99.999% of the world have never seen any form of TKD, be it in the olympics or anywhere else. OK, maybe not 99.999% but a very huge majority. So I would not be too concerned with the general public's perception of TKD.
As for the video, I have lost count of how many tourneys we have been to that billed the event as "The World Championships". Most recently back in Jan or Feb of this year. We were at this crappy little event, just looking to get some ring time to try out some new things. As soon as my daughter put the beat down on some girl, another master approached me with his business card and a flyer for his tournament The 2008 World TKD Championships and begging us to attend. I was like mmmm probably not but thanks and his response was "But this is THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS!!!" Of course it was held in a Jr High School Gymnasium, which is where I expect all World Championships to be held. We did not go.
As far as I am concerned there are 2 World Championship events in TKD. On even number years there is the WTF Jr World Championships and on odd number years there is the WTF World Championships. Each of these events allow attendance only by the National Governing Bodies National Team of each participating country. There is no such thing as an "Open World Championship" event such as that in the video you posted, clearly titled "Sparring 2006 US Open Karate World Championships Tournament". That title is completely contradictory.
At this time, and for the past couple of years, no, she does not train in "traditional". It is purely sport. As far as her feelings on winning trophies and medals, we have lost or just not picked up more trophies and medals than we have kept over the years so it certainly is not about hardware for her. The vast majority of those that I do know where they are, are tossed in a box in the den. She is in it because she hopes to represent the USA on the world stage someday. Be that in the WTF World Championships or the Olympics. She is not in it to earn another medal to leave at the awards table or toss in a box.
Ok, this is what concerns me:
You say that you are not too concerned with the general public's perception of TKD.
How do you expect the ART to grow? If people constantly see the competition side of it all, and that's all they see, what's going to happen to the MARTIAL ART side of it?
It's going to disappear, that's what's going to happen.
What goes on in those tourney's is not TKD. I don't care what you want to call it, but it certainly is not TKD. I am going to make my gripe with it very, very clear:
Playing that tournement game, gaming the game, axe kicks that could be ambiguous crescent kicks, sparring with your hands at your side, and anything else that I probably missed that has to do with the sport side IS NOT A MARTIAL ART! IT IS NOT TKD!
I worked very, very hard to earn my black belt. It took me 5 years to earn my 1st degree, and that was constantly going to practice, going home and practicing, living and breathing TKD. I'm sure your daughter works just as hard for the competition side of it.
But I earned a true black belt in a martial art. I competed in a few tournements, yes, but that wasn't WHY I trained as hard as I did. That isn't the reason that anyone else at our dojang worked as hard as they did, and all the blackbelts that were there before me earned their belt in the same manner. We all practiced the MARTIAL ART, and we earned our blackbelts in the MARTIAL ART.
I do not see how these people who compete in the olympics are considered blackbelts in TKD. They may be blackbelts in competition sparring, but not in traditional TKD.
I also do not see how these people have earned a 3rd or even a 4th degree blackbelt in the time that it took me to earn my 1st degree. Sure, they can point spar alot better than I can, but that's not all there is to TKD.
I suck at point sparring. I'm terrible at it. I like to keep my hands up when I fight, and I also don't bounce up and down so that I can rocket 23 "roundhouse" kicks in a row. Any move that I make while I spar or fight has purpose. I was taught to have no wasted motion. I was also taught that if I'm going to throw a kicking combo, every last one of the kicks that I throw has to have devistating power behind it.
I have been kicked by someone throwing the 23 "roundhouse" kick combo. It was not effective at all. I'm not saying that everyone spars like this in the WTF. But from what I've seen, the tournement goers that I've had experience with were terrible at attempting the MARTIAL ART side of it. Alot of the "gamers" have attempted to spar in the traditional style, where you must keep your hands up, and hands to the head are legal. They failed miserabely. And they were angry about it.
They were angry because they really thought that they were learning TKD, in the sense that they could do what they did at tourney's for SD. I want to make it clear the tourney side of it is NOT SD. But alot of times it gets marketed that way. It should be seperate from TKD. TKD was meant to me a SD MARTIAL ART. Not a "game".
End of rant. Sorry for the lengthy gripe.