I almost forgot about Mitose. Definitely a "different" character than the norm. I spoke to some folks back in the nineties out here who had trained with him. They agreed with what you said about mental health.
I have to point out that Professor Jay had no idea any of this was going on, it was a large gymnasium and would only happen when he was in another part of the gym. It would take place when they wanted to show you the correct position or foot placement or whatever.....or if you asked about a particular part of the technique. They would demonstrate on you and hold you in the most painful part of the technique, with ever increasing pressure, while you tapped like crazy.
So, the second day was more of the same. Then the lunch break came. We were outside on the grass, beautiful summer day, and my group was looking at me. I said, "Okay, enough of this crap. Follow my lead."
From that point, I would ask a question, they would demonstrate and crank the hell out of me. When I was finally let up, or let go of, I would say, "let me see if I have that right" and I'd do it to them. Only I wouldn't be nice. And I wouldn't let go when they tapped. And I wouldn't let go when they screamed. And I wouldn't let go until other instructors came rushing over. I explained to the other instructors what was about to happen and that you better bring over The Professor because I still wasn't letting go. (And my boys stood by, smiling, ready to fight, my wife, too, and she's meaner than all of them.)
Wally came over and I explained, quite succinctly, STILL holding the guy down in pain. Wally nodded, gave them a disapproving look, patted my back, smiled and said, "very good". And went back to what he was doing. There was no more BS from that point forward. The rest of the seminar was wonderful, we learned a lot and had a ball. But I still HATE those sons of..
So.....yesterday I called my buddy/student and left a message about that Dillman seminar. He called me back and we talked for two fricken' hours. What a great time we had on the phone, all the memories came flooding back. My buddy has been training as long as I have and, at this point, is a more experienced Martial Artist than I am. He's trained with the folks I have, and many, many more. And he teaches full time for a living.
I had forgotten - he hooked up with Dillman and his people for about a year and a half after that seminar. Not giving up his own training, jut cutting it back some and going into the Dillman thing pretty much full time.
Dillman used to own Muhammed Ali's old training camp in Deer Lake Pennsylvania. My buddy, and four or five of his students, went to two different week long training camps there with Dillman and his people. Man, I sure wish I went with him, being a fan of Ali, that would have been just a great and historic experience for me. Kicked myself in the butt for missing it back then. Then forgot all about it. Kicking myself again now.
Anyway, he learned a lot about the body. He has more of a historic slant on Kata than I do and learned a lot about a lot of the Katas Dillman's association does. He also became friends with some of Dillman's top guys, who he assures me are really talented and knowledgeable Martial Artists to this day. I forget their names, if your interested I'll ask him again.
He also said that he was studying so much about the body so much at home, he felt like he was back in school full time. After a year and a half he left. Too much BS with the other stuff.
He also informed me that after a year or so he would be working with Dillman or one of his assistants and while doing partner work they would crank the crap out of him way beyond what was safe. My buddy is one hundred percent a gentleman, and he ain't no dummy. So he'd say, "You know, I'm giving you my arm to practice the technique, or to demo it for others, I'm GIVING it to you. You want to impress me, fight me and get my arm and do that. Go ahead, let's see what you can do." And they would back off.
And in the world of coincidence..........my buddy runs a very busy dojo, this one has been running for over fifteen years. Three days ago he had one of his assistant instructors clean out some old storage cabinets to "get rid of crap we don't use". And his assistant found a whole pile of DVDs from one of Dillman's top assistants. My buddy didn't even remember they were there. He hasn't even watched them. Dillman's assistant gave them to him to sell fifteen years ago. He had forgotten all about them.
He put them on a table for anyone who wanted them for free. I told him I wanted a set, so he's going to send them. If anyone wants to check them out after I do, I'll gladly send them to you. Might be fun to watch. Might be stuff to learn. Might be all smoke and mirrors.
What a coincidence. Been there for years, forgotten. Just came out of the cabinet when we were talking about Dillman right here on the boards. Kinda cool.