I do not feel that it is unreasonable, nor the low road to ask one to support assertions made on a public forum. If his statements are factual in any way, he should be able to elaborate. Thus far all he has done is dodge every quesiton and regurgitate ninjutsu/military comments, not to mention some outrageous scenario that he claims "things like ninjutsu, police, and military tactics" would supposedly get you out of.Folks, I think we're gonna have to let a lot of this go. rdonovan strikes me a sincere, but confused individual. Logic is not working. He assumes that if others just read and studied what he did then everyone would agree with him because it's common sense. There is no exchange of ideas just statements of fact with little backing and a lot of non-sequiturs added in.
I think it's time to take the high road.
What I, and I believe others, would like to see is a concise arguement that involves specific strategies and techniques that one would find in "things like ninjutsu, police, and military tactics" that are not found in any ryu of Karate (or for him to specify which ryu/ryus he means) that make them more effective, both in general, and in the specific scenario that he described.
I also asked him pointed questions about what led to the scenario that he described.
These are not unreasonable things to ask of one who posts that "nothing out of a dojo" is effective on the mythical street, particularly when they go on to name Ninjutsu as a viable alternative, even though it happens to be taught in dojos.
If he can offer support for his statements, then perhaps exchange of ideas can take place.