Why yur user name?

Was trying for TomSawyer, but had too much of a fine wine-- recommended by Sukerkin, btw ;)--so, freestyle keyboarding... Or sumthin. :D

Glad to be of service, my friend. I continue the research as frequently as I can :lol:.

As to my 'handle', I'm not sure if I've detailed the background here before so forgive me if I'm duplicating myself.

Capt. Dallas Sukerkin, Merchant Adventurers Company, Thackstones Battalion, 3rd Crucis Lancer 'Mech Regiment, Armed Forces of the Federated Suns, House Davion.

Yes, it's true, my user-name comes from my long enduring BattleTech 'career' :o - over a thousand engagments and I think I lost maybe two or three of them. One of my 'geeky pride' moments was when I found out that people were claiming to have beaten me as if it was something to boast about :lol:.

So when it came to picking a user-name for my on-line existence, that was the first thing to came to mind; after all, what better to use as an alter ego than an alter ego :).
OK, the blinding headache that's plagued me the last 48 hours is receding, so will give a real answer to this legitimate OP. I teach teens who've been kicked out of all district schools, including their continuation schools and alt ed schools. Most have been locked up for weeks or months, and most have probation officers. All have either victimized someone with violence, or been victims.

So, I work to get them to fight for something or someone, instead of fighting with other people, or the realities of life.
OK, the blinding headache that's plagued me the last 48 hours is receding, so will give a real answer to this legitimate OP. I teach teens who've been kicked out of all district schools, including their continuation schools and alt ed schools. Most have been locked up for weeks or months, and most have probation officers. All have either victimized someone with violence, or been victims.

So, I work to get them to fight for something or someone, instead of fighting with other people, or the realities of life.
Well that makes you a damned decent human being. Glad to know you and to call you friend. :asian:
OK, the blinding headache that's plagued me the last 48 hours is receding, so will give a real answer to this legitimate OP. I teach teens who've been kicked out of all district schools, including their continuation schools and alt ed schools. Most have been locked up for weeks or months, and most have probation officers. All have either victimized someone with violence, or been victims.

So, I work to get them to fight for something or someone, instead of fighting with other people, or the realities of life.

You are a light at the end of a very dark tunnel for these kids. I salute you.:asian:
I think I posted this previously... but the letters are an easy one to guess. The numbers? They have personal significance. Started using the username on AOL some years back when I shifted from my name after a troll there caused someone some professional headaches by filing false complaints at work... I keep it pretty consistent across different forums...
damn, that's a mouthful...anything else you could possibly add? :D

Well, I left off the decorations and missed out "Command Lance" and neglected to add the planet where the regimental headquarters is stationed. I could also have listed the campaigns in which he has served, the planets onto which he has 'hot-dropped' and the confirmed 'kills' he has made ...

So I reckon that given that, with a sufficiently deep breath, it is possible to say out loud what I actually posted, I was commendably brief :D.
Bydand is the family motto from WAY back in Scotland. Different people assign different meanings to the word and the real meaning is probably lost to time forever, but the closest translations are all ones I can try to live up to: It is usually interpreted as "steadfast," but also comes across as enduring, faithful, and abiding. Another meaning is: "Bydand is a shortened version of the Scots phrase "Bide and Fecht" meaning to stand and fight. Over the years, it came to be understood that if one were to 'bide,' one was certainly going to 'fecht.'

All of which I think are good things to try and set your course through life using. Kind of a reminder to me whenever I log onto different sites using this name.
Name's Bob, and I live in Florida. ;)

LMAO! That's good. :D

I keep it pretty consistent across different forums...

I'm the same way with my user name.

It's just my lucky number...

Hey! Twenty-three is my lucky number too! Interesting...

My user name....

Jade - "was said to possess the five essential virtues of Chinese philosophy: compassion, modesty, courage, justice and wisdom - but it was also credited with benevolence, knowledge, righteousness, virtuousness, purity, endurance, ingenuousness, morality and music" Jade was considered the most noble of gems.

Tigress - tigers/tigresses are beautiful, powerful, and solitary. They represent courage. When I was training Sil Lum Kung Fu my favorite form was the tiger form.

So, I took Jade Tigress.
:D. Not many better reasons JK.

Sukerkin served a similar purpose for me - having been called it for years across wargaming tables (and GT LAN parties) I answer to it as readily as my real name :lol:.
It's a motto I try to live by...and a good reminder to keep at it...and I keep the same name across forums as well....less to remember!
it just popped into my head as a badass name. i morphed it into japanese syllables so it kindof sounds like kaiser(king) sosei(resurrection,rejuvination)
further ive been trying to think of some chinese characters like

kai meaning something -maybe-'open' and za to mean 'seat' or 'constellation' or something...still havent made up my mind....

later i thought that the name suits me because i am able to make sacrifices like the character in the movie-the usual suspects-kaisersosey(sp?) +i have some connections to hungary.


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