this contention whenever it's brought up.
You've backpeddled when you were called on it, that's not the same thing. Hell, Ras, you've been banned because of it.
The entirety of the above is radically untrue and you utterly misconstrue and misunderstand basic statements of mine. At this point? I'm willing to simply concede that we have no common ground and suggest that we agree to disagree and leave further mutual discussion about topics that we disagree on alone.
As you have never once been able to counter a single criticism or statement I have made, instead trying to simply state things are "radically untrue", backing out might have been your best option. But no.
Ras has repeatedly stated--for more than a year--the exact opposite of your contention, to wit: Ras doesn't want everyone to be just like Ras. I am, however, not at all surprised to see you conflate my insistence that whatever we as martial artists teach to our students we have used and continue to use successfully on the mat, professionally, on the streets or any combination of the above...and we teach our students to use the techniques in the same way that they will fight with them. You are sooo factually off base and wrong here it's...actually typical of my discussions with you. My Judo black belt comes from a Kodokan certified Judo school. Your comments about Judo clearly show you have noooo idea what you're talking about and have never trained in and maybe never even heard of Kosen Judo...but I have done both. I have been told by luminaries like O'Sensei Ogden [ r.i.p. ] and Heyward Nishioka that my Judo skills, balance,strength, explosivity and learning curve are all exceptional. My uncle did NOT teach me Judo. He did and continues to, however, teach me Iaido. As for whether or not you think I'm good? I'm sure it's clear by now that I don't care what your opinion is of me. Indulge yourself in that area however you please. Have fun.
Hang on, haven't you just suggested we don't further engage in discussion, as you're not enjoying it? Then you continue with the rest of the post? And talking about yourself in the third person is just so endearing...
As for the rest... seriously, get over yourself. Of course I've heard of Koden Judo, it's high school Judo (well, a ruleset designed for high school players), and all other Judoka made the same comments I did. As far as your black belt coming from "a Kodokan school"? Huh? That's in Japan, mate. Did you go to Japan to get your Shodan? The comments made were that what you presented as Judo just wasn't. And if you couldn't see that, then that just shows that your education is desperately flawed or incomplete.
Miscomprehension. Factually incorrect. Just plain wrong. Again. As usual.
That's not an argument, Ras. Mainly as I offered an opinion, which is shared by pretty much anyone who knows anything about this topic, so arguing that it's "factually incorrect" is not even understanding how to make an argument in the first place. If you're going to come up against someone like me in the future, learn to argue.
There is a difference between what an art allegedly espouses and how its practitioners in the main practice.
What is that supposed to mean? It sounds like you're trying to argue with me without actually saying anything....
Your opinions that my evaluations are often flawed, etc. do not in any way make them flawed. Sparring is an activity which is defined by different people in different ways, and thus the activity changes according to their definition of it. Your definition of sparring isn't mine; however since we never will see video of you...there is no way for any of us to objectively evaluate anything that you do, is there? Quite courageous of you to unleash scathing criticism while ensuring that you never proffer video of yourself doing things your "more correct" way in order to edify us all. Reminds me of Teddy Roosevelt's quote again...
Except that I gave quite detailed critiques as to what was flawed in your evaluations and methods, Ras. Video wasn't needed. And your Roosevelt quote was way out of context, for the record.
It is your opinion that "you don't want to "lock" in self defence (which is apparently what he's focused on...), you want to get away". It is [ a part of ] MY opinion that in self-defense you want to DEFEND YOURSELF SUCCESSFULLY. By whatever means and whatever tools most available. This, to me, strongly suggests that one should have a high combat functional performance wavelength with as broad and as deep a set of skills as possible, inclusive of a solid grasp of all relevant principles, physical fitness to a superior degree, etc etc. But that's just a part of my opinion...
So no actual argument then?
He does not denigrate EPKK TECHNIQUES, he lambasts the more prevalent dysfunctional training paradigms and methods that gave rise to and perpetuate the most common expression of the so-called Ideal Phase techniques. And news flash...he ALWAYS says he's teaching ATACX GYM KENPO. See? ATACX GYM KENPO IS WRITTEN ON THE TITLE OF EVERY VIDEO. NOT EPAK KENPO.
Except you use the EPAK terminology, technique names etc, and often start with the EPAK form, then proceed to go on to demonstrate your "improved" version... and when called on your lack of understanding of the actual EPAK form, you have this "I wasn't showing EPAK, I was showing ATACX GYM Kempo..." uh, no, you were showing EPAK first. No sale.
You are again massively and habitually incorrect. There are criticisms that I have adhered to. You are just unaware of them. And almost all of yours have been easily disprovably empirically incorrect.
"Massively and habitually incorrect? Easily disprovably empirically incorrect?" Are you kidding me? This form of hyperbole is found when there is no argument, Ras. And you have never once managed to even counter one of my criticisms even slightly, let alone to the degree that you seem convinced that you have.
Your opinion that I have egotistical delusions doesn't mean that I actually have them. Your assessment of the ATACX GYM JUDO thread is also similarly highly flawed, inaccurate, untrue, and...honestly...pretty funny in its dooficity. Let me assure you right now...having met Sandanchris...that Sandanchris is most definitely not a suck up. ESPECIALLY TO ME. He is a man of good standing and good character who wouldn't stoop to such a thing. And since he has actually met me and seen me move and felt my technique? Your opinion about his lack of understanding actually displays YOUR lack of understanding, sir.
For crying out loud, Ras, everyone on your "Judo" thread said the same thing. It wasn't Judo, it wasn't BJJ, it was technically very flawed, and wasn't anything like what you presented it as being. Chris coming on and saying it was "very nice" in the face of that shows a lack of understanding of what Judo is. So, no.
There is an interesting inference in your quote above that implies that Sandanchris would willy nilly come onto my threads and support me. He would not, sir. If he says something supportive? It's because he sees reason and good cause to do so. If he disagrees with me--which he has ALSO placed on this thread--he does so because he sees reason and good cause to do so,sir. He has met me face to face. We have exchanged techniques. In mere minutes, I have shown his students how to break bear hugs with their Kempo salute and how to combatively apply various techniques that they were just shown minutes before...and to the credit of the foundation that Sandanchris has given them and to the credit of the swift, keen minds of his students? They immediately grasped and performed what I asked of them. In less than five minutes they went from being shown a technique that Sandanchris introduced them to all the way to applying it functionally against real world resistance. That says something about the skills of everyone involved...Sandanchris, his wonderful students, and yours truly
Please. This post is about a response to another of Chris' posts that serve no purpose other than to rush to your defence.
Chris Parker. Let us agree to disagree and leave it at that. I will stay out of the threads that you author, and you reciprocate.
You're not here anymore, so this is kinda moot, but for the record, my immediate response to this was: no.
Firstly, I don't start threads, so your offer to avoid threads I started has the same weight as you saying that you won't post on days that have an "X" in them. Next, if you're putting bad material out there for criticism, I'm going to pull them apart. You don't get a free ride because you don't like the criticism and can't answer it. The best you could have done is put me on ignore, but that really wouldn't have stopped me from posting and pointing out flaws in each and every video you posted should I have wanted to.
I think I've said all that needs to be said here.
I don't. But that's moot now as well, really.
Maybe I'm not being as clear as I wish to be here, because I agree with much of your post. What I'm saying specifically is that the so-called Ideal Phase techniques are generally not tested against anything except for the prescribed specific attack that they're to defend against. I haven't met anyone yet who forthrightly stated that they work their DS against the prescribed attack plus everything else too, like I do. There have got to be others who do,I just haven't read about or heard of them.
I completely agree that one should use one's basics and whatever else you need to emerge as unscathed and safe as possible in a self-defense encounter. Imo Delayed Sword is one of those basics.
My point is...whatever rank you're at when you face an assault? You need to have the versatility already ingrained in you--subgrappling escapes strikes weapons parrying standing locks throws sweeps takedowns rolls weapon use multifights whatever--already locked and loaded and ready to go.
And once again:
You cannot give everything needed immediately. And if you think you can, you have no idea of the reality of the situation. Might a new student get attacked in a way that hasn't been covered in class yet? Yep, sure can. But no matter how much you try to give, there is always something you haven't prepared the student for, so don't try to do everything, it's the sign of an amateur who has a fair amount of insecurity about themselves and what they offer. You might as well argue about what they could be attacked with before attending the class, it's not in your control.