Senior Master
And guys, if your hands are down on the steet, before you can react they will punch the daylights out of you.
See on the street they get close and hit you before they bow.
You should learn to keep your hands up, especially when talking to people you don't know in a strange part of town. It's all habit. Ingrained habit.
So you are saying you should stand near strangers in a boxing stance?

Not exactly the best way to make friends

Kidding aside,
"on the street" I make every effort to keep people at arm's length in questionable situations (spider sense tingling!!).
Now here's some irony... I don't like the way WTF rules make it so folk end up rarely guarding their head.
But honestly, if someone is squaring up on me to attack (as opposed to just rushing in) I might just very well keep my hands low for a similar reason: to bait them into coming in at my head so I can counterkick their gut on their way in.
Also, it looks less like you are a willing participant in the fight that if you are in the "put up yer dukes!"-type stance.