Why yur user name?

It's the name of my school wherever I teach...In Iraq, Tennessee, etc. I'm mobile so I take the name with me.

I actually came up with it in college as my email address...there's some long stories best told over a beer or three regarding the significance.
Well, basically, I was walking along the street one day when I tripped over a carelessly placed pinecone. This resulted in me flying through the air at quite some speed. I finally came to a halt when I hit a little old lady carrying her shopping and in the middle of lighting a pipe. The impact made her drop the match, which in turn ignited a nearby haystack. We both ran into a barn to escape the wrath of the flames. However, the wood around us soon began to blaze and I realised we were trapped. We began to call for help. It was then that a friendly goat heard our pleas and proceeded to charge the barn door in the hope of freeing us. However, the exhausted animal soon grew too weary to continue. It was then that the little old lady had a brainwave. She still carried one of her shopping bags, and inside was a white pastry box. With a mighty throw, the box soared through the flames and out the window to the heroic goat. With a grunt, the creature rose to it's feet and ate the entire box and it's contents. The lemony goodness within gave it the energy to crash through the door and pull us both to safety. To this day, the lemon meringue that saved me has been the focal point of my very being.

Ok so maybe I just like pie...
Langenschwert is german (ok, middle high german) for longsword, which is the weapon that I use best. My only online handle for years was "Spartan" (notably on rpg.net and others) but that was taken here (or on MAP, can't remember) so I decided Langenschwert would be appropriate and more indicitave of my marital activities.

Best regards,

A loooong looooong time ago, one of my 1st jobs was a bouncer in a country western bar in Miami, Fla. Now I'm not a big guy (5'7" 175 lbs back then, plus being of latin descent didn't help either) so some drunk cowboy who had a rep for starting fights came up to me and asked "What makes you think a little spic like you can work here? I'd like to see you tryand throw me outta here." His friends walked him away before anything happened, but the yokel kept fish eyein' me for another hour or so. After he had a few more drinks and his friends were on the dance floor, he decided to go for it and made a bee line right towards me. Before any of the other bouncers could get there, he rushed up on me and loaded up a for what looked like a big haymaker. During his rush towards me, I told myself I'd better do something fast-n-dirty cause this guy wants to hurt me. As soon as he got close and loaded up for the punch, I just nailed him with a hard finger jab in the eye. It felt like his eyeball exploded and he immediately went down screaming bloody murder. After that, all my fellow bouncers kept calling me "Masterfinger" and the nickname almost died out untill I needed a screen name.
Ever since then, I always chuckle whenever I read a MA forum and some inexperienced MMA nutrider says something like "eye gouges and/or finger jabs to the eyes don't work on the street!"

A loooong looooong time ago, one of my 1st jobs was a bouncer in a country western bar in Miami, Fla. Now I'm not a big guy (5'7" 175 lbs back then, plus being of latin descent didn't help either) so some drunk cowboy who had a rep for starting fights came up to me and asked "What makes you think a little spic like you can work here? I'd like to see you tryand throw me outta here." His friends walked him away before anything happened, but the yokel kept fish eyein' me for another hour or so. After he had a few more drinks and his friends were on the dance floor, he decided to go for it and made a bee line right towards me. Before any of the other bouncers could get there, he rushed up on me and loaded up a for what looked like a big haymaker. During his rush towards me, I told myself I'd better do something fast-n-dirty cause this guy wants to hurt me. As soon as he got close and loaded up for the punch, I just nailed him with a hard finger jab in the eye. It felt like his eyeball exploded and he immediately went down screaming bloody murder. After that, all my fellow bouncers kept calling me "Masterfinger" and the nickname almost died out untill I needed a screen name.
Ever since then, I always chuckle whenever I read a MA forum and some inexperienced MMA nutrider says something like "eye gouges and/or finger jabs to the eyes don't work on the street!"

Well, then with that story I guess I should be called MasterMug because I've had similar experience with a guy 6-2 that kept bumping into me on the dance floor while I was trying to pick up this gal with some good dance moves (I used to have), I was also holding on to my (glass) mug of beer and trying not to spill it.
Finally it spilt (and yes it's worth crying for) and I turned around and told the guy to "watch it!" Of course big boy decided a little 5-10 runt like me wasn't going to talk that way to him and said F.U. you little S.O.B.!
Now far as I can remember my mother was never a beetch and I'd appreciate it if nobody would refer to her as such. I asked the guy "what did you just say?"
Of course dumbo leaned forward and began to articulate... my beer mug shattered across his face before he could finish the "son of a ...." portion.
Fortunately he went down and out and the bouncer was a friend of my brother who was the bartender for that night and quietly escorted me (and my newly impressed date) to a quiet spot in back of the club (not outside)... apparently he spotted the whole thing (couldn't hear it but bouncers are supposed to read body language).
So here's to you masterfinger, :cheers: don't let the big guys think we're nothing just because they can read our scalps. :asian:
mine comes from a phrase I used to use in highschool all the time... "Beware the Chitmunk". People would always ask me what a Chitmunk was because I spelled it with a t and not a p, so it just kind of turned into a self made nickname that I have used ever since. I can't call myself the chipmunk because I am not all cute and tiny, but somehow chitmunk fits for me.
Mine comes from NIT for "ninja in training" from Dennis's bumper stickers back in Derry, NH in the early 90's and flegal 'cause, well, it's my name.

Girlbug's been my nickname since college. I have no memory of where it came from originally, except that it's supposed to signify "cute". OTOH I always associate bug names with Kwai Chang, who was called "grasshopper" by his master. So Girlbug seems appropriate for a female MA Student.
So why did you choose the user name that you have. Some of yours I can figurer out pretty easily, but others...

Hm thought I told this story already :) Maybe not.

When I was a white belt in both taekwondo and hapkido, I went to my first tournament and did really well: I got first in forms and sparring.

My TKD instructor asked, "How did you do?"

Excited by how well I had done, I said: "I dominated!"

He laughed. My HKD instructor arrived shortly after this and my TKD instructor told me, "Tell him how you did."

So I told him, "I dominated!" and HE laughed and said, "Ah, The Dominator, eh?"

So my TKD laughed and said, "Now you've done it! Once you get a nickname in Moo Sul Kwan, it tends to stick. Your only hope now is to live up to it."

So I trained hard and continued to do pretty well as I went up through the ranks. I remember at one point — blue belt*— walking in front of the spectator stands and hearing a couple lower ranked competitors from another school whisper to each "That's the Dominator!" in awe.

I figured I had accomplished my goal of not letting the nickname become ironic :)

Somewhere along the line, I started doing some online gaming beginning with World War II combat sims, in particular one called Warbirds.

In the beta phase, you could only have four characters. For various reasons (I forget exactly why, maybe lost passwords?) I ended up going through a couple variations such as

"dom-" and "-dom"

and eventually used "zdom" as in "zee Dominator" (as a variation of The Dominator)

So there it is: zDom

Bydand is the family motto from WAY back in Scotland. Different people assign different meanings to the word and the real meaning is probably lost to time forever, but the closest translations are all ones I can try to live up to: It is usually interpreted as "steadfast," but also comes across as enduring, faithful, and abiding. Another meaning is: "Bydand is a shortened version of the Scots phrase "Bide and Fecht" meaning to stand and fight. Over the years, it came to be understood that if one were to 'bide,' one was certainly going to 'fecht.'

All of which I think are good things to try and set your course through life using. Kind of a reminder to me whenever I log onto different sites using this name.
In my opinion to be dandy the root word would be dand; so, it seems you would fight well or stand well. In the end your name means good posture which also just happens to be the first principle of motion. I suppose it could also mean good attitude.

Hm thought I told this story already :) Maybe not.

When I was a white belt in both taekwondo and hapkido, I went to my first tournament and did really well: I got first in forms and sparring.

My TKD instructor asked, "How did you do?"

Excited by how well I had done, I said: "I dominated!"

He laughed. My HKD instructor arrived shortly after this and my TKD instructor told me, "Tell him how you did."

So I told him, "I dominated!" and HE laughed and said, "Ah, The Dominator, eh?"

So my TKD laughed and said, "Now you've done it! Once you get a nickname in Moo Sul Kwan, it tends to stick. Your only hope now is to live up to it."

So I trained hard and continued to do pretty well as I went up through the ranks. I remember at one point — blue belt*— walking in front of the spectator stands and hearing a couple lower ranked competitors from another school whisper to each "That's the Dominator!" in awe.

I figured I had accomplished my goal of not letting the nickname become ironic :)

Somewhere along the line, I started doing some online gaming beginning with World War II combat sims, in particular one called Warbirds.

In the beta phase, you could only have four characters. For various reasons (I forget exactly why, maybe lost passwords?) I ended up going through a couple variations such as

"dom-" and "-dom"

and eventually used "zdom" as in "zee Dominator" (as a variation of The Dominator)

So there it is: zDom


Ahhh.... I remember your match with Tekesh, He was as big-if not just a lil biger than you-plus, he was Japanese. Tekesh was scary, but all of you should have seen zDom go after him. Scott, I think I have that match on film somewhere.
I think Kwanjang is a cool phrase and since I own two schools it seemed appropriate. I use kwanjang on other forums. When I joined MT I did not realize there was a Kwan Jang already on here. Sorry. I thought about changing it to -Ticked Off Irish Guy
I thought about changing it to -Ticked Off Irish Guy

:lol: Not that I've ever seen you ticked off, sir. :)

Mine is very inspired. I do taekwondo, and was born in '75.

I'm the most creative person ever! :rolleyes:

I hate picking user names. I need something simple I can remember.
Mimir is the Nordic god of knowledge and wisdom.

I realize that this probably sounds arrogant, but in the end Mimir has his head cut off. After that Odin carried it around asking him for knowledge and advice. Sort of reminds me not to be too much of a smart-alek or someone is going to cut my head off :enguard:

The nickname started for me back when I was a teenager.
I'm a big Sonic the Hedgehog fan and I loved SA2: Battle on the Gamecube. My favourite Sonic character of all time has to be Shadow. Collect seven Chaos Emeralds and waht do you get? Super Shadow. Which sounds a bit lame, so I decided Hyper Shadow sounded way better.

I been using that handle ever since, well that and Renshi_Sho.

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