Imagine for example you are in a fight with several guys out on the street. For arguments sake we'll say that they're are four of them. Three of them are in direct contact with you. One is behind you and is holding you down and back while two of them are taking their turns on you or even helping to hold you down. The fourth guy is standing outside of your reach several feet away and is holding a gun or a very large knife.
His intention is to either just shoot you outright or to do something like give you a Mexican necktie by slitting your throat from ear to ear with a really large knife.
Let's also say for instance that you can outwrangle the three guys that are on you right now. What is to stop the fourth guy from stabbing or shooting you at anytime and how do you plan on dealing with him?
Irrelevent to the statements you made: first of all, the scenario is incomplete. Self defense begins long before the situation gets to this point.
Where were 'you' when the confrontation started? And no, "the street" is not an acceptable answer.
How did the four individuals engage 'you' and how did it escalate to the point where you were being held down by one and surrounded by the other three?
Did they demand money? Are 'you' in a rival gang? Did 'you' witness a crime of some kind and get noticed by the perpetrators? Did they insult 'your' honor, resulting in 'you' removing your glove and slapping one of them while uttering the words, "I challenge thee!" Or did one guy jump 'you' from a hidden alcove, secure you while his three accomplices emerged from other hidden places?
I say 'you' as in the general you, not you personally.
Secondly, you never addressed specifically how "things llike ninjutsu, police, and military tactics" would get you out of that scenario whereas karate would be inadequate.
So, you say..
Things like ninjutsu, police, and military tactics are designed for that kind of thing and even worse
I disagree, but as you have put forth the assertion that they are, please elaborate on what "things like ninutsu, police, and military tactics" offer you once you have gotten yourself stuck in such a scenario?
This scenario is not one that you just
find yourself in. Things happen before it gets to this point. Any awareness and deescalation training that "things like ninutsu, police, and military tactics" taught the hypothetical victim has failed by this point, so if that is the key ingredient, then apparently, this victim's ninutsu, police, or military tactics training was apparently as inadequate as you say karate is.
If you are going to use such a scenario to support your assertions, then please provide the complete scenario: both the lead up to being held and surrounded and the resolution.